-- Table to register analysis nodes from https://github.com/cartodb/camshaft CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog ( -- md5 hex hash node_id char(40) CONSTRAINT cdb_analysis_catalog_pkey PRIMARY KEY, -- being json allows to do queries like analysis_def->>'type' = 'buffer' analysis_def json NOT NULL, -- can reference other nodes in this very same table, allowing recursive queries input_nodes char(40) ARRAY NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', status TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pending', CONSTRAINT valid_status CHECK ( status IN ( 'pending', 'waiting', 'running', 'canceled', 'failed', 'ready' ) ), created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), -- should be updated when some operation was performed in the node -- and anything associated to it might have changed updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT NULL, -- should register last time the node was used used_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), -- should register the number of times the node was used hits NUMERIC DEFAULT 0, -- should register what was the last node using current node last_used_from char(40), -- last job modifying the node last_modified_by uuid, -- store error message for failures last_error_message text, -- cached tables involved in the analysis cache_tables regclass[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', -- useful for multi account deployments username text ); -- This can only be called from an SQL script executed by CREATE EXTENSION DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' $$ BEGIN PERFORM pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog', ''); END $$; -- Migrations to add new columns from old versions. -- IMPORTANT: Those columns will be added in order of creation. To be consistent -- in column order, ensure that new columns are added at the end and in the same order. DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN ALTER TABLE cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog ADD COLUMN last_modified_by uuid; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_column THEN END; END; $$; DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN ALTER TABLE cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog ADD COLUMN last_error_message text; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_column THEN END; END; $$; DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN ALTER TABLE cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog ADD COLUMN cache_tables regclass[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_column THEN END; END; $$; DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN ALTER TABLE cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog ADD COLUMN username text; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_column THEN END; END; $$; -- We want the "username" column to be moved to the last position if it was on a position from other versions -- see https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb-postgresql/issues/276 DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' $$ DECLARE column_index int; BEGIN SELECT ordinal_position FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='cdb_analysis_catalog' AND table_schema='cartodb' AND column_name='username' INTO column_index; IF column_index = 1 OR column_index = 10 THEN ALTER TABLE cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog ADD COLUMN username_final text; UPDATE cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog SET username_final = username; ALTER TABLE cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog DROP COLUMN username; ALTER TABLE cartodb.cdb_analysis_catalog RENAME COLUMN username_final TO username; END IF; END; $$;