-- Remove a dataset's existing overview tables. -- Scope: public -- Parameters: -- reloid: oid of the table. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_DropOverviews(reloid REGCLASS) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE row record; schema_name TEXT; table_name TEXT; BEGIN SELECT * FROM _cdb_split_table_name(reloid) INTO schema_name, table_name; FOR row IN SELECT * FROM CDB_Overviews(reloid) LOOP EXECUTE Format('DROP TABLE %s;', row.overview_table); RAISE NOTICE 'Dropped overview for level %: %', row.z, row.overview_table; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL VOLATILE; -- Return existing overviews (if any) for a given dataset table -- Scope: public -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the input table. -- Return relation of overviews for the table with -- the base table oid, -- z level of the overview and overview table oid, ordered by z. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_Overviews(reloid REGCLASS) RETURNS TABLE(base_table REGCLASS, z integer, overview_table REGCLASS) AS $$ DECLARE schema_name TEXT; base_table_name TEXT; BEGIN SELECT * FROM _cdb_split_table_name(reloid) INTO schema_name, base_table_name; RETURN QUERY SELECT reloid AS base_table, _CDB_OverviewTableZ(table_name) AS z, table_regclass AS overview_table FROM _CDB_UserTablesInSchema(schema_name) WHERE _CDB_IsOverviewTableOf((SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid=reloid), table_name) ORDER BY z; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -- Return existing overviews (if any) for multiple dataset tables. -- Scope: public -- Parameters -- tables: Array of input tables oids -- Return relation of overviews for the table with -- the base table oid, -- z level of the overview and overview table oid, ordered by z. -- Note: CDB_Overviews can be applied to the result of CDB_QueryTablesText -- to obtain the overviews applicable to a query. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_Overviews(tables regclass[]) RETURNS TABLE(base_table REGCLASS, z integer, overview_table REGCLASS) AS $$ SELECT base_table::regclass AS base_table, _CDB_OverviewTableZ(table_name) AS z, table_regclass AS overview_table FROM _CDB_UserTablesInSchema(), unnest(tables) base_table WHERE schema_name = _cdb_schema_name(base_table) AND _CDB_IsOverviewTableOf((SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid=base_table), table_name) ORDER BY base_table, z; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- Calculate the estimated extent of a cartodbfy'ed table. -- Scope: private. -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the input table. -- Return value A box2d extent in 3857. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _cdb_estimated_extent(reloid REGCLASS) RETURNS box2d AS $$ DECLARE ext box2d; ext_query text; table_id record; BEGIN SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name, c.relname table_name INTO STRICT table_id FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.oid = reloid::oid; ext_query = format( 'SELECT ST_EstimatedExtent(''%1$s'', ''%2$s'', ''%3$s'');', table_id.schema_name, table_id.table_name, 'the_geom_webmercator' ); BEGIN EXECUTE ext_query INTO ext; EXCEPTION -- This is the typical ERROR: stats for "mytable" do not exist WHEN internal_error THEN -- Get stats and execute again EXECUTE format('ANALYZE %1$s', reloid); -- We check the geometry type in case the error is due to empty geometries IF _CDB_GeometryTypes(reloid) IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; EXECUTE ext_query INTO ext; END; RETURN ext; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL VOLATILE; -- Determine the max feature density of a given dataset. -- Scope: private. -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the input table. It must be a cartodbfy'ed table. -- nz: number of zoom levels to consider from z0 upward. -- Return value: feature density (num_features / webmercator_squared_meters). CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_Feature_Density(reloid REGCLASS, nz integer) RETURNS FLOAT8 AS $$ DECLARE fd FLOAT8; min_features TEXT; n integer = 4; c FLOAT8; BEGIN -- TODO: for small total count or extents we could just: -- EXECUTE 'SELECT Count(*)/ST_Area(ST_Extent(the_geom_webmercator)) FROM ' || reloid::text || ';' INTO fd; -- min_features is a SQL subexpression which can depend on z and represents -- the minimum number of features to recursively consider a tile. -- We can either use a fixed minimum number of features per tile -- or a minimum feature density by dividing the number of features by -- the area of tiles at level Z: c*c*power(2, -2*z) -- with c = CDB_XYZ_Resolution(-8) (earth circumference) min_features = '500'; SELECT CDB_XYZ_Resolution(-8) INTO c; -- We first compute a set of *seed* tiles, of the minimum Z level, z0, such that -- they cover the extent of the table and we have at least n of them in each -- linear dimension (i.e. at least n*n tiles cover the extent). -- We compute the number of features in these tiles, and recursively in -- subtiles up to level z0 + nz. Then we compute the maximum of the feature -- density (per tile area in webmercator squared meters) for all the -- considered tiles. EXECUTE Format(' WITH RECURSIVE t(x, y, z, e) AS ( WITH ext AS (SELECT _cdb_estimated_extent(%6$s) as g), base AS ( SELECT least( -floor(log(2, (greatest(ST_XMax(ext.g)-ST_XMin(ext.g), ST_YMax(ext.g)-ST_YMin(ext.g))/(%4$s*%5$s))::numeric)), _CDB_MaxOverviewLevel()+1 )::integer z FROM ext ), lim AS ( SELECT FLOOR((ST_XMin(ext.g)+CDB_XYZ_Resolution(0)*128)/(CDB_XYZ_Resolution(base.z)*256))::integer x0, FLOOR((ST_XMax(ext.g)+CDB_XYZ_Resolution(0)*128)/(CDB_XYZ_Resolution(base.z)*256))::integer x1, FLOOR((CDB_XYZ_Resolution(0)*128-ST_YMin(ext.g))/(CDB_XYZ_Resolution(base.z)*256))::integer y1, FLOOR((CDB_XYZ_Resolution(0)*128-ST_YMax(ext.g))/(CDB_XYZ_Resolution(base.z)*256))::integer y0 FROM ext, base ), seed AS ( SELECT xt, yt, base.z, ( SELECT count(*) FROM %1$s WHERE the_geom_webmercator && CDB_XYZ_Extent(xt, yt, base.z) ) e FROM base, lim, generate_series(lim.x0, lim.x1) xt, generate_series(lim.y0, lim.y1) yt ) SELECT * from seed UNION ALL SELECT x*2 + xx, y*2 + yy, t.z+1, ( SELECT count(*) FROM %1$s WHERE the_geom_webmercator && CDB_XYZ_Extent(t.x*2 + c.xx, t.y*2 + c.yy, t.z+1) ) FROM t, base, (VALUES (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)) AS c(xx, yy) WHERE t.e > %2$s AND t.z < least(base.z + %3$s, _CDB_MaxZoomLevel()) ) SELECT MAX(e/ST_Area(CDB_XYZ_Extent(x,y,z))) FROM t where e > 0; ', reloid::text, min_features, nz, n, c, reloid::oid) INTO fd; RETURN fd; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STABLE; -- Experimental default strategy to assign a reference base Z level -- to a cartodbfied table. The resulting Z level represents the -- minimum scale level at which the table data can be rendered -- without overcrowded results or loss of detail. -- Parameters: -- reloid: oid of the input table. It must be a cartodbfy'ed table. -- Return value: Z level as an integer CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_Feature_Density_Ref_Z_Strategy(reloid REGCLASS, tolerance_px FLOAT8 DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE lim FLOAT8; nz integer := 4; fd FLOAT8; c FLOAT8; BEGIN IF (tolerance_px IS NULL) OR tolerance_px = 0 THEN lim := 500; ELSE lim := floor(power(256/tolerance_px, 2))/2; END IF; -- Compute fd as an estimation of the (maximum) number -- of features per unit of tile area (in webmercator squared meters) SELECT _CDB_Feature_Density(reloid, nz) INTO fd; -- lim maximum number of (desiderable) features per tile -- we have c = 2*Pi*R = CDB_XYZ_Resolution(-8) (earth circumference) -- ta(z): tile area = power(c*power(2,-z), 2) = c*c*power(2,-2*z) -- => fd*ta(z) is the average number of features per tile at level z -- find minimum z so that fd*ta(z) <= lim -- compute a rough 'feature density' value SELECT CDB_XYZ_Resolution(-8) INTO c; RETURN least(_CDB_MaxOverviewLevel()+1, ceil(log(2.0, (c*c*fd/lim)::numeric)/2)); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STABLE; -- Overview table name for a given Z level and base dataset or overview table -- Scope: private. -- Parameters: -- ref reference table (can be the base table of the dataset or an existing -- overview) from which the overview is being generated. -- ref_z Z level of the reference table -- overview_z Z level of the overview to be named, must be smaller than ref_z -- Return value: the name to be used for the overview. The name is always -- unqualified (does not include a schema name). CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_Overview_Name(ref REGCLASS, ref_z INTEGER, overview_z INTEGER) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE schema_name TEXT; base TEXT; suffix TEXT; is_overview BOOLEAN; BEGIN SELECT * FROM _cdb_split_table_name(ref) INTO schema_name, base; SELECT _CDB_OverviewBaseTableName(base) INTO base; RETURN _CDB_OverviewTableName(base, overview_z); END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- Sampling reduction method. -- Valid for any kind of geometry. -- Scope: private. -- reloid original table (can be the base table of the dataset or an existing -- overview) from which the overview is being generated. -- ref_z Z level assigned to the original table -- overview_z Z level of the overview to be generated, must be smaller than ref_z -- Return value: Name of the generated overview table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_Sampling_Reduce_Strategy(reloid REGCLASS, ref_z INTEGER, overview_z INTEGER, tolerance_px FLOAT8 DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS REGCLASS AS $$ DECLARE overview_rel TEXT; fraction FLOAT8; base_name TEXT; class_info RECORD; num_samples INTEGER; schema_name TEXT; table_name TEXT; BEGIN overview_rel := _CDB_Overview_Name(reloid, ref_z, overview_z); -- TODO: compute fraction from tolerance_px if not NULL fraction := power(2, 2*(overview_z - ref_z)); SELECT * FROM _cdb_split_table_name(reloid) INTO schema_name, table_name; EXECUTE Format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %I.%I CASCADE;', schema_name, overview_rel); -- Estimate number of rows SELECT reltuples, relpages FROM pg_class INTO STRICT class_info WHERE oid = reloid::oid; IF class_info.relpages < 2 OR fraction > 0.5 THEN -- We'll avoid possible CDB_RandomTids problems EXECUTE Format(' CREATE TABLE %I AS SELECT * FROM %s WHERE random() < %s; ', overview_rel, reloid, fraction); ELSE num_samples := ceil(class_info.reltuples*fraction); EXECUTE Format(' CREATE TABLE %4$I.%1$I AS SELECT * FROM %2$s WHERE ctid = ANY ( ARRAY[ (SELECT CDB_RandomTids(''%2$s'', %3$s)) ] ); ', overview_rel, reloid, num_samples, schema_name); END IF; RETURN Format('%I.%I', schema_name, overview_rel)::regclass; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -- Register new overview table (post-creation chores) -- Scope: private -- Parameters: -- dataset: oid of the input dataset table, It must be a cartodbfy'ed table. -- overview_table: oid of the overview table to be registered. -- overview_z: intended Z level for the overview table -- This function is declared SECURITY DEFINER so it executes with the privileges -- of the function creator to have a chance to alter the privileges of the -- overview table to match those of the dataset. It will only perform any change -- if the overview table belgons to the same scheme as the dataset and it -- matches the scheme naming for overview tables. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_Register_Overview(dataset REGCLASS, overview_table REGCLASS, overview_z INTEGER) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE sql TEXT; table_owner TEXT; dataset_scheme TEXT; dataset_name TEXT; overview_scheme TEXT; overview_name TEXT; BEGIN -- This function will only register a table as an overview table if it matches -- the overviews naming scheme for the dataset and z level and the table belongs -- to the same scheme as the the dataset SELECT * FROM _cdb_split_table_name(dataset) INTO dataset_scheme, dataset_name; SELECT * FROM _cdb_split_table_name(overview_table) INTO overview_scheme, overview_name; IF dataset_scheme = overview_scheme AND overview_name = _CDB_OverviewTableName(dataset_name, overview_z) THEN -- preserve the owner of the base table SELECT u.usename FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON (c.relowner=u.usesysid) JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relname = dataset_name::text AND n.nspname = dataset_scheme INTO table_owner; EXECUTE Format('ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS %s OWNER TO %I;', overview_table::text, table_owner); -- preserve the table privileges UPDATE pg_class c_to SET relacl = c_from.relacl FROM pg_class c_from WHERE c_from.oid = dataset AND c_to.oid = overview_table; PERFORM _CDB_Add_Indexes(overview_table); -- TODO: If metadata about existing overviews is to be stored -- it should be done here (CDB_Overviews would consume such metadata) END IF; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; -- Dataset attributes (column names other than the -- CartoDB primary key and geometry columns) which should be aggregated -- in aggregated overviews. -- Scope: private. -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the input table. It must be a cartodbfy'ed table. -- Return value: set of attribute names CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_Aggregable_Attributes(reloid REGCLASS) RETURNS SETOF information_schema.sql_identifier AS $$ SELECT c FROM CDB_ColumnNames(reloid) c, _CDB_Columns() cdb WHERE c NOT IN ( cdb.pkey, cdb.geomcol, cdb.mercgeomcol ) $$ LANGUAGE SQL STABLE; -- List of dataset attributes to be aggregated in aggregated overview -- as a comma-separated SQL expression. -- Scope: private. -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the input table. It must be a cartodbfy'ed table. -- Return value: SQL subexpression as text CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_Aggregable_Attributes_Expression(reloid REGCLASS) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE attr_list TEXT; BEGIN SELECT string_agg(s.c, ',') FROM ( SELECT * FROM _CDB_Aggregable_Attributes(reloid) c ) AS s INTO attr_list; RETURN attr_list; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STABLE; -- Check if a column of a table is of an unlimited-length text type CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _cdb_unlimited_text_column(reloid REGCLASS, col_name TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT a.attname FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid WHERE c.oid = reloid AND a.attname = col_name AND format_type(a.atttypid, NULL) IN ('text', 'character varying', 'character') AND format_type(a.atttypid, NULL) = format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _cdb_categorical_column(reloid REGCLASS, col_name TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ DECLARE schema_name TEXT; table_name TEXT; available BOOLEAN; categorical BOOLEAN; BEGIN SELECT * FROM _cdb_split_table_name(reloid) INTO schema_name, table_name; SELECT n_distinct IS NOT NULL FROM pg_stats WHERE pg_stats.schemaname = schema_name AND pg_stats.tablename = table_name AND pg_stats.attname = col_name INTO available; IF available IS NULL OR NOT available THEN EXECUTE Format('ANALYZE %s;', reloid); END IF; SELECT n_distinct > 0 AND n_distinct <= 20 FROM pg_stats WHERE pg_stats.schemaname = schema_name AND pg_stats.tablename = table_name AND pg_stats.attname = col_name INTO categorical; RETURN categorical; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL VOLATILE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _cdb_mode_of_array(anyarray) RETURNS anyelement AS $$ SELECT a FROM unnest($1) a GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY COUNT(1) DESC, 1 LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS _cdb_mode(anyelement); CREATE AGGREGATE _cdb_mode(anyelement) ( SFUNC=array_append, STYPE=anyarray, FINALFUNC=_cdb_mode_of_array, INITCOND='{}' ); -- SQL Aggregation expression for a datase attribute -- Scope: private. -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the input table. It must be a cartodbfy'ed table. -- column_name: column to be aggregated -- table_alias: (optional) table qualifier for the column to be aggregated -- Return SQL subexpression as text with aggregated attribute aliased -- with its original name. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_Attribute_Aggregation_Expression(reloid REGCLASS, column_name TEXT, table_alias TEXT DEFAULT '') RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE column_type TEXT; qualified_column TEXT; has_counter_column BOOLEAN; feature_count TEXT; total_feature_count TEXT; base_table REGCLASS; BEGIN IF table_alias <> '' THEN qualified_column := Format('%I.%I', table_alias, column_name); ELSE qualified_column := Format('%I', column_name); END IF; column_type := CDB_ColumnType(reloid, column_name); SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM CDB_ColumnNames(reloid) as colname WHERE colname = '_feature_count' ) INTO has_counter_column; IF has_counter_column THEN feature_count := '_feature_count'; total_feature_count := 'SUM(_feature_count)'; ELSE feature_count := '1'; total_feature_count := 'count(*)'; END IF; base_table := _CDB_OverviewBaseTable(reloid); CASE column_type WHEN 'double precision', 'real', 'integer', 'bigint', 'numeric' THEN IF column_name = '_feature_count' THEN RETURN 'SUM(_feature_count)'; ELSE IF column_type = 'integer' AND _cdb_categorical_column(base_table, column_name) THEN RETURN Format('CDB_Math_Mode(%s)::', qualified_column) || column_type; ELSE RETURN Format('SUM(%s*%s)/%s::' || column_type, qualified_column, feature_count, total_feature_count); END IF; END IF; WHEN 'text', 'character varying', 'character' THEN IF _cdb_categorical_column(base_table, column_name) THEN RETURN Format('_cdb_mode(%s)::', qualified_column) || column_type; ELSE IF _cdb_unlimited_text_column(base_table, column_name) THEN -- TODO: this should not be applied to columns containing largish text; -- it is intended only to short names/identifiers RETURN 'CASE WHEN count(distinct ' || qualified_column || ') = 1 THEN MIN(' || qualified_column || ') WHEN ' || total_feature_count || ' < 5 THEN string_agg(distinct ' || qualified_column || ','' / '') ELSE ''*'' END::' || column_type; ELSE RETURN 'CASE count(*) WHEN 1 THEN MIN(' || qualified_column || ') ELSE NULL END::' || column_type; END IF; END IF; WHEN 'boolean' THEN RETURN 'CASE count(*) WHEN 1 THEN BOOL_AND(' || qualified_column || ') ELSE NULL END::' || column_type; ELSE RETURN 'CASE count(*) WHEN 1 THEN MIN(' || qualified_column || ') ELSE NULL END::' || column_type; END CASE; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; -- List of dataset aggregated attributes as a comma-separated SQL expression. -- Scope: private. -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the input table. It must be a cartodbfy'ed table. -- table_alias: (optional) table qualifier for the columns to be aggregated -- Return value: SQL subexpression as text CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_Aggregated_Attributes_Expression(reloid REGCLASS, table_alias TEXT DEFAULT '') RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE attr_list TEXT; BEGIN SELECT string_agg(_CDB_Attribute_Aggregation_Expression(reloid, s.c, table_alias) || Format(' AS %s', s.c), ',') FROM ( SELECT * FROM _CDB_Aggregable_Attributes(reloid) c ) AS s INTO attr_list; RETURN attr_list; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STABLE; -- Array of geometry types detected in a cartodbfied table -- For effciency only look at a limited number of rwos. -- Parameters -- reloid: oid of the input table. It must be a cartodbfy'ed table. -- Return value: array of geometry type names CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_GeometryTypes(reloid REGCLASS) RETURNS TEXT[] AS $$ DECLARE gtypes TEXT[]; BEGIN EXECUTE Format(' SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT ST_GeometryType(the_geom)) FROM ( SELECT the_geom FROM %s WHERE (the_geom is not null) LIMIT 10 ) as geom_types ', reloid) INTO gtypes; RETURN gtypes; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STABLE; -- Experimental Overview reduction method for point datasets. -- It clusters the points using a grid, then aggregates the point in each -- cluster into a point at the centroid of the clustered records. -- Scope: private. -- Parameters: -- reloid original table (can be the base table of the dataset or an existing -- overview) from which the overview is being generated. -- ref_z Z level assigned to the original table -- overview_z Z level of the overview to be generated, must be smaller than ref_z -- Return value: Name of the generated overview table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _CDB_GridCluster_Reduce_Strategy(reloid REGCLASS, ref_z INTEGER, overview_z INTEGER, grid_px FLOAT8 DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS REGCLASS AS $$ DECLARE overview_rel TEXT; reduction FLOAT8; base_name TEXT; pixel_m FLOAT8; grid_m FLOAT8; offset_m FLOAT8; offset_x TEXT; offset_y TEXT; cell_x TEXT; cell_y TEXT; aggr_attributes TEXT; attributes TEXT; columns TEXT; gtypes TEXT[]; schema_name TEXT; table_name TEXT; point_geom TEXT; BEGIN SELECT _CDB_GeometryTypes(reloid) INTO gtypes; IF gtypes IS NULL OR array_upper(gtypes, 1) <> 1 OR gtypes[1] <> 'ST_Point' THEN -- This strategy only supports datasets with point geomety RETURN NULL; END IF; --TODO: check applicability: geometry type, minimum number of points... overview_rel := _CDB_Overview_Name(reloid, ref_z, overview_z); -- Grid size in pixels at Z level overview_z IF grid_px IS NULL THEN grid_px := 1.0; END IF; SELECT * FROM _cdb_split_table_name(reloid) INTO schema_name, table_name; -- pixel_m: size of a pixel in webmercator units (meters) SELECT CDB_XYZ_Resolution(overview_z) INTO pixel_m; -- grid size in meters grid_m = grid_px * pixel_m; attributes := _CDB_Aggregable_Attributes_Expression(reloid); aggr_attributes := _CDB_Aggregated_Attributes_Expression(reloid); IF attributes <> '' THEN attributes := ', ' || attributes; END IF; IF aggr_attributes <> '' THEN aggr_attributes := aggr_attributes || ', '; END IF; -- Center of each cell: cell_x := Format('gx*%1$s + %2$s', grid_m, grid_m/2); cell_y := Format('gy*%1$s + %2$s', grid_m, grid_m/2); -- Displacement to the nearest pixel center: IF MOD(grid_px::numeric, 1.0::numeric) = 0 THEN offset_m := pixel_m/2 - MOD((grid_m/2)::numeric, pixel_m::numeric)::float8; offset_x := Format('%s', offset_m); offset_y := Format('%s', offset_m); ELSE offset_x := Format('%2$s/2 - MOD((%1$s)::numeric, (%2$s)::numeric)::float8', cell_x, pixel_m); offset_y := Format('%2$s/2 - MOD((%1$s)::numeric, (%2$s)::numeric)::float8', cell_y, pixel_m); END IF; point_geom := Format('ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(%1$s + %3$s, %2$s + %4$s), 3857)', cell_x, cell_y, offset_x, offset_y); -- compute the resulting columns in the same order as in the base table WITH cols AS ( SELECT CASE c WHEN 'cartodb_id' THEN 'cartodb_id' WHEN 'the_geom' THEN Format('ST_Transform(%s, 4326) AS the_geom', point_geom) WHEN 'the_geom_webmercator' THEN Format('%s AS the_geom_webmercator', point_geom) ELSE c END AS column FROM CDB_ColumnNames(reloid) c ) SELECT string_agg(s.column, ',') FROM ( SELECT * FROM cols ) AS s INTO columns; IF NOT columns LIKE '%_feature_count%' THEN columns := columns || ', n AS _feature_count'; END IF; EXECUTE Format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %I.%I CASCADE;', schema_name, overview_rel); -- Now we cluster the data using a grid of size grid_m -- and selecte the centroid (average coordinates) of each cluster. -- If we had a selected numeric attribute of interest we could use it -- as a weight for the average coordinates. EXECUTE Format(' CREATE TABLE %7$I.%3$I AS WITH clusters AS ( SELECT %5$s count(*) AS n, Floor(ST_X(f.the_geom_webmercator)/%2$s)::int AS gx, Floor(ST_Y(f.the_geom_webmercator)/%2$s)::int AS gy, MIN(cartodb_id) AS cartodb_id FROM %1$s f GROUP BY gx, gy ) SELECT %6$s FROM clusters ', reloid::text, grid_m, overview_rel, attributes, aggr_attributes, columns, schema_name); RETURN Format('%I.%I', schema_name, overview_rel)::regclass; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -- Create overview tables for a dataset. -- Scope: public -- Parameters: -- reloid: oid of the input table. It must be a cartodbfy'ed table with -- vector features. -- refscale_strategy: function that computes the reference Z of the dataset -- reduce_strategy: function that generates overviews from a base table -- or higher level overview. The overview tables -- created by the strategy must have the same columns -- as the base table and in the same order. -- Return value: Array with the names of the generated overview tables CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_CreateOverviews(reloid REGCLASS, refscale_strategy regproc DEFAULT '_CDB_Feature_Density_Ref_Z_Strategy(REGCLASS,FLOAT8)'::regprocedure, reduce_strategy regproc DEFAULT '_CDB_GridCluster_Reduce_Strategy(REGCLASS,INTEGER,INTEGER,FLOAT8)'::regprocedure) RETURNS text[] AS $$ DECLARE tolerance_px FLOAT8; BEGIN -- Use the default tolerance tolerance_px := 1.0; RETURN CDB_CreateOverviewsWithToleranceInPixels(reloid, tolerance_px, refscale_strategy, reduce_strategy); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -- Create overviews with additional parameter to define the desired detail/tolerance in pixels CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_CreateOverviewsWithToleranceInPixels(reloid REGCLASS, tolerance_px FLOAT8, refscale_strategy regproc DEFAULT '_CDB_Feature_Density_Ref_Z_Strategy(REGCLASS,FLOAT8)'::regprocedure, reduce_strategy regproc DEFAULT '_CDB_GridCluster_Reduce_Strategy(REGCLASS,INTEGER,INTEGER,FLOAT8)'::regprocedure) RETURNS text[] AS $$ DECLARE ref_z integer; overviews_z integer[]; base_z integer; base_rel REGCLASS; overview_z integer; overview_tables REGCLASS[]; overviews_step integer := 1; has_counter_column boolean; BEGIN -- Determine the referece zoom level EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(refscale_strategy::text) || Format('(''%s'', %s);', reloid, tolerance_px) INTO ref_z; IF ref_z < 0 OR ref_z IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Determine overlay zoom levels -- TODO: should be handled by the refscale_strategy? overview_z := ref_z - 1; WHILE overview_z >= 0 LOOP SELECT array_append(overviews_z, overview_z) INTO overviews_z; overview_z := overview_z - overviews_step; END LOOP; -- Create overlay tables base_z := ref_z; base_rel := reloid; FOREACH overview_z IN ARRAY overviews_z LOOP EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(reduce_strategy::text) || Format('(''%s'', %s, %s, %s);', base_rel, base_z, overview_z, tolerance_px) INTO base_rel; IF base_rel IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; base_z := overview_z; PERFORM _CDB_Register_Overview(reloid, base_rel, base_z); SELECT array_append(overview_tables, base_rel) INTO overview_tables; END LOOP; IF overview_tables IS NOT NULL AND array_length(overview_tables, 1) > 0 THEN SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM CDB_ColumnNames(reloid) as colname WHERE colname = '_feature_count' ) INTO has_counter_column; IF NOT has_counter_column THEN EXECUTE Format(' ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN _feature_count integer DEFAULT 1; ', reloid); END IF; END IF; RETURN overview_tables; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -- Here are some older signatures of these functions, no longar in use. -- They must be droped here, after the (new) definition of the function `CDB_CreateOverviews` -- because that function used to contain references to them in the default argument values. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _CDB_Feature_Density_Ref_Z_Strategy(REGCLASS); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _CDB_GridCluster_Reduce_Strategy(REGCLASS,INTEGER,INTEGER); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS _CDB_Sampling_Reduce_Strategy(REGCLASS,INTEGER,INTEGER);