-- -- Determine the Quantile classifications from a numeric array -- -- @param in_array A numeric array of numbers to determine the best -- bins based on the Quantile method. -- -- @param breaks The number of bins you want to find. -- -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_QuantileBins ( in_array NUMERIC[], breaks INT) RETURNS NUMERIC[] as $$ DECLARE element_count INT4; break_size numeric; tmp_val numeric; i INT := 1; reply numeric[]; BEGIN -- sort our values SELECT array_agg(e) INTO in_array FROM (SELECT unnest(in_array) e ORDER BY e ASC) x; -- get the total size of our data element_count := array_length(in_array, 1); break_size := element_count::numeric / breaks; -- slice our bread LOOP IF i < breaks THEN IF break_size * i % 1 > 0 THEN SELECT e INTO tmp_val FROM ( SELECT unnest(in_array) e LIMIT 1 OFFSET ceil(break_size * i) - 1) x; ELSE SELECT avg(e) INTO tmp_val FROM ( SELECT unnest(in_array) e LIMIT 2 OFFSET ceil(break_size * i) - 1 ) x; END IF; ELSIF i = breaks THEN -- select the last value SELECT max(e) INTO tmp_val FROM ( SELECT unnest(in_array) e ) x; ELSE EXIT; END IF; reply = array_append(reply, tmp_val); i := i+1; END LOOP; RETURN reply; END; $$ language plpgsql IMMUTABLE;