#!/bin/sh # # Tests for the extension since version 0.5.0. They don't replace SQL based ones, for now need to run both # # It is expected that you run this script as a PostgreSQL superuser, for example: # # PGUSER=postgres bash ./test.sh # DATABASE=test_extension CMD='echo psql' CMD=psql SED=sed OK=0 PARTIALOK=0 function set_failed() { OK=1 PARTIALOK=1 } function clear_partial_result() { PARTIALOK=0 } function sql() { local ROLE local QUERY if [[ $# -ge 2 ]] then ROLE="$1" QUERY="$2" else QUERY="$1" fi if [ -n "${ROLE}" ]; then log_debug "Executing query '${QUERY}' as ${ROLE}" RESULT=`${CMD} -U "${ROLE}" ${DATABASE} -c "${QUERY}" -A -t` else log_debug "Executing query '${QUERY}'" RESULT=`${CMD} ${DATABASE} -c "${QUERY}" -A -t` fi CODERESULT=$? echo ${RESULT} echo if [[ ${CODERESULT} -ne 0 ]] then echo -n "FAILED TO EXECUTE QUERY: " log_warning "${QUERY}" if [[ "$3" != "fails" ]] then log_error "${QUERY}" set_failed fi else if [[ "$3" == "fails" ]] then log_error "QUERY: '${QUERY}' was expected to fail and it did not fail" set_failed fi fi if [[ "$3" == "should" ]] then if [[ "${RESULT}" != "$4" ]] then log_error "QUERY '${QUERY}' expected result '${4}' but got '${RESULT}'" set_failed fi fi if [[ "$3" == "should-not" ]] then if [[ "${RESULT}" == "$4" ]] then log_error "QUERY '${QUERY}' did not expect '${RESULT}'" set_failed fi fi } function log_info() { echo echo echo _log "1;34m" "$1" } function log_error() { _log "1;31m" "$1" } function log_debug() { _log "1;32m" "> $1" } function log_warning() { _log "0;33m" "$1" } function _log() { echo -e "\033[$1$2\033[0m" } # '############################ HELPERS #############################' function create_role_and_schema() { local ROLE=$1 sql "CREATE ROLE ${ROLE} LOGIN;" sql "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE \"${DATABASE}\" TO ${ROLE};" sql "CREATE SCHEMA ${ROLE} AUTHORIZATION ${ROLE};" sql "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA cartodb TO ${ROLE};" sql "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Organization_Create_Member('${ROLE}');" sql "ALTER ROLE ${ROLE} SET search_path TO ${ROLE},cartodb,public;" } function drop_role_and_schema() { local ROLE=$1 sql "REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA cartodb FROM ${ROLE};" sql "DROP SCHEMA \"${ROLE}\" CASCADE;" sql "REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE \"${DATABASE}\" FROM \"${ROLE}\";" sql "DROP ROLE \"${ROLE}\";" } function create_table() { if [[ $# -ne 2 ]] then log_error "create_table requires two arguments: role and table_name" exit 1 fi local ROLE="$1" local TABLENAME="$2" sql ${ROLE} "CREATE TABLE ${ROLE}.${TABLENAME} ( a int );" } function create_raster_table() { if [[ $# -ne 2 ]] then log_error "create_raster_table requires two arguments: role and table_name" exit 1 fi local RASTER_COL="the_raster_webmercator" local ROLE="$1" local TABLENAME="$2" local OVERVIEW_TABLENAME="o_2_${TABLENAME}" sql ${ROLE} "CREATE TABLE ${ROLE}.${TABLENAME} (rid serial PRIMARY KEY, ${RASTER_COL} raster);" sql ${ROLE} "CREATE TABLE ${ROLE}.${OVERVIEW_TABLENAME} (rid serial PRIMARY KEY, ${RASTER_COL} raster);" sql ${ROLE} "SELECT AddOverviewConstraints('${ROLE}','${OVERVIEW_TABLENAME}','${RASTER_COL}','${ROLE}','${TABLENAME}','${RASTER_COL}',2);" } function drop_raster_table() { if [[ $# -ne 2 ]] then log_error "drop_raster_table requires two arguments: role and table_name" exit 1 fi local ROLE="$1" local TABLENAME="$2" local OVERVIEW_TABLENAME="o_2_${TABLENAME}" sql ${ROLE} "DROP TABLE ${ROLE}.${OVERVIEW_TABLENAME};" sql ${ROLE} "DROP TABLE ${ROLE}.${TABLENAME};" } function setup_database() { ${CMD} -c "CREATE DATABASE ${DATABASE}" sql "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;" sql postgres "DO \$\$ BEGIN IF substring(postgis_lib_version() FROM 1 FOR 1) = '3' THEN CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster; END IF; END \$\$;" sql "CREATE EXTENSION cartodb CASCADE;" ${CMD} -c "ALTER DATABASE ${DATABASE} SET search_path = public, cartodb;" } function setup() { setup_database log_info "############################# SETUP #############################" create_role_and_schema cdb_testmember_1 create_role_and_schema cdb_testmember_2 create_table cdb_testmember_1 foo sql cdb_testmember_1 'INSERT INTO cdb_testmember_1.foo VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6);' sql cdb_testmember_1 'SELECT * FROM cdb_testmember_1.foo;' create_table cdb_testmember_2 bar sql cdb_testmember_2 'INSERT INTO bar VALUES (1), (2), (3);' sql cdb_testmember_2 'SELECT * FROM cdb_testmember_2.bar;' } function tear_down_database() { ${CMD} -c "DROP DATABASE ${DATABASE}" } function tear_down() { log_info "########################### USER TEAR DOWN ###########################" sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT * FROM cartodb.CDB_Organization_Remove_Access_Permission('cdb_testmember_1', 'foo', 'cdb_testmember_2');" sql cdb_testmember_2 "SELECT * FROM cartodb.CDB_Organization_Remove_Access_Permission('cdb_testmember_2', 'bar', 'cdb_testmember_1');" sql cdb_testmember_1 'DROP TABLE cdb_testmember_1.foo;' sql cdb_testmember_2 'DROP TABLE cdb_testmember_2.bar;' sql "DROP SCHEMA cartodb CASCADE" log_info "########################### TEAR DOWN ###########################" sql 'DROP SCHEMA cdb_testmember_1 CASCADE;' sql 'DROP SCHEMA cdb_testmember_2 CASCADE;' sql "REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE \"${DATABASE}\" FROM cdb_testmember_1;" sql "REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE \"${DATABASE}\" FROM cdb_testmember_2;" sql 'DROP ROLE cdb_testmember_1;' sql 'DROP ROLE cdb_testmember_2;' tear_down_database } function run_tests() { local FAILED_TESTS=() local TESTS if [[ $# -ge 1 ]] then if [[ $# -eq 1 ]] then TESTS=`cat $0 | grep -o "$1[^\(]*"` else TESTS="$@" fi else TESTS=`cat $0 | perl -n -e'/function (test.*)\(\)/ && print "$1\n"'` fi setup for t in ${TESTS} do echo "####################################################################" echo "#" echo "# Running: ${t}" echo "#" echo "####################################################################" clear_partial_result eval ${t} if [[ ${PARTIALOK} -ne 0 ]] then FAILED_TESTS+=(${t}) fi done tear_down if [[ ${OK} -ne 0 ]] then echo log_error "The following tests are failing:" printf -- '\t%s\n' "${FAILED_TESTS[@]}" fi } #################################################### TESTS GO HERE #################################################### # Tests quota checking taking into account both geom and raster tables function test_quota_for_each_user() { # Normal tables add 4096 bytes # Raster tables no longer add anything so also count as 4096 sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_UserDataSize('cdb_testmember_1'::TEXT);" should 4096 sql cdb_testmember_2 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_UserDataSize('cdb_testmember_2'::TEXT);" should 4096 create_raster_table cdb_testmember_1 raster_1 create_raster_table cdb_testmember_2 raster_2 sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_UserDataSize('cdb_testmember_1'::TEXT);" should 20480 sql cdb_testmember_2 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_UserDataSize('cdb_testmember_2'::TEXT);" should 20480 create_raster_table cdb_testmember_1 raster_3 sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_UserDataSize('cdb_testmember_1'::TEXT);" should 36864 sql cdb_testmember_2 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_UserDataSize('cdb_testmember_2'::TEXT);" should 20480 drop_raster_table cdb_testmember_1 raster_1 drop_raster_table cdb_testmember_2 raster_2 drop_raster_table cdb_testmember_1 raster_3 sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_UserDataSize('cdb_testmember_1'::TEXT);" should 4096 sql cdb_testmember_2 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_UserDataSize('cdb_testmember_2'::TEXT);" should 4096 } function test_cdb_tablemetadatatouch() { sql postgres "CREATE TABLE touch_example (a int)" sql postgres "SELECT updated_at FROM CDB_TableMetadata WHERE tabname = 'touch_example'::regclass;" should '' sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('touch_example');" sql postgres "SELECT updated_at FROM CDB_TableMetadata WHERE tabname = 'touch_example'::regclass;" should-not '' # Another call doesn't fail sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('touch_example');" sql postgres "SELECT updated_at FROM CDB_TableMetadata WHERE tabname = 'touch_example'::regclass;" should-not '' # Works with qualified tables sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('public.touch_example');" sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('public.\"touch_example\"');" sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('\"public\".touch_example');" sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('\"public\".\"touch_example\"');" # Works with OID sql postgres "SELECT tabname from CDB_TableMetadata;" should 'touch_example' sql postgres "SELECT count(*) from CDB_TableMetadata;" should 1 TABLE_OID=`${CMD} -U postgres ${DATABASE} -c "SELECT attrelid FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'touch_example'::regclass limit 1;" -A -t` # quoted OID works sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('${TABLE_OID}');" sql postgres "SELECT tabname from CDB_TableMetadata;" should 'touch_example' sql postgres "SELECT count(*) from CDB_TableMetadata;" should 1 # non quoted OID works sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch(${TABLE_OID});" sql postgres "SELECT tabname from CDB_TableMetadata;" should 'touch_example' sql postgres "SELECT count(*) from CDB_TableMetadata;" should 1 #### test tear down sql postgres 'DROP TABLE touch_example;' } function test_cdb_tablemetadatatouch_fails_for_unexistent_table() { sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('unexistent_example');" fails } function test_cdb_tablemetadatatouch_fails_from_user_without_permission() { sql postgres "CREATE TABLE touch_example (a int);" sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('touch_example');" sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('touch_example');" fails sql postgres "GRANT ALL ON CDB_TableMetadata TO cdb_testmember_1;" sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('touch_example');" sql postgres "REVOKE ALL ON CDB_TableMetadata FROM cdb_testmember_1;" #### test tear down sql postgres 'DROP TABLE touch_example;' } function test_cdb_tablemetadatatouch_fully_qualifies_names() { sql postgres "CREATE TABLE touch_invalidations (table_name text);" sql postgres "create or replace function cartodb.cdb_invalidate_varnish(table_name text) returns void as \$\$ begin insert into touch_invalidations select table_name; end; \$\$ language 'plpgsql';" #default schema sql "CREATE TABLE touch_example (a int);" sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('touch_example');" sql postgres "SELECT table_name FROM touch_invalidations" should "public.touch_example" sql postgres "TRUNCATE TABLE touch_invalidations" sql postgres "DROP TABLE touch_example" #setup different schema sql postgres "CREATE SCHEMA test_schema;" sql postgres "CREATE TABLE test_schema.touch_example (a int);" #different schema outside search_path sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('test_schema.touch_example');" sql postgres "SELECT table_name FROM touch_invalidations" should "test_schema.touch_example" sql postgres "TRUNCATE TABLE touch_invalidations" #different schema in default search_path sql postgres "SET search_path=test_schema,public,cartodb; SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('test_schema.touch_example');" sql postgres "SELECT table_name FROM touch_invalidations" should "test_schema.touch_example" sql postgres "TRUNCATE TABLE touch_invalidations" #teardown different schema sql postgres 'DROP TABLE test_schema.touch_example;' sql postgres 'DROP SCHEMA test_schema;' sql postgres 'DROP FUNCTION cartodb.cdb_invalidate_varnish(table_name text);' sql postgres 'DROP TABLE touch_invalidations' } function test_cdb_tablemetadata_text() { #create and touch tables sql postgres "CREATE TABLE touch_ex_a (id int);" sql postgres "CREATE TABLE touch_ex_b (id int);" sql postgres "CREATE TABLE touch_ex_c (id int);" sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('touch_ex_a');" sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('touch_ex_b');" sql postgres "SELECT CDB_TableMetadataTouch('touch_ex_c');" #ensure there is 1 record per table QUERY="SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM cdb_tablemetadata_text " QUERY+="GROUP BY tabname HAVING COUNT(1) > 1) s;" sql postgres "$QUERY" should "0" #ensure timestamps are distinct and properly ordered QUERY="SELECT (SELECT updated_at FROM CDB_TableMetadata_Text WHERE tabname='public.touch_ex_a')" QUERY+=" < (SELECT updated_at FROM CDB_TableMetadata_Text WHERE tabname='public.touch_ex_b');" sql postgres "$QUERY" should "t" QUERY="SELECT (SELECT updated_at FROM CDB_TableMetadata_Text WHERE tabname='public.touch_ex_b')" QUERY+=" < (SELECT updated_at FROM CDB_TableMetadata_Text WHERE tabname='public.touch_ex_c');" sql postgres "$QUERY" should "t" #cleanup sql postgres "DROP TABLE touch_ex_a;" sql postgres "DROP TABLE touch_ex_b;" sql postgres "DROP TABLE touch_ex_c;" } function test_cdb_column_names() { sql cdb_testmember_1 'CREATE TABLE cdb_testmember_1.table_cnames(c int, a int, r int, t int, o int);' sql cdb_testmember_2 'CREATE TABLE cdb_testmember_2.table_cnames(d int, b int);' sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT string_agg(c,'') from (SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnNames('table_cnames') c) as s" should "carto" sql cdb_testmember_2 "SELECT string_agg(c,'') from (SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnNames('table_cnames') c) as s" should "db" sql postgres "SELECT string_agg(c,'') from (SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnNames('cdb_testmember_1.table_cnames'::regclass) c) as s" should "carto" sql postgres "SELECT string_agg(c,'') from (SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnNames('cdb_testmember_2.table_cnames') c) as s" should "db" # Using schema from owner sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT string_agg(c,'') from (SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnNames('cdb_testmember_1.table_cnames') c) as s" should "carto" ## it's not possible to get column names from a table where you don't have permissions sql cdb_testmember_2 "SELECT string_agg(c,'') from (SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnNames('cdb_testmember_1.table_cnames') c) as s" fails sql cdb_testmember_1 'DROP TABLE cdb_testmember_1.table_cnames' sql cdb_testmember_2 'DROP TABLE cdb_testmember_2.table_cnames' } function test_cdb_column_type() { sql cdb_testmember_1 'CREATE TABLE cdb_testmember_1.table_ctype(c int, a int, r int, t int, o int);' sql cdb_testmember_2 'CREATE TABLE cdb_testmember_2.table_ctype(c text, a text, r text, t text, o text);' sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnType('table_ctype', 'c')" should "integer" sql cdb_testmember_2 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnType('table_ctype', 'c')" should "text" sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnType('cdb_testmember_1.table_ctype', 'c')" should "integer" sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_ColumnType('cdb_testmember_2.table_ctype', 'c')" should "text" sql cdb_testmember_1 'DROP TABLE cdb_testmember_1.table_ctype' sql cdb_testmember_2 'DROP TABLE cdb_testmember_2.table_ctype' } function test_cdb_querytables_schema_and_table_names_with_dots() { sql postgres 'CREATE SCHEMA "foo.bar";' sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE "foo.bar"."c.a.r.t.o.d.b" (a int);' sql postgres 'INSERT INTO "foo.bar"."c.a.r.t.o.d.b" values (1);' sql postgres 'SELECT a FROM "foo.bar"."c.a.r.t.o.d.b";' should 1 sql postgres 'SELECT CDB_QueryTablesText($q$select * from "foo.bar"."c.a.r.t.o.d.b"$q$);' should '{"\"foo.bar\".\"c.a.r.t.o.d.b\""}' sql postgres 'SELECT CDB_QueryTables($q$select * from "foo.bar"."c.a.r.t.o.d.b"$q$);' should '{"\"foo.bar\".\"c.a.r.t.o.d.b\""}' sql postgres 'DROP TABLE "foo.bar"."c.a.r.t.o.d.b";' sql postgres 'DROP SCHEMA "foo.bar";' } function test_cdb_querytables_table_name_with_dots() { sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE "w.a.d.u.s" (a int);'; sql postgres 'SELECT CDB_QueryTablesText($q$select * from "w.a.d.u.s"$q$);' should '{"public.\"w.a.d.u.s\""}' sql postgres 'SELECT CDB_QueryTables($q$select * from "w.a.d.u.s"$q$);' should '{"public.\"w.a.d.u.s\""}' sql postgres 'DROP TABLE "w.a.d.u.s";'; } function test_cdb_querytables_happy_cases() { sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE wadus (a int);'; sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE "FOOBAR" (a int);'; sql postgres 'CREATE SCHEMA foo;' sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE foo.wadus (a int);'; ## See how it does NOT quote anything here sql postgres 'SELECT CDB_QueryTablesText($q$select * from wadus$q$);' should '{public.wadus}' sql postgres 'SELECT CDB_QueryTablesText($q$select * from foo.wadus$q$);' should '{foo.wadus}' sql postgres 'SELECT CDB_QueryTables($q$select * from wadus$q$);' should '{public.wadus}' sql postgres 'SELECT CDB_QueryTables($q$select * from foo.wadus$q$);' should '{foo.wadus}' ## But it quotes when it's needed even if table name has no dots but was created with quotes sql postgres 'SELECT CDB_QueryTablesText($q$select * from "FOOBAR"$q$);' should '{"public.\"FOOBAR\""}' sql postgres 'DROP TABLE wadus;' sql postgres 'DROP TABLE "FOOBAR";' sql postgres 'DROP TABLE foo.wadus;' sql postgres 'DROP SCHEMA foo;' } function test_foreign_tables() { DATABASE=fdw_target setup_database DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres "DO \$\$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = 'publicuser') THEN CREATE ROLE publicuser LOGIN; END IF; END \$\$;" DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'CREATE SCHEMA test_fdw;' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE test_fdw.foo (a int);' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'INSERT INTO test_fdw.foo (a) values (42);' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE test_fdw.foo2 (a int);' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'INSERT INTO test_fdw.foo2 (a) values (42);' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres "CREATE USER fdw_user WITH PASSWORD 'foobarino';" DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA test_fdw TO fdw_user;' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_fdw.foo TO fdw_user;' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_fdw.foo2 TO fdw_user;' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'GRANT SELECT ON cdb_tablemetadata_text TO fdw_user;' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres "SELECT cdb_tablemetadatatouch('test_fdw.foo'::regclass);" DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres "SELECT cdb_tablemetadatatouch('test_fdw.foo2'::regclass);" # Add PGPORT to conf if it is set PORT_SPEC="" if [[ "$PGPORT" != "" ]] ; then PORT_SPEC=", \"port\": \"$PGPORT\"" fi sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Conf_SetConf('fdws', '{\"test_fdw\": {\"server\": {\"host\": \"localhost\", \"dbname\": \"fdw_target\" $PORT_SPEC }, \"users\": {\"public\": {\"user\": \"fdw_user\", \"password\": \"foobarino\"}}}}')" sql postgres "SELECT cartodb._CDB_Setup_FDW('test_fdw')" sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Add_Remote_Table('test_fdw', 'foo')" sql postgres "SELECT * from test_fdw.foo;" sql postgres "SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, s.srvname FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_table ft INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = ft.ftrelid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server s ON s.oid = ft.ftserver ORDER BY 1, 2" should "test_fdw|cdb_tablemetadata|test_fdw test_fdw|foo|test_fdw" sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Get_Foreign_Updated_At('test_fdw.foo'::regclass) < NOW()" should 't' sql postgres "SELECT a from test_fdw.foo LIMIT 1;" should 42 # Check function CDB_QueryTables_Updated_At sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE local (b int);' sql postgres 'INSERT INTO local (b) VALUES (43);' sql postgres "SELECT cdb_tablemetadatatouch('public.local'::regclass);" local query='$query$ SELECT * FROM test_fdw.foo, local $query$::text' sql postgres "SELECT dbname, schema_name, table_name FROM cartodb.CDB_QueryTables_Updated_At(${query}) ORDER BY dbname;" should 'fdw_target|test_fdw|foo test_extension|public|local' sql postgres "SELECT table_name FROM cartodb.CDB_QueryTables_Updated_At(${query}) order by updated_at;" should 'foo local' # Check function CDB_Last_Updated_Time sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Last_Updated_Time('{test_fdw.foo,public.local}'::text[]) < now()" should 't' sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Last_Updated_Time('{test_fdw.foo,public.local}'::text[]) > (now() - interval '1 minute')" should 't' # Check we quote names on output as needed (as CDB_QueryTablesText does) sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE "local-table-with-dashes" (c int)'; sql postgres 'INSERT INTO "local-table-with-dashes" (c) VALUES (44)'; sql postgres "SELECT cdb_tablemetadatatouch('public.local-table-with-dashes'::regclass);" query='$query$ SELECT * FROM test_fdw.foo, local, public."local-table-with-dashes" $query$::text' sql postgres "SELECT dbname, schema_name, table_name FROM cartodb.CDB_QueryTables_Updated_At(${query}) ORDER BY dbname, schema_name, table_name;" should 'fdw_target|test_fdw|foo test_extension|public|local test_extension|public|"local-table-with-dashes"' # Check CDB_Last_Updated_Time supports quoted identifiers sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Last_Updated_Time(ARRAY['test_extension.public.\"local-table-with-dashes\"']::text[]) < now()" should 't' sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Last_Updated_Time(ARRAY['test_extension.public.\"local-table-with-dashes\"']::text[]) > (now() - interval '1 minute')" should 't' # Check CDB_Get_Foreign_Updated_At is robust to unimported CDB_TableMetadata sql postgres "DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS test_fdw.cdb_tablemetadata;" sql postgres "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Get_Foreign_Updated_At('test_fdw.foo') IS NULL" should 't' # Check user-defined FDW's # Set up a user foreign server read -d '' ufdw_config <<- EOF { "server": { "extensions": "postgis", "dbname": "fdw_target", "host": "localhost", "port": ${PGPORT:-5432} }, "user_mapping": { "user": "fdw_user", "password": "foobarino" } } EOF sql postgres "SELECT cartodb._CDB_SetUp_User_PG_FDW_Server('user-defined-test', '$ufdw_config');" # Grant a user access to that FDW, and to grant to others sql postgres 'GRANT "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test" TO cdb_testmember_1 WITH ADMIN OPTION;' # Set up a user foreign table sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_SetUp_User_PG_FDW_Table('user-defined-test', 'test_fdw', 'foo');" # Check that the table can be accessed by the owner/creator sql cdb_testmember_1 'SELECT * from "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test".foo;' sql cdb_testmember_1 'SELECT a from "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test".foo LIMIT 1;' should 42 # Check that a role with no permissions cannot use the FDW to access a remote table sql cdb_testmember_2 'IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA test_fdw LIMIT TO (foo) FROM SERVER "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test" INTO public' fails # Check that the table can be accessed by some other user by granting the role sql cdb_testmember_2 'SELECT a from "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test".foo LIMIT 1;' fails sql cdb_testmember_1 'GRANT "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test" TO cdb_testmember_2;' sql cdb_testmember_2 'SELECT a from "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test".foo LIMIT 1;' should 42 sql cdb_testmember_1 'REVOKE "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test" FROM cdb_testmember_2;' # Check that the table can be accessed by org members sql cdb_testmember_2 'SELECT a from "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test".foo LIMIT 1;' fails sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Organization_Grant_Role('cdb_fdw_user-defined-test');" sql cdb_testmember_2 'SELECT a from "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test".foo LIMIT 1;' should 42 sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_Organization_Revoke_Role('cdb_fdw_user-defined-test');" # By default publicuser cannot access the FDW sql publicuser 'SELECT a from "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test".foo LIMIT 1;' fails sql cdb_testmember_1 'GRANT "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test" TO publicuser;' # but can be granted sql publicuser 'SELECT a from "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test".foo LIMIT 1;' should 42 sql cdb_testmember_1 'REVOKE "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test" FROM publicuser;' # If there are dependent objects, we cannot drop the foreign server sql postgres "SELECT cartodb._CDB_Drop_User_PG_FDW_Server('user-defined-test')" fails sql cdb_testmember_1 'DROP FOREIGN TABLE "cdb_fdw_user-defined-test".foo;' sql postgres "SELECT cartodb._CDB_Drop_User_PG_FDW_Server('user-defined-test')" # But if there are, we can set the force flag to true to drop everything (defaults to false) sql postgres "SELECT cartodb._CDB_SetUp_User_PG_FDW_Server('another_user_defined_test', '$ufdw_config');" sql postgres 'GRANT cdb_fdw_another_user_defined_test TO cdb_testmember_1 WITH ADMIN OPTION;' sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_SetUp_User_PG_FDW_Table('another_user_defined_test', 'test_fdw', 'foo');" sql postgres "SELECT cartodb._CDB_Drop_User_PG_FDW_Server('another_user_defined_test', /* force = */ true)" # Teardown DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA test_fdw FROM fdw_user;' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'REVOKE SELECT ON test_fdw.foo FROM fdw_user;' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'REVOKE SELECT ON test_fdw.foo2 FROM fdw_user;' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'REVOKE SELECT ON cdb_tablemetadata_text FROM fdw_user;' DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'DROP ROLE fdw_user;' sql postgres "select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity where datname='fdw_target';" DATABASE=fdw_target tear_down_database } function test_cdb_catalog_basic_node() { DEF="'{\"type\":\"buffer\",\"source\":\"b2db66bc7ac02e135fd20bbfef0fdd81b2d15fad\",\"radio\":10000}'" sql postgres "INSERT INTO cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog (node_id, analysis_def) VALUES ('1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7', ${DEF}::json)" sql postgres "SELECT status from cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog where node_id = '1bbc4c41ea7c9d3a7dc1509727f698b7'" should 'pending' sql postgres "DELETE FROM cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog" } #################################################### TESTS END HERE #################################################### run_tests $@ exit ${OK}