var _ = require('underscore'); var $ = require('jquery'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var SQL = require('../../../src/api/sql'); describe('api/sql', function () { var USER = 'cartojs-test'; var sql; var ajax; var ajaxParams; var TEST_DATA = { test: 'good' }; var NO_BOUNDS = { 'rows': [ { 'maxx': null } ]}; var throwError; var abort = jasmine.createSpy('abort'); beforeEach(function () { jasmine.clock().install(); ajaxParams = null; ajax = function (params) { ajaxParams = params; _.defer(function () { params.complete && params.complete(); if (!throwError && params.success) params.success(TEST_DATA, 200); throwError && params.error && params.error({ responseText: JSON.stringify({ error: ['jaja'] }) }); }); return { abort: abort }; }; spyOn($, 'ajax').and.callFake(ajax); sql = new SQL({ user: USER, protocol: 'https' }); }); afterEach(function () { jasmine.clock().uninstall(); }); it('should compile the url if not completeDomain passed', function () { expect(sql._host()).toEqual(''); }); it('should compile the url if completeDomain passed', function () { var sqlBis = new SQL({ user: USER, protocol: 'https', completeDomain: '' }); expect(sqlBis._host()).toEqual(''); }); it('should execute a query', function () { sql.execute('select * from table'); expect(ajaxParams.url).toEqual( 'https://' + USER + '' + encodeURIComponent('select * from table') ); expect(ajaxParams.type).toEqual('get'); expect(ajaxParams.dataType).toEqual('json'); expect(ajaxParams.crossDomain).toEqual(true); }); it('should be abortable', function () { sql = new SQL({ user: USER, protocol: 'https', abortable: true }); sql.execute('select * from table'); expect(abort).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); sql.execute('select * from table limit 10'); expect(abort).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should parse template', function () { sql.execute('select * from {{table}}', { table: 'cartojs-test' }); expect(ajaxParams.url).toEqual( 'https://' + USER + '' + encodeURIComponent('select * from cartojs-test') ); }); it('should execute a long query', function () { // Generating a giant query var longSQL = []; var i = 2000; while (--i) longSQL.push('10000'); var longQuery = 'SELECT * ' + longSQL; // required to have jquery as transport, is checked in the execute method sql.execute(longQuery); expect(ajaxParams.url).toEqual( 'https://' + USER + '' ); expect(; expect(ajaxParams.type).toEqual('post'); expect(ajaxParams.dataType).toEqual('json'); expect(ajaxParams.crossDomain).toEqual(true); }); it('should execute a long query with params', function () { var s = new SQL({ user: 'cartojs-test', format: 'geojson', protocol: 'http', host: '', api_key: 'testkey', 'cartojs-test': 'test' }); // Generating a giant query var longSQL = []; var i = 2000; while (--i) longSQL.push('10000'); var longQuery = 'SELECT * ' + longSQL; s.execute(longQuery, null, { dp: 0 }); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('http://')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('')).not.toEqual(-1); // Check that we don't have params in the URI expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&format=geojson')).toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&api_key=testkey')).toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&dp=2')).toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&cartojs-test')).toEqual(-1); // Check that we have the params in the body expect(; expect('geojson'); expect('testkey'); expect(; expect(ajaxParams['cartojs-test']).toEqual('test'); }); it('should substitute mapnik tokens', function () { sql.execute('select !pixel_width! as w, !pixel_height! as h, !bbox! as b from {{table}}', { table: 't' }); var earthCircumference = 40075017; var tileSize = 256; var srid = 3857; var fullResolution = earthCircumference / tileSize; var shift = earthCircumference / 2.0; var pw = fullResolution; var ph = pw; var bbox = 'ST_MakeEnvelope(' + (-shift) + ',' + (-shift) + ',' + shift + ',' + shift + ',' + srid + ')'; expect(ajaxParams.url).toEqual( 'https://' + USER + '' + encodeURIComponent( 'select ' + pw + ' as w, ' + ph + ' as h, ' + bbox + ' as b from t') ); }); it('should call promise', function () { var data; var dataCallback; sql.execute('select * from bla', function (e, data) { dataCallback = data; }).done(function (d) { data = d; }); jasmine.clock().tick(100); expect(data).toEqual(TEST_DATA); expect(dataCallback).toEqual(TEST_DATA); }); it('should call promise on error', function () { throwError = true; var err = false; sql.execute('select * from bla').error(function () { err = true; }); jasmine.clock().tick(10); expect(err).toEqual(true); }); it('should include url params', function () { var s = new SQL({ user: 'cartojs-test', format: 'geojson', protocol: 'http', host: '', api_key: 'testkey', 'cartojs-test': 'test' }); s.execute('select * from cartojs-test', null, { dp: 2 }); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('http://')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&format=geojson')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&api_key=testkey')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&dp=2')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&cartojs-test')).toEqual(-1); }); it('should include extra url params', function () { var s = new SQL({ user: 'cartojs-test', format: 'geojson', protocol: 'http', host: '', api_key: 'testkey', 'cartojs-test': 'test', extra_params: ['cartojs-test'] }); s.execute('select * from cartojs-test', null, { dp: 2 }); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('http://')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&format=geojson')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&api_key=testkey')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&dp=2')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&cartojs-test=test')).not.toEqual(-1); s.execute('select * from cartojs-test', null, { dp: 2, 'cartojs-test': 'test2' }); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('&cartojs-test=test2')).not.toEqual(-1); }); it('should use jsonp if browser does not support cors', function () { var corsPrev = $.support.cors; $.support.cors = false; var s = new SQL({ user: 'jaja' }); expect(s.options.jsonp).toEqual(true); s.execute('select * from cartojs-test', null, { dp: 2, jsonpCallback: 'test_callback', cache: false }); expect(ajaxParams.dataType).toEqual('jsonp'); expect(ajaxParams.crossDomain).toEqual(undefined); expect(ajaxParams.jsonp).toEqual(undefined); expect(ajaxParams.jsonpCallback).toEqual('test_callback'); expect(ajaxParams.cache).toEqual(false); $.support.cors = corsPrev; }); describe('.getBounds', function () { it('should get bounds for query', function () { var sql = 'SELECT ST_XMin(ST_Extent(the_geom)) as minx,' + ' ST_YMin(ST_Extent(the_geom)) as miny,' + ' ST_XMax(ST_Extent(the_geom)) as maxx,' + ' ST_YMax(ST_Extent(the_geom)) as maxy' + ' from (select * from cartojs-test where id=2) as subq'; var s = new SQL({ user: 'jaja' }); s.getBounds('select * from cartojs-test where id={{id}}', {id: 2}); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(sql))).not.toEqual(-1); }); it('should get bounds for query with appostrophes', function () { var s = new SQL({ user: 'jaja' }); s.getBounds('select * from country where name={{ name }}', {name: "'Spain'"}); expect(ajaxParams.url.indexOf('%26amp%3B%2339%3B')).toEqual(-1); }); it('should resolve promise as error in case there are no bounds', function () { var prevTestData = TEST_DATA; var actualErrors = null; TEST_DATA = NO_BOUNDS; throwError = false; var s = new SQL({ user: 'jaja' }); s.getBounds('SELECT * FROM somewhere') .error(function (err) { actualErrors = err; }); jasmine.clock().tick(10); expect(actualErrors).not.toBeNull(); expect(actualErrors.length).toBe(1); expect(actualErrors[0]).toEqual('No bounds'); // Cleaning TEST_DATA = prevTestData; }); it('should trigger the error callback in case there are no bounds', function () { var prevTestData = TEST_DATA; var actualErrors = null; TEST_DATA = NO_BOUNDS; throwError = false; function cb (err) { actualErrors = err; } var s = new SQL({ user: 'jaja' }); s.getBounds('SELECT * FROM somewhere', null, null, cb); jasmine.clock().tick(10); expect(actualErrors).not.toBeNull(); expect(actualErrors.length).toBe(1); expect(actualErrors[0]).toEqual('No bounds'); // Cleaning TEST_DATA = prevTestData; }); }); }); describe('api/sql.table', function () { var USER = 'cartojs-test'; var sql; beforeEach(function () { sql = new SQL({ user: USER, protocol: 'https' }); }); it('sql', function () { var s = sql.table('test'); expect(s.sql()).toEqual('select * from test'); s.columns(['age', 'jeta']); expect(s.sql()).toEqual('select age,jeta from test'); s.filter('age < 10'); expect(s.sql()).toEqual('select age,jeta from test where age < 10'); s.limit(15); expect(s.sql()).toEqual('select age,jeta from test where age < 10 limit 15'); s.order_by('age'); expect(s.sql()).toEqual('select age,jeta from test where age < 10 limit 15 order by age'); }); }); describe('api/sql column descriptions', function () { var USER = 'manolo'; var sql; beforeAll(function () { this.colDate = new Backbone.Model(JSON.parse('{"name":"object_postedtime","type":"date","geometry_type":"point","bbox":[[-28.92163128242129,-201.09375],[75.84516854027044,196.875]],"analyzed":true,"success":true,"stats":{"type":"date","start_time":"2015-02-19T15:13:16.000Z","end_time":"2015-02-22T04:34:05.000Z","range":220849000,"steps":1024,"null_ratio":0,"column":"object_postedtime"}}')); this.colFloat = new Backbone.Model(JSON.parse('{"name":"asdfd","type":"number","geometry_type":"point"}')); this.colString = new Backbone.Model(JSON.parse('{"name":"asdfd","type":"string","geometry_type":"point"}')); this.colGeom = new Backbone.Model(JSON.parse('{"name":"asdfd","type":"geometry","geometry_type":"point"}')); this.colBoolean = new Backbone.Model(JSON.parse('{"name":"asdfd","type":"boolean","geometry_type":"point"}')); this.query = 'SELECT * FROM whatevs'; sql = new SQL({ user: USER, protocol: 'https' }); sql.execute = function (sql, callback) { callback(null, {}); }; }); it('should deduct correct describe method', function () { spyOn(sql, 'describeDate'); sql.describe(this.query, this.colDate, {type: this.colDate.get('type')}, function () {}); expect(sql.describeDate).toHaveBeenCalled(); spyOn(sql, 'describeFloat'); sql.describe(this.query, this.colFloat, {type: this.colFloat.get('type')}, function () {}); expect(sql.describeFloat).toHaveBeenCalled(); spyOn(sql, 'describeString'); sql.describe(this.query, this.colString, {type: this.colString.get('type')}, function () {}); expect(sql.describeString).toHaveBeenCalled(); spyOn(sql, 'describeGeom'); sql.describe(this.query, this.colGeom, {type: this.colGeom.get('type')}, function () {}); expect(sql.describeGeom).toHaveBeenCalled(); spyOn(sql, 'describeBoolean'); sql.describe(this.query, this.colBoolean, {type: this.colBoolean.get('type')}, function () {}); expect(sql.describeBoolean).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('string describer', function () { var description; beforeAll(function (done) { sql.execute = function (sql, callback) { var data = JSON.parse('{"rows":[{"uniq":462,"cnt":487,"null_count":1,"null_ratio":0.002053388090349076,"skew":0.043121149897330596,"array_agg":""}],"time":0.01,"fields":{"uniq":{"type":"number"},"cnt":{"type":"number"},"null_count":{"type":"number"},"null_ratio":{"type":"number"},"skew":{"type":"number"},"array_agg":{"type":"unknown(2287)"}},"total_rows":1}'); callback(null, data); }; var callback = function (e, stuff) { description = stuff; done(); }; sql.describeString(sql, this.colString, callback); // THE COLS DON'T MATCH!!! }); it('should return correct properties', function () { expect(description.hist.constructor).toEqual(Array); // Right now it's an empty array because JSON.parse doesn't like our way of notating histograms expect(description.type).toEqual('string'); expect(typeof description.null_count).toEqual('number'); expect(typeof description.distinct).toEqual('number'); expect(typeof description.null_ratio).toEqual('number'); expect(typeof description.skew).toEqual('number'); expect(typeof description.weight).toEqual('number'); }); }); describe('geometry describer', function () { var description; beforeAll(function (done) { sql.execute = function (sql, callback) { var data = {'rows': [{'geometry_type': 'ST_Point'}], 'time': 0.035, 'fields': {'geometry_type': {'type': 'string'}}, 'total_rows': 1}; callback(null, data); }; var callback = function (e, stuff) { description = stuff; done(); }; sql.describeGeom(sql, this.colGeom, callback); }); it('should return correct properties', function () { expect(description.type).toEqual('geom'); expect(['ST_Point', 'ST_Line', 'ST_Polygon'].indexOf(description.geometry_type) > -1).toBe(true); }); }); describe('number describer', function () { var description; beforeAll(function (done) { sql.execute = function (sql, callback) { var data = JSON.parse('{"rows":[{"hist":"{\\"(1,empty,69368)\\",\\"(25,empty,11063)\\"}","min":0,"max":4,"avg":0.3745819397993311,"cnt":89401,"uniq":5,"null_ratio":0,"stddev":0.000009057366328792043,"stddevmean":2.1617223091836313,"dist_type":"U","quantiles":[0,1,2,2,3,4,4],"equalint":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"jenks":[0,1,2,3,4],"headtails":[0,1,2,3,4],"cat_hist":"{\\"(1,empty,69368)\\",\\"(25,empty,11063)\\"}"}],"time":1.442,"fields":{"hist":{"type":"unknown(2287)"},"min":{"type":"number"},"max":{"type":"number"},"avg":{"type":"number"},"cnt":{"type":"number"},"uniq":{"type":"number"},"null_ratio":{"type":"number"},"stddev":{"type":"number"},"stddevmean":{"type":"number"},"dist_type":{"type":"string"},"quantiles":{"type":"number[]"},"equalint":{"type":"number[]"},"jenks":{"type":"number[]"},"headtails":{"type":"number[]"},"cat_hist":{"type":"unknown(2287)"}},"total_rows":1}'); callback(null, data); }; var callback = function (e, stuff) { description = stuff; done(); }; sql.describeFloat(sql, this.colGeom, callback); }); it('should return correct properties', function () { expect(description.type).toEqual('number'); expect(['A', 'U', 'F', 'J'].indexOf(description.dist_type) > -1).toBe(true); var i; var numTypes = ['avg', 'max', 'min', 'stddevmean', 'weight', 'stddev', 'null_ratio', 'count']; for (i = 0; i < numTypes.length; i++) { expect(typeof description[numTypes[i]]).toEqual('number'); } var arrayTypes = ['quantiles', 'equalint', 'jenks', 'headtails', 'cat_hist', 'hist']; for (i = 0; i < arrayTypes.length; i++) { expect(description[arrayTypes[i]].constructor).toEqual(Array); } }); }); describe('boolean describer', function () { var description; beforeAll(function (done) { sql.execute = function (sql, callback) { var data = {'rows': [ {'true_ratio': 0.3377926421404682, 'null_ratio': 0, 'uniq': 2, 'cnt': 89401} ], 'time': 0.251, 'fields': {'true_ratio': {'type': 'number'}, 'null_ratio': {'type': 'number'}, 'uniq': {'type': 'number'}, 'cnt': {'type': 'number'}}, 'total_rows': 1 }; callback(null, data); }; var callback = function (e, stuff) { description = stuff; done(); }; sql.describeBoolean(sql, this.colGeom, callback); }); it('should return correct properties', function () { expect(description.type).toEqual('boolean'); expect(typeof description.true_ratio).toEqual('number'); expect(typeof description.distinct).toEqual('number'); expect(typeof description.count).toEqual('number'); expect(typeof description.null_ratio).toEqual('number'); }); }); });