Utilizes https://github.com/substack/browserify-handbook#how-node_modules-works, to avoid annoying `require('../../../../../')` for both source and test environment ## Relevant changes ### 2018-02-01 - We don't need this under a node_modules anymore, using webpack alias ### 2016-06-09 - Installing jquery-ui (v0.11.4) - npm package is unofficial and outdated (v0.10.5) - jquery-ui team won't update it until releasing v0.12 (see https://forum.jquery.com/topic/publishing-jquery-ui-version-1-11-2-to-npm) - until available, installing it the recommended/official way ### 2016-06-03 - Porting cartodb.js/core/view - Removed unused parts (e.g. Profiler) - compare `./backbone/core-view` vs. https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/470399abb12b40d5476ab6bbfd792d95aa819f50/src/core/