var $ = require('jquery'); var _ = require('underscore'); var UsersGroup = require('./users-group-collection'); // This module fetch the user for every group present // in the ACL permission collection. The vizjson doesn't // provide and we need it for the sharing stats in the header. module.exports = { track: function (opts) { this.acl = opts.acl; this.configModel = opts.configModel; this.userModel = opts.userModel; this.acl.on('reset', this.fetchUsers, this); this.fetchUsers(); }, fetchUsers: function () { var self = this; var promises = []; promises ={type: 'group'}), function (group) { var entity = group.get('entity'); var deferred = new $.Deferred(); if (!entity.users || entity.users.length === 0) { entity.users = new UsersGroup([], { group: entity, configModel: self.configModel, organization: self.userModel.getOrganization() }); entity.users.fetch({ success: function () { deferred.resolve(); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(); } return deferred.promise(); }, this); $.when.apply($, promises).done(function () { self.acl.trigger('fetch'); }); } };