/* * Image sprite for map page */ @import "compass/utilities/sprites/base"; // General Sprite Defaults // You can override them before you import this file. $map-sprite-base-class: ".map-sprite" !default; $map-sprite-dimensions: false !default; $map-sprites: sprite-map( "sprites/map/*.png", $position: 0%, $spacing: 0, $repeat: no-repeat, $readonly-spacing: 0, $map-wms-spacing: 5px, $map-cog-spacing: 10px, $map-plus-spacing: 11px, $map-toggle-slides-spacing: 11px, $map-toggle-slides_active-spacing: 11px, $map-slide_frame-spacing: 11px, $map-infowindow-edit-tools-spacing: 10px ); // All sprites should extend this class // The map-sprite mixin will do so for you. #{$map-sprite-base-class} { background: $map-sprites no-repeat; } // Use this to set the dimensions of an element // based on the size of the original image. @mixin map-sprite-dimensions($name) { @include sprite-dimensions($map-sprites, $name); } // Move the background position to display the sprite. @mixin map-sprite-position($name, $offset-x: 0, $offset-y: 0) { @include sprite-position($map-sprites, $name, $offset-x, $offset-y); } // Extends the sprite base class and set the background position for the desired sprite. // It will also apply the image dimensions if $dimensions is true. @mixin map-sprite($name, $dimensions: $map-sprite-dimensions, $offset-x: 0, $offset-y: 0) { @extend #{$map-sprite-base-class}; @include sprite($map-sprites, $name, $dimensions, $offset-x, $offset-y); } @mixin map-sprites($sprite-names, $dimensions: $map-sprite-dimensions, $prefix: sprite-map-name($map-sprites)) { @include sprites($map-sprites, $sprite-names, $map-sprite-base-class, $dimensions, $prefix); } // Generates a class for each sprited image. @mixin all-map-sprites($dimensions: $map-sprite-dimensions, $prefix: sprite-map-name($map-sprites)) { @include map-sprites(favorite important photos readonly symbolic-link system unreadable, $dimensions, $prefix); }