var webpack = require('webpack'); var _ = require('underscore'); var colors = require('colors'); var pretty = require('prettysize'); var glob = require('glob'); var StatsWriterPlugin = require('webpack-stats-plugin').StatsWriterPlugin; var configGenerator = require('./webpack.config.js').task; var compiler = {}; var affectedSpecs = []; var cache = {}; var paths = { builder_specs: './lib/assets/test/spec/builder/**/*.spec.js', dashboard_specs: './lib/assets/test/spec/dashboard/**/*.spec.js', deep_insights_specs: './lib/assets/test/spec/deep-insights/**/*.spec.js' }; // Filter a list of files with a string // the string will be converted to a RegExp function filterSpecs (affectedSpecs, match) { const re = new RegExp(match); return affectedSpecs.filter(specFile => { const fileName = specFile.split(/spec\//)[1]; return re.test(fileName); }); } /** * affected - To be used as part of a 'registerTask' Grunt definition */ var affected = function (option, grunt) { var done = this.async(); affectedSpecs = [ './lib/assets/javascripts/builder/components/form-components/index.js', './lib/assets/test/spec/builder/components/modals/add-analysis/analysis-options.spec.js', './lib/assets/test/spec/builder/routes/router.spec.js' ]; let allSpecs = glob.sync(paths.builder_specs).concat(glob.sync(paths.deep_insights_specs)); const match = grunt.option('match'); if (match) { allSpecs = filterSpecs(allSpecs, match); } console.log(colors.yellow('All specs. ' + allSpecs.length + ' specs found.')); affectedSpecs = affectedSpecs.concat(allSpecs); affectedSpecs = _.uniq(affectedSpecs); done(); }; /** * dashboard - To be used as part of a 'registerTask' Grunt definition */ var dashboard = function (option, grunt) { affectedSpecs = glob.sync(paths.dashboard_specs); const match = grunt.option('match'); if (match) { affectedSpecs = filterSpecs(affectedSpecs, match); } affectedSpecs = _.uniq(affectedSpecs); console.log(colors.yellow('All specs. ' + affectedSpecs.length + ' specs found.')); }; var bootstrap = function (config, grunt) { if (!config) { throw new Error('Please provide subconfiguration key for webpack.'); } const cfg = configGenerator(config); cfg.entry.main = affectedSpecs; compiler[config] = webpack(cfg); cache[config] = {}; compiler[config].apply(new webpack.CachePlugin(cache[config])); // Flag stats === true -> write stats.json if (grunt.option('stats')) { compiler[config].apply(new StatsWriterPlugin({ transform: function (data, opts) { var stats = opts.compiler.getStats().toJson({chunkModules: true}); return JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2); } })); } }; function logAssets (assets) { _.each(assets, function (asset) { var trace =; trace += ' ' + pretty(asset.size); console.log(colors.yellow(trace)); }); } /** * compile - To be used as part of a 'registerTask' Grunt definition */ var compile = function (config) { if (!config) { throw new Error('Please provide subconfiguration key for webpack.'); } var done = this.async(); compiler[config].run(function (err, stats) { if (err) { console.error(err.stack || err); if (err.details) { console.error(err.details); } done(); return; } var info = stats.toJson(); if (stats.hasErrors()) { console.error(; console.error(''); console.error('🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥'); console.error('THERE WAS AN ERROR WHILE BUNDLING!!!')); console.error('🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥'); } if (!stats.hasErrors()) { logAssets(info.assets); console.log(colors.yellow('Time: ' + info.time)); } done(); }); }; module.exports = { affected: affected, dashboard: dashboard, bootstrap: bootstrap, compile: compile };