cartodb-postgresql ================== [![Build Status](] ( PostgreSQL extension for CartoDB See Dependencies ------------ * PostgreSQL 9.3+ * [Schema triggers extension] ( Install ------- make all install Test installation ----------------- make installcheck NOTE: if ``test_ddl_triggers`` fails it's likely due to an incomplete installation of schema_triggers: you need to add ```` to the ``shared_preload_libraries`` setting in postgresql.conf ! Enable database --------------- In a database that needs to be turned into a "cartodb" user database, run: ```sql CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION schema_triggers; CREATE EXTENSION cartodb; ``` Migrate existing cartodb database --------------------------------- When upgrading an existing cartodb user database, the cartodb extension can be migrated from the "unpackaged" version. The procedure will copy the data from ``public.CDB_TableMetada`` to ``cartodb.CDB_TableMetadata``, re-cartodbfy all tables using old functions in triggers and drop the cartodb functions from the 'public' schema. All new cartodb objects will be in the "cartodb" schema. ```sql CREATE EXTENSION postgis FROM unpackaged; CREATE EXTENSION schema_triggers; CREATE EXTENSION cartodb FROM unpackaged; ```