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0.2.1dev - 2014-MM-DD
- Do not force re-cartodbfication on CREATE FROM unpackaged
- Drop useless DEFAULT specification in plpgsql variable declarations
- List plpythonu requirement first, so get pg_catalog scanned before public
Bug fixes:
- Do not add unique index on cartodb_id if already a primary key (#38)
0.2.0 - 2014-06-09
Important changes:
- This release adds dependency on "plpythonu" extension
- Roles are not created anymore, previously private functions
for table information extraction (CDB_UserTables, CDB_TableIndexes,
CDB_ColumnNames, CDB_ColumnType) will now be callable by anyone while
only returning information about tables over which the calling user
has SELECT privilege (#36)
Bug fixes:
- Fix recursive trigger on create table (#32)
- Ensure cartodb_id uses an associated sequence (#33)
- Fully qualify call to cdb_disable_ddl_hooks from cdb_enable_ddl_hooks
- Fully qualify call to CDB_UserDataSize from quota trigger
- Fully qualify call to CDB_TransformToWebmercator from CDB_CartodbfyTable
- Fix potential infinite loop in CDB_CartodbfyTable
- Fix potential infinite loop in CDB_QueryStatements
- Include revision info in cdb_version() output (#34)
New features:
- Add a cdb_extension_reload() function
0.1.0 - 2014-05-23
Initial release