-- Auxiliary overviews FUNCTIONS -- Maximum zoom level for which overviews may be created CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_MaxOverviewLevel() RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ BEGIN -- Zoom level will be limited so that both tile coordinates -- and gridding coordinates within a tile up to 1px -- (i.e. tile coordinates / 256) -- can be stored in a 32-bit signed integer. -- We have 31 bits por positive numbers -- For zoom level Z coordinates range from 0 to 2^Z-1, so they -- need Z bits, and need 8 bits more to address pixels within a tile -- (gridding), so we'll limit Z to a maximum of 31 - 8 RETURN 23; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- Maximum zoom level usable with integer coordinates CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_MaxZoomLevel() RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ BEGIN RETURN 31; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- Information about tables in a schema. -- If the schema name parameter is NULL, then tables from all schemas -- that may contain user tables are returned. -- For each table, the regclass, schema name and table name are returned. -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_UserTablesInSchema(schema_name text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS TABLE(table_regclass REGCLASS, schema_name TEXT, table_name TEXT) AS $$ SELECT c.oid::regclass AS table_regclass, n.nspname::text AS schema_name, c.relname::text AS table_relname FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname NOT IN ('cdb_tablemetadata', 'cdb_analysis_catalog', 'cdb_conf', 'spatial_ref_sys') AND CASE WHEN schema_name IS NULL THEN n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', 'topology', 'cartodb') ELSE n.nspname = schema_name END; $$ LANGUAGE 'sql'; -- Pattern that can be used to detect overview tables and Extract -- the intended zoom level from the table name. -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_OverviewTableDiscriminator() RETURNS TEXT AS $$ BEGIN RETURN '\A_vovw_(\d+)_'; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- substring(tablename from _CDB_OverviewTableDiscriminator()) -- Pattern matched by the overview tables of a given base table name. -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_OverviewTablePattern(base_table TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ BEGIN RETURN _CDB_OverviewTableDiscriminator() || base_table; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- tablename SIMILAR TO _CDB_OverviewTablePattern(base_table) -- Name of an overview table, given the base table name and the Z level -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_OverviewTableName(base_table TEXT, z INTEGER) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ BEGIN RETURN '_vovw_' || z::text || '_' || base_table; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- Condition to check if a tabla is an overview table of some base table -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_IsOverviewTableOf(base_table TEXT, otable TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN RETURN otable SIMILAR TO _CDB_OverviewTablePattern(base_table); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- Extract the Z level from an overview table name -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_OverviewTableZ(otable TEXT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ BEGIN RETURN substring(otable from _CDB_OverviewTableDiscriminator())::integer; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- Name of the base table corresponding to an overview table -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_OverviewBaseTableName(overview_table TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ BEGIN IF _CDB_OverviewTableZ(overview_table) IS NULL THEN RETURN overview_table; ELSE RETURN regexp_replace(overview_table, _CDB_OverviewTableDiscriminator(), ''); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_OverviewBaseTable(overview_table REGCLASS) RETURNS REGCLASS AS $$ DECLARE table_name TEXT; schema_name TEXT; base_name TEXT; base_table REGCLASS; BEGIN SELECT * FROM _cdb_split_table_name(overview_table) INTO schema_name, table_name; base_name := _CDB_OverviewBaseTableName(table_name); IF base_name != table_name THEN base_table := Format('%I.%I', schema_name, base_name)::regclass; ELSE base_table := overview_table; END IF; RETURN base_table; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- Schema and relation names of a table given its reloid -- Scope: private. -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the table. -- Return (schema_name, table_name) -- note that returned names will be quoted if necessary CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _cdb_split_table_name(reloid REGCLASS, OUT schema_name TEXT, OUT table_name TEXT) AS $$ BEGIN SELECT n.nspname, c.relname INTO STRICT schema_name, table_name FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.oid = reloid; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- Schema and relation names of a table given its reloid -- Scope: private. -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the table. -- Return (schema_name, table_name) -- note that returned names will be quoted if necessary CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _cdb_schema_name(reloid REGCLASS) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE schema_name TEXT; BEGIN SELECT n.nspname INTO STRICT schema_name FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.oid = reloid; RETURN schema_name; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE;