-- -- Function to "safely" transform to webmercator -- -- This function works around the existance of a valid range -- for web mercator by "clipping" anything outside to the valid -- range. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_TransformToWebmercator(geom geometry) RETURNS geometry AS $$ DECLARE valid_extent GEOMETRY; latlon_input GEOMETRY; clipped_input GEOMETRY; to_webmercator GEOMETRY; ret GEOMETRY; BEGIN IF ST_Srid(geom) = 3857 THEN RETURN geom; END IF; -- This is the valid web mercator extent -- -- NOTE: some sources set the valid latitude range -- to -85.0511 to 85.0511 but as long as proj -- does not complain we are happy -- valid_extent := ST_MakeEnvelope(-180, -89, 180, 89, 4326); -- Then we transform to WGS84 latlon, which is -- where we have known coordinates for the clipping -- latlon_input := ST_Transform(geom, 4326); -- Don't bother clipping if the geometry boundary doesn't -- go outside the valid extent. IF latlon_input @ valid_extent THEN RETURN ST_Transform(latlon_input, 3857); END IF; -- Since we're going to use ST_Intersection on input -- we'd better ensure the input is valid -- TODO: only do this if the first ST_Intersection fails ? IF ST_Dimension(geom) != 0 AND -- See http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/1719 GeometryType(geom) != 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION' THEN BEGIN latlon_input := ST_MakeValid(latlon_input); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- See http://github.com/Vizzuality/cartodb/issues/931 RAISE WARNING 'Could not clean input geometry: %', SQLERRM; RETURN NULL; END; latlon_input := ST_CollectionExtract(latlon_input, ST_Dimension(geom)+1); END IF; -- Then we clip, trying to retain the input type -- TODO: catch exceptions here too ? clipped_input := ST_Intersection(latlon_input, valid_extent); -- We transform to web mercator to_webmercator := ST_Transform(clipped_input, 3857); -- Finally we convert EMPTY to NULL -- See https://github.com/Vizzuality/cartodb/issues/706 -- And retain "multi" status ret := CASE WHEN ST_IsEmpty(to_webmercator) THEN NULL::geometry WHEN GeometryType(geom) LIKE 'MULTI%' THEN ST_Multi(to_webmercator) ELSE to_webmercator END; RETURN ret; END $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE STRICT;