var BaseCollection = require('./data-observatory-base-collection'); var BaseModel = require('builder/components/custom-list/custom-list-item-model'); var REGIONS_QUERY = "SELECT count(*) num_measurements, tag.key region_id, tag.value region_name FROM (SELECT * FROM OBS_GetAvailableNumerators() WHERE jsonb_pretty(numer_tags) LIKE '%subsection/%') numers, Jsonb_Each(numers.numer_tags) tag WHERE tag.key like 'section%' GROUP BY tag.key, tag.value ORDER BY region_name"; module.exports = BaseCollection.extend({ buildQuery: function () { return REGIONS_QUERY; }, model: function (attrs, opts) { // label and val to custom list compatibility var o = {}; o.val = attrs.region_id; o.label = attrs.region_name.replace(/["]+/g, ''); o.renderOptions = { measurements: attrs.num_measurements }; return new BaseModel(o); }, fetch: function (options) { this.stateModel.set('state', 'fetching'); // check if the geometry type is available, if not wait until it's finished if (this._nodeDefModel.queryGeometryModel.isFetched()) {, options); } else { this._nodeDefModel.queryGeometryModel.once('change:status', function () {, options); }, this); } } });