require_relative '../../lib/cartodb/stats/authentication' class PasswordChangeController < ApplicationController layout 'frontend' ssl_required :edit, :update PASSWORD_MATCH_MSG = 'Please ensure your passwords match'.freeze WRONG_PASSWORD_MSG = 'Please ensure you typed the password correctly'.freeze DIFFERENT_PASSWORD_MSG = 'Must be different than current password'.freeze FORM_ERROR = 'Could not update the password. Please, try again'.freeze before_filter :set_user before_filter :set_errors before_filter :check_password_expired def edit; end def update opw = params[:old_password] pw = params[:password] pwc = params[:password_confirmation] if !@user.validate_old_password(opw) @old_password_error = WRONG_PASSWORD_MSG render :edit return elsif pw.blank? || pwc.blank? || pw != pwc @new_password_error = PASSWORD_MATCH_MSG render :edit return elsif pw == opw @new_password_error = DIFFERENT_PASSWORD_MSG render :edit return end @user.change_password(opw, pw, pwc) unless @user.errors.empty? @old_password_error = @user.errors[:old_password] @new_password_error = @user.errors[:new_password] render :edit return end if @user.update_in_central && warden.set_user(@user, scope: @user.username) CartoDB::Stats::Authentication.instance.increment_login_counter( redirect_to session.delete('return_to') || (@user.public_url + CartoDB.path(self, 'dashboard', trailing_slash: true)) else @password_error = FORM_ERROR render :edit end end private def days_since_last_password_change ( - @user.password_date.to_date).to_i end def set_user username = params[:id].strip.downcase @user = User.where("email = ? OR username = ?", username, username).first @organization = @user.organization end def set_errors @password_error = "Out with the old, in with the new! Your password is more than #{days_since_last_password_change} days old; please create a brand new one to log in." end def check_password_expired render_403 unless @user.password_expired? end end