var $ = require('jquery'); var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var iconTemplates = {}; var importAllIconTemplates = function () { var templates = require.context('./templates', false, /\.tpl$/); templates.keys().forEach(function (template) { iconTemplates[template] = templates(template); }); }; importAllIconTemplates(); module.exports = CoreView.extend({ constructor: function (opts) { this.placeholder = this._preinitializeWithPlaceholder(opts && opts.placeholder);, opts); }, initialize: function (opts) { if (!opts || !opts.icon) throw new Error('An icon is required to render IconView'); this.icon = opts.icon; this.iconTemplate = this._getIconTemplate(this.icon); if (!this.iconTemplate) { throw new Error('The selected icon does not have any available template'); } }, render: function () { this.$el.html(this.iconTemplate); if (this.placeholder) { this.placeholder.replaceWith(this.$el); } return this; }, _getIconTemplate: function (icon) { var iconTemplate = './' + this.icon + '.tpl'; return iconTemplates[iconTemplate]; }, _preinitializeWithPlaceholder: function (placeholderNode) { if (!placeholderNode) { return; } var placeholder = $(placeholderNode); this.tagName = placeholder.prop('tagName'); this.className = placeholder.attr('class'); return placeholder; } });