CartoDB User Table ================== Introduction ---------- A CartoDB user table is a table with a well-known set of columns and a well-known set of triggers attached on. Columns ---------- The required columns of a CartoDB table are: - ``cartodb_id`` - This column will be used as the primary key of the table and it has a sequence as default value - Its values must be integer, non-zero, non-null and unique - B-Tree indexed - ``the_geom`` - This column stores the main geometric features of a table - The type of the column in the Postgres database is ``geometry(Geometry,4326)``` - GiST indexed - geometry, GiST indexed, constrained (see below) - ``the_geom_webmercator`` - This column stores the geometries used for rendering purposes - The type of the column in the Postgres database is ``geometry(Geometry,3857)`` - GiST indexed - This column is automatically updated by the system when the ``the_geom`` column is updated or when there is an insertion of a new row into the table (See triggers below) The values of ``the_geom`` and ``the_geom_webmercator`` must be two-dimensional Points, MultiLineStrings or MultiPolygons. Different geometric types in a CartoDB table are not supported. Described table example ^^^^^^^^^^ :: Column | Type | Modifiers ----------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------- cartodb_id | bigint | not null default nextval('t_cartodb_id_seq'::regclass) the_geom | geometry(Geometry,4326) | the_geom_webmercator | geometry(Geometry,3857) | Indexes: "table_name_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cartodb_id) "table_name_the_geom_idx" gist (the_geom) "table_name_the_geom_webmercator_idx" gist (the_geom_webmercator) Triggers ---------- The triggers generated in each CartoDB table are: - ``track_updates`` after modifying statement updates ``cdb_tablemetadata`` - ``test_quota`` before changing statement to forbid if overquota - ``test_quota_per_row`` before insert ot update row to forbid if overquota (checked on a probabilistic basis) - ``update_the_geom_webmercator`` before insert or update row to maintain the ``the_geom_webmercator`` updated with the contents in ``the_geom`` Described triggers example ^^^^^^^^^^ :: test_quota BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON t FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE cdb_checkquota('0.1', '-1', 'public') test_quota_per_row BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON t FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE cdb_checkquota('0.001', '-1', 'public') track_updates AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE OR TRUNCATE ON t FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE cdb_tablemetadata_trigger() update_the_geom_webmercator_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF the_geom ON t FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _cdb_update_the_geom_webmercator() Further details ---------- Some conversions will be attempted to perform upon cartodbfication when certain fields appear: - ``cartodb_id``: If found type TEXT will be attempted to cast to integer. If not casteable, an eror will be raised. - ``the_geom``: If found type TEXT will be attempted to cast to geometry(Geometry,4326).