var _ = require('underscore'); var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var TabPaneView = require('./tab-pane-view.js'); var TabPaneCollection = require('./tab-pane-collection'); var MixedLabelView = require('./tab-pane-mixed-view'); var ColorView = require('./tab-pane-color-view'); /** * Creates a tab pane, where the menu consists of text labels. * * Example usage: * { * label: 'My label', * createContentView: CoreView(), * selected: false * } * * @param {Array} paneItems * @param {Object} options * @return {Object} instance of CoreView */ module.exports = function (paneItems, options) { options = options || {}; var tabPaneItemLabelOptions = options.tabPaneItemLabelOptions; var items = (paneItem) { ['label', 'createContentView'].forEach(function (check) { if (!paneItem[check]) { throw new Error(check + ' should be provided'); } }); return { name:, selected: paneItem.selected, label: paneItem.label, color: paneItem.color, kind: paneItem.kind, selectedChild: paneItem.selectedChild, createButtonView: function () { if (paneItem.type === 'color') { return new ColorView(_.extend({ model: this }, tabPaneItemLabelOptions)); } else { return new MixedLabelView(_.extend({ model: this, type: paneItem.type }, tabPaneItemLabelOptions)); } }, createContentView: function () { return paneItem.createContentView && paneItem.createContentView() || new CoreView(); } }; }); var collection = new TabPaneCollection(items); var tabPaneOptions = options.tabPaneOptions; return new TabPaneView( _.extend( { collection: collection }, tabPaneOptions ) ); };