<% content_for :settings_body do %>
<%= form_for @organization, url: CartoDB.url(self, 'organization_settings_update', user: current_user), multipart: true do |f| %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
<% if @organization.avatar_url.present? %> <%= current_user.username %> <% else %> <% end %>
<%= f.file_field :avatar_url, :class => "FormAccount-fileAvatar js-fileAvatar", :value => "Change image" %>

Recommended images should be 128x128 pixels of size

<%= f.text_field :display_name, :class => "CDB-InputText CDB-Text FormAccount-input FormAccount-input--med" %>

Check your public page

<%= f.text_field :website, :class => "CDB-InputText CDB-Text FormAccount-input FormAccount-input--med" %>

<%= f.text_area :description, :class => "CDB-Textarea CDB-Text FormAccount-textarea FormAccount-input FormAccount-input--totalwidth" %>

<%= f.text_field :twitter_username, :class => "CDB-InputText CDB-Text FormAccount-input FormAccount-input--med" %>

<%= f.text_field :discus_shortname, :class => "CDB-InputText CDB-Text FormAccount-input FormAccount-input--med", :placeholder => "If empty, CARTO will moderate them for you" %>

Be notified by new comments in your pages

<%= f.text_field :admin_email, :class => "CDB-InputText CDB-Text FormAccount-input FormAccount-input--med", :placeholder => "if empty, we will use your email" %>

Email you will use to give support to your users

<%= f.text_field :default_quota_in_bytes, :value => "#{ ( @organization[:default_quota_in_bytes].to_i / (1024 * 1024) ) if !@organization[:default_quota_in_bytes].blank? }", :class => "CDB-InputText CDB-Text FormAccount-input FormAccount-input--med #{ 'has-error' if @organization.errors[:default_quota_in_bytes].present? } js-userQuota" %>
<% if (@organization.errors[:default_quota_in_bytes].present?) %>

<%= @organization.errors[:default_quota_in_bytes].first %>

<% else %>

Set (in MB) the quota of new users in your organization

<% end %>
<% if @organization.engine_enabled %>

Users API key

This involves all your organization users API keys

<% end %> <% if current_user.google_maps_geocoder_enabled? && current_user.organization_owner? %>

Configure API keys from external providers

<%= f.text_field :google_maps_key, class: "FormAccount-input FormAccount-input--long is-disabled CDB-InputText CDB-Text", :readonly => "true" %>

This is the <%= @organization.name %> Google Maps query string. Contact with support@carto.com to change it.

<%= f.text_field :google_maps_private_key, class: "FormAccount-input FormAccount-input--long is-disabled CDB-InputText CDB-Text", :readonly => "true" %>

This is the <%= @organization.name %> Google Maps private key contact with support@carto.com to change it.

<% end %> <% end %> <% if !saas? && current_user.organization_owner? %>

Delete organization

Delete organization, including all users and data
<% end %>
<% end %> <%= render template: 'admin/organizations/_organization_settings', locals: { title: 'settings' } %>