-- Return an Hexagon with given center and side (or maximal radius) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_MakeHexagon(center GEOMETRY, radius FLOAT8) RETURNS GEOMETRY AS $$ SELECT ST_MakePolygon(ST_MakeLine(geom)) FROM ( SELECT (ST_DumpPoints(ST_ExteriorRing(ST_Buffer($1, $2, 3)))).* ) as points WHERE path[1] % 2 != 0 $$ LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- -- Fill given extent with an hexagonal coverage -- -- @param ext Extent to fill. Only hexagons with center point falling -- inside the extent (or at the lower or leftmost edge) will -- be emitted. The returned hexagons will have the same SRID -- as this extent. -- -- @param side Side measure for the hexagon. -- Maximum diameter will be 2 * side. -- -- @param origin Optional origin to allow for exact tiling. -- If omitted the origin will be 0,0. -- The parameter is checked for having the same SRID -- as the extent. -- -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS CDB_HexagonGrid(ext GEOMETRY, side FLOAT8); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_HexagonGrid(ext GEOMETRY, side FLOAT8, origin GEOMETRY DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS SETOF GEOMETRY AS $$ DECLARE h GEOMETRY; -- hexagon c GEOMETRY; -- center point rec RECORD; hstep FLOAT8; -- horizontal step vstep FLOAT8; -- vertical step vstart FLOAT8; vstartary FLOAT8[]; vstartidx INTEGER; hskip BIGINT; hstart FLOAT8; hend FLOAT8; vend FLOAT8; xoff FLOAT8; yoff FLOAT8; xgrd FLOAT8; ygrd FLOAT8; srid INTEGER; BEGIN -- | | -- |hstep| -- ______ ___ | -- vstep / \ ___ / -- ______ \ ___ / \ -- / \ ___ / -- -- RAISE DEBUG 'Side: %', side; vstep := side * sqrt(3); -- x 2 ? hstep := side * 1.5; RAISE DEBUG 'vstep: %', vstep; RAISE DEBUG 'hstep: %', hstep; srid := ST_SRID(ext); xoff := 0; yoff := 0; IF origin IS NOT NULL THEN IF ST_SRID(origin) != srid THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'SRID mismatch between extent (%) and origin (%)', srid, ST_SRID(origin); END IF; xoff := ST_X(origin); yoff := ST_Y(origin); END IF; RAISE DEBUG 'X offset: %', xoff; RAISE DEBUG 'Y offset: %', yoff; xgrd := side * 0.5; ygrd := ( side * sqrt(3) ) / 2.0; RAISE DEBUG 'X grid size: %', xgrd; RAISE DEBUG 'Y grid size: %', ygrd; -- Tweak horizontal start on hstep*2 grid from origin hskip := ceil((ST_XMin(ext)-xoff)/hstep); RAISE DEBUG 'hskip: %', hskip; hstart := xoff + hskip*hstep; RAISE DEBUG 'hstart: %', hstart; -- Tweak vertical start on hstep grid from origin vstart := yoff + ceil((ST_Ymin(ext)-yoff)/vstep)*vstep; RAISE DEBUG 'vstart: %', vstart; hend := ST_XMax(ext); vend := ST_YMax(ext); IF vstart - (vstep/2.0) < ST_YMin(ext) THEN vstartary := ARRAY[ vstart + (vstep/2.0), vstart ]; ELSE vstartary := ARRAY[ vstart - (vstep/2.0), vstart ]; END IF; vstartidx := abs(hskip)%2; RAISE DEBUG 'vstartary: % : %', vstartary[1], vstartary[2]; RAISE DEBUG 'vstartidx: %', vstartidx; c := ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(hstart, vstartary[vstartidx+1]), srid); h := ST_SnapToGrid(CDB_MakeHexagon(c, side), xoff, yoff, xgrd, ygrd); vstartidx := (vstartidx + 1) % 2; WHILE ST_X(c) < hend LOOP -- over X --RAISE DEBUG 'X loop starts, center point: %', ST_AsText(c); WHILE ST_Y(c) < vend LOOP -- over Y --RAISE DEBUG 'Center: %', ST_AsText(c); --h := ST_SnapToGrid(CDB_MakeHexagon(c, side), xoff, yoff, xgrd, ygrd); RETURN NEXT h; h := ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Translate(h, 0, vstep), xoff, yoff, xgrd, ygrd); c := ST_Translate(c, 0, vstep); -- TODO: drop ? END LOOP; -- TODO: translate h direcly ... c := ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(ST_X(c)+hstep, vstartary[vstartidx+1]), srid); h := ST_SnapToGrid(CDB_MakeHexagon(c, side), xoff, yoff, xgrd, ygrd); vstartidx := (vstartidx + 1) % 2; END LOOP; RETURN; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE;