const $ = require('jquery'); const _ = require('underscore'); const CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); const RowView = require('dashboard/components/table/row-view'); /** * render a table * this widget needs two data sources * - the table model which contains information about the table (columns and so on). See TableProperties * - the model with the data itself (TableData) */ module.exports = CoreView.extend({ tagName: 'table', rowView: RowView, events: { 'click td': '_cellClick', 'dblclick td': '_cellDblClick' }, default_options: { }, initialize: function () { var self = this; _.defaults(this.options, this.default_options); this.dataModel = this.options.dataModel; this.rowViews = []; // binding this.setDataSource(this.dataModel); this.model.bind('change', this.render, this); this.model.bind('change:dataSource', this.setDataSource, this); // assert the rows are removed when table is removed this.bind('clean', this.clear_rows, this); // prepare for cleaning this.add_related_model(this.dataModel); this.add_related_model(this.model); // we need to use custom signals to make the tableview aware of a row being deleted, // because when you delete a point from the map view, sometimes it isn't on the dataModel // collection, so its destroy doesn't bubble throught there. // Also, the only non-custom way to acknowledge that a row has been correctly deleted from a server is with // a sync, that doesn't bubble through the table this.model.bind('removing:row', function () { self.rowsBeingDeleted = self.rowsBeingDeleted ? self.rowsBeingDeleted + 1 : 1; self.rowDestroying(); }); this.model.bind('remove:row', function () { if (self.rowsBeingDeleted > 0) { self.rowsBeingDeleted--; self.rowDestroyed(); if (self.dataModel.length == 0) { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq self.emptyTable(); } } }); }, headerView: function (column) { return column[0]; }, setDataSource: function (dm) { if (this.dataModel) { this.dataModel.unbind(null, null, this); } this.dataModel = dm; this.dataModel.bind('reset', this._renderRows, this); this.dataModel.bind('error', this._renderRows, this); this.dataModel.bind('add', this.addRow, this); }, _renderHeader: function () { var self = this; var thead = $(''); var tr = $(''); if (this.options.row_header) { tr.append($('').append(self.headerView(['', 'header']))); } else { tr.append($('').append(self.headerView(['', 'header']))); } _(this.model.get('schema')).each(function (col) { tr.append($('').append(self.headerView(col))); }); thead.append(tr); return thead; }, /** * remove all rows */ clear_rows: function () { this.$('tfoot').remove(); this.$('tr.noRows').remove(); // unbind rows before cleaning them when all are gonna be removed var rowView = null; while ((rowView = this.rowViews.pop())) { // this is a hack to avoid all the elements are removed one by one rowView.unbind(null, null, this); // each element removes itself from rowViews rowView.clean(); } // clean all the html at the same time this.rowViews = []; }, /** * add rows */ addRow: function (row, collection, options) { var self = this; var tr = new self.rowView({ // eslint-disable-line new-cap model: row, order: this.model.columnNames(), row_header: this.options.row_header }); tr.tableView = this; tr.bind('clean', function () { var idx = _.indexOf(self.rowViews, tr); self.rowViews.splice(idx, 1); // update index for (var i = idx; i < self.rowViews.length; ++i) { self.rowViews[i].$el.attr('data-y', i); } }, this); tr.bind('changeRow', this.rowChanged, this); tr.bind('saved', this.rowSynched, this); tr.bind('errorSaving', this.rowFailed, this); tr.bind('saving', this.rowSaving, this); this.retrigger('saving', tr); tr.render(); if (options && options.index !== undefined && options.index != self.rowViews.length) { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq tr.$el.insertBefore(self.rowViews[options.index].$el); self.rowViews.splice(options.index, 0, tr); // tr.$el.attr('data-y', options.index); // change others view data-y attribute for (var i = options.index; i < self.rowViews.length; ++i) { self.rowViews[i].$el.attr('data-y', i); } } else { // at the end tr.$el.attr('data-y', self.rowViews.length); self.$el.append(tr.el); self.rowViews.push(tr); } this.trigger('createRow'); }, /** * Callback executed when a row change * @method rowChanged * @abstract */ rowChanged: function () {}, /** * Callback executed when a row is sync * @method rowSynched * @abstract */ rowSynched: function () {}, /** * Callback executed when a row fails to reach the server * @method rowFailed * @abstract */ rowFailed: function () {}, /** * Callback executed when a row send a POST to the server * @abstract */ rowSaving: function () {}, /** * Callback executed when a row is being destroyed * @method rowDestroyed * @abstract */ rowDestroying: function () {}, /** * Callback executed when a row gets destroyed * @method rowDestroyed * @abstract */ rowDestroyed: function () {}, /** * Callback executed when a row gets destroyed and the table data is empty * @method emptyTable * @abstract */ emptyTable: function () {}, /** * Checks if the table is empty * @method isEmptyTable * @returns boolean */ isEmptyTable: function () { return (this.dataModel.length === 0 && this.dataModel.fetched); }, /** * render only data rows */ _renderRows: function () { this.clear_rows(); if (!this.isEmptyTable()) { if (this.dataModel.fetched) { var self = this; this.dataModel.each(function (row) { self.addRow(row); }); } else { this._renderLoading(); } } else { this._renderEmpty(); } }, _renderLoading: function () { }, _renderEmpty: function () { }, /** * Method for the children to redefine with the table behaviour when it has no rows. * @method addEmptyTableInfo * @abstract */ addEmptyTableInfo: function () { // #to be overwrite by descendant classes }, /** * render table */ render: function () { var self = this; // render header self.$el.html(self._renderHeader()); // render data self._renderRows(); return this; }, /** * return jquery cell element of cell x,y */ getCell: function (x, y) { if (this.options.row_header) { ++y; } return this.rowViews[y].getCell(x); }, _cellClick: function (e, evtName) { evtName = evtName || 'cellClick'; e.preventDefault(); var cell = $(e.currentTarget ||; var x = parseInt(cell.attr('data-x'), 10); var y = parseInt(cell.parent().attr('data-y'), 10); this.trigger(evtName, e, cell, x, y); }, _cellDblClick: function (e) { this._cellClick(e, 'cellDblClick'); } });