-- Return an array of table names scanned by a given query -- -- Requires PostgreSQL 9.x+ -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION @extschema@.CDB_QueryTablesText(query text) RETURNS text[] AS $$ DECLARE exp XML; tables text[]; rec RECORD; rec2 RECORD; BEGIN tables := '{}'; FOR rec IN SELECT @extschema@.CDB_QueryStatements(query) q LOOP BEGIN EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN (FORMAT XML, VERBOSE) ' || rec.q INTO STRICT exp; EXCEPTION WHEN syntax_error THEN -- We can get a syntax error if the user tries to EXPLAIN a DDL CONTINUE; WHEN others THEN -- TODO: if error is 'relation "xxxxxx" does not exist', take xxxxxx as -- the affected table ? RAISE WARNING 'CDB_QueryTables cannot explain query: % (%: %)', rec.q, SQLSTATE, SQLERRM; RAISE EXCEPTION '%', SQLERRM; CONTINUE; END; -- Now need to extract all values of -- RAISE DEBUG 'Explain: %', exp; FOR rec2 IN WITH inp AS ( SELECT xpath('//x:Relation-Name/text()', exp, ARRAY[ARRAY['x', 'http://www.postgresql.org/2009/explain']]) as x, xpath('//x:Relation-Name/../x:Schema/text()', exp, ARRAY[ARRAY['x', 'http://www.postgresql.org/2009/explain']]) as s ) SELECT unnest(x)::text as p, unnest(s)::text as sc from inp LOOP -- RAISE DEBUG 'tab: %', rec2.p; -- RAISE DEBUG 'sc: %', rec2.sc; tables := array_append(tables, format('%s.%s', quote_ident(rec2.sc), quote_ident(rec2.p))); END LOOP; -- RAISE DEBUG 'Tables: %', tables; END LOOP; -- RAISE DEBUG 'Tables: %', tables; -- Remove duplicates and sort by name IF array_upper(tables, 1) > 0 THEN WITH dist as ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(tables)::text as p ORDER BY p ) SELECT array_agg(p) from dist into tables; END IF; --RAISE DEBUG 'Tables: %', tables; return tables; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE STRICT PARALLEL UNSAFE; -- Keep CDB_QueryTables with same signature for backwards compatibility. -- It should probably be removed in the future. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION @extschema@.CDB_QueryTables(query text) RETURNS name[] AS $$ BEGIN RETURN @extschema@.CDB_QueryTablesText(query)::name[]; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE STRICT PARALLEL UNSAFE;