0.2.0dev - 2014-MM-DD ------------------ Important changes: - This release adds dependency on "plpythonu" extension - Roles are not created anymore, previously private functions for table information extraction will now be callable by anyone while only returning information about tables over which the calling user has SELECT privilege (#36) Bug fixes: - Fix recursive trigger on create table (#32) - Ensure cartodb_id uses an associated sequence (#33) - Fully qualify call to cdb_disable_ddl_hooks from cdb_enable_ddl_hooks - Fully qualify call to CDB_UserDataSize from quota trigger - Fix potential infinite loop in CDB_CartodbfyTable - Fix potential infinite loop in CDB_QueryStatements Enhancements: - Include revision info in cdb_version() output (#34) New features: - Add a cdb_extension_reload() function 0.1.0 - 2014-05-23 ------------------ Initial release