-- Internal auxiliar functions to deal with [Camshaft](https://github.com/cartodb/camshaft) cached analysis tables. -- This function returns TRUE if a given table name corresponds to a Camshaft cached analysis table -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_IsAnalysisTableName(table_name TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN RETURN table_name SIMILAR TO '\Aanalysis_[0-9a-f]{10}_[0-9a-f]{40}\Z'; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- This function returns a relation of Camshaft cached analysis tables in the given schema. -- If the schema name parameter is NULL, then tables from all schemas -- that may contain user tables are returned. -- For each table, the regclass, schema name and table name are returned. -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_AnalysisTablesInSchema(schema_name text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS TABLE(table_regclass REGCLASS, schema_name TEXT, table_name TEXT) AS $$ SELECT * FROM _CDB_UserTablesInSchema(schema_name) WHERE _CDB_IsAnalysisTableName(table_name); $$ LANGUAGE 'sql'; -- This function returns a relation user tables excluding analysis tables -- If the schema name parameter is NULL, then tables from all schemas -- that may contain user tables are returned. -- For each table, the regclass, schema name and table name are returned. -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_NonAnalysisTablesInSchema(schema_name text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS TABLE(table_regclass REGCLASS, schema_name TEXT, table_name TEXT) AS $$ SELECT * FROM _CDB_UserTablesInSchema(schema_name) WHERE Not _CDB_IsAnalysisTableName(table_name); $$ LANGUAGE 'sql'; -- Total spaced used up by Camshaft cached analysis tables in the given schema. -- Scope: private. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_AnalysisDataSize(schema_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE total_size bigint; BEGIN WITH analysis_tables AS ( SELECT t.schema_name, t.table_name FROM _CDB_AnalysisTablesInSchema(schema_name) t ) SELECT COALESCE(INT8(SUM(_CDB_total_relation_size(analysis_tables.schema_name, analysis_tables.table_name))))::int8 INTO total_size FROM analysis_tables; IF total_size IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN total_size; ELSE RETURN 0; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE;