require 'json' require 'ejs' require_dependency 'carto/table_utils' module CartoDB # Natural naming would be "Layer", but it collides with Layer class module LayerModule class Presenter include Carto::TableUtils EMPTY_CSS = '#dummy{}' TORQUE_ATTRS = %w( table_name user_name property blendmode resolution countby torque-duration torque-steps torque-blend-mode query source tile_style named_map visible ) INFOWINDOW_KEYS = %w( fields template_name template alternative_names width maxHeight ) def initialize(layer, options={}, configuration={}, decoration_data={}) @layer = layer @options = options @configuration = configuration @decoration_data = decoration_data end def to_vizjson_v2 if base?(layer) with_kind_as_type(layer.public_values).symbolize_keys elsif torque?(layer) as_torque else { id:, type: 'CartoDB', infowindow: infowindow_data_v2, tooltip: tooltip_data_v2, legend: layer.legend, order: layer.order, visible: layer.public_values['options']['visible'], options: options_data_v2 } end end # Old layers_controller directly does layer.to_json, but to be uniform with new controller, # always call through the presenter at least in tests def to_json(*args) layer.to_json(*args) end def to_vizjson_v1 return layer.public_values.symbolize_keys if base?(layer) { id:, kind: 'CartoDB', infowindow: infowindow_data_v1, order: layer.order, options: options_data_v1 } end def to_poro # .merge left for backwards compatibility poro = layer.public_values return poro unless poro['options'] # INFO changed to support new presenter's way of sending owner if @options[:user] && !poro['options']['user_name'].present? user_name = @options[:user].username schema_name = @options[:user].sql_safe_database_schema elsif poro['options']['user_name'].present? user_name = poro['options']['user_name'] schema_name = poro['options']['user_name'] end if options[:viewer_user] && user_name && poro['options']['table_name'] # if the table_name already have a schema don't add another one # this case happens when you share a layer already shared with you if user_name != options[:viewer_user].username && !poro['options']['table_name'].include?('.') poro['options']['table_name'] = safe_schema_and_table_quoting(schema_name, poro['options']['table_name']) end end poro end private attr_reader :layer, :options, :configuration # Decorates the layer presentation with data if needed. nils on the decoration act as removing the field def decorate_with_data(source_hash, decoration_data) decoration_data.each { |key, value| source_hash[key] = value source_hash.delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? } } source_hash end def base?(layer) ['tiled', 'background', 'gmapsbase', 'wms'].include? layer.kind end def torque?(layer) layer.kind == 'torque' end def with_kind_as_type(attributes) decorate_with_data(attributes.merge(type: attributes.delete('kind')), @decoration_data) end def as_torque api_templates_type = options.fetch(:https_request, false) ? 'private' : 'public' layer_options = decorate_with_data( # Make torque always have a SQL query too (as vizjson v2) layer.options.merge({ 'query' => wrap(sql_from(layer.options), layer.options) }), @decoration_data ) { id:, type: 'torque', order: layer.order, legend: layer.legend, options: { stat_tag: options.fetch(:visualization_id), maps_api_template: fix_torque_maps_api_template(ApplicationHelper.maps_api_template(api_templates_type)), sql_api_template: ApplicationHelper.sql_api_template(api_templates_type), # tiler_* is kept for backwards compatibility tiler_protocol: (configuration[:tiler]["public"]["protocol"] rescue nil), tiler_domain: (configuration[:tiler]["public"]["domain"] rescue nil), tiler_port: (configuration[:tiler]["public"]["port"] rescue nil), # sql_api_* is kept for backwards compatibility sql_api_protocol: (configuration[:sql_api]["public"]["protocol"] rescue nil), sql_api_domain: (configuration[:sql_api]["public"]["domain"] rescue nil), sql_api_endpoint: (configuration[:sql_api]["public"]["endpoint"] rescue nil), sql_api_port: (configuration[:sql_api]["public"]["port"] rescue nil), layer_name: name_for(layer), }.merge( { |k| TORQUE_ATTRS.include? k }) } end def infowindow_data_v1 with_template(layer.infowindow, layer.infowindow_template_path) rescue => e CartoDB::Logger.error(exception: e) throw e end def infowindow_data_v2 whitelisted_infowindow(with_template(layer.infowindow, layer.infowindow_template_path)) rescue => e CartoDB::Logger.error(exception: e) throw e end def tooltip_data_v2 whitelisted_infowindow(with_template(layer.tooltip, layer.tooltip_template_path)) rescue => e CartoDB::Logger.error(exception: e) throw e end def with_template(infowindow, path) # Careful with this logic: # - nil means absolutely no infowindow (e.g. a torque) # - path = nil or template filled: either pre-filled or custom infowindow, nothing to do here # - template and path not nil but template not filled: stay and fill return nil if infowindow.nil? template = infowindow['template'] return infowindow if (!template.nil? && !template.empty?) || path.nil? infowindow.merge!(template: infowindow end def options_data_v2 if options[:full] decorate_with_data(layer.options, @decoration_data) else layer_options = layer.options data = { layer_name: name_for(layer), cartocss: css_from(layer.options), cartocss_version: layer.options.fetch('style_version'), interactivity: layer.options.fetch('interactivity') } source = layer.options['source'] if options[:for_named_map] && source data[:source] = { id: source } else data[:sql] = wrap(sql_from(layer.options), layer.options) end if layer_options['style_properties'] && (layer_options['style_properties']['autogenerated'] == false || layer_options['style_properties']['autogenerated'].nil?) sql_wrap = layer_options['sql_wrap'] || layer_options['query_wrapper'] data['sql_wrap'] = sql_wrap if sql_wrap.present? end data = decorate_with_data(data, @decoration_data) viewer = options[:viewer_user] if viewer unless data['user_name'] == viewer.username data['table_name'] = "\"#{data['user_name']}\".#{data['table_name']}" end end data end end def name_for(layer) layer_alias = layer.options.fetch('table_name_alias', nil) table_name = layer.options.fetch('table_name') return table_name unless layer_alias && !layer_alias.empty? layer_alias end def options_data_v1 return layer.options if options[:full] { |key, value| public_options.include?(key.to_s) } end def sql_from(options) query = options.fetch('query', '') return default_query_for(options) if query.nil? || query.empty? query end def css_from(options) style = options.include?('tile_style') ? options['tile_style'] : nil (style.nil? || style.strip.empty?) ? EMPTY_CSS : options.fetch('tile_style') end def wrap(query, options) wrapper = options.fetch('query_wrapper', nil) return query if wrapper.nil? || wrapper.empty? EJS.evaluate(wrapper, sql: query) end def default_query_for(layer_options) if options[:viewer_user] unless layer_options['user_name'] == options[:viewer_user].username name = if layer_options['user_name'] && layer_options['user_name'].include?('-') "\"#{layer_options['user_name']}\"" else layer_options['user_name'] end return "select * from #{name}.#{safe_table_name_quoting(layer_options['table_name'])}" end end "select * from #{safe_table_name_quoting(layer_options.fetch('table_name'))}" end def public_options return configuration if configuration.empty? configuration.fetch(:layer_opts).fetch("public_opts") end def whitelisted_infowindow(infowindow) infowindow.nil? ? nil : { |key, value| INFOWINDOW_KEYS.include?(key) || INFOWINDOW_KEYS.include?(key.to_s) } end def fix_torque_maps_api_template(maps_api_template) if visualization_owner_is_table_owner? maps_api_template else # This fixes #9017 avoding Torque request to table owner named map instead of visualization owner. # See maps_api_template.gsub('{user}', layer.user.username) end end def visualization_owner_is_table_owner? layer.options.nil? || layer.options['user_name'].nil? || layer.user.nil? || layer.options['user_name'] == layer.user.username end end end end