-- -- CDB_DistinctMeasure -- calculates the fraction of rows in the 10 most common distinct categories -- returns true if the number of rows in these 10 categories is >= 0.9 * total number of rows -- -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION @extschema@.CDB_DistinctMeasure ( in_array text[], threshold numeric DEFAULT null ) RETURNS numeric as $$ DECLARE element_count INT4; maxval numeric; passes numeric; BEGIN SELECT count(e) INTO element_count FROM ( SELECT unnest(in_array) e ) x; -- count number of occurrences per bin -- calculate the normalized cumulative sum -- return the max value: which corresponds nth entry -- for n <= 10 depending on # of distinct values EXECUTE 'WITH a As ( SELECT count(*) cnt FROM (SELECT * FROM unnest($2) e ) x WHERE e is not null GROUP BY e ORDER BY cnt DESC ), b As ( SELECT sum(cnt) OVER (ORDER BY cnt DESC) / $1 As cumsum FROM a LIMIT 10 ) SELECT max(cumsum) maxval FROM b' INTO maxval USING element_count, in_array; IF threshold is null THEN passes = maxval; ELSE passes = CASE WHEN (maxval >= threshold) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END; END IF; RETURN passes; END; $$ language plpgsql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE;