2024-04-06 05:25:13 +00:00

63 lines
1.7 KiB

var js_files = require('../files/js_files');
browser: 'phantomjs',
headless: true,
timeout: 20000,
keepRunner: true,
// grunt:test (CI) always generates a server on port 8088
host: 'http://localhost:8088',
summary: true,
display: 'none',
helpers: js_files._spec_helpers3,
reportSlowerThan: 2000,
vendor: [
const getJasmineConfig = (config) => (Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_CONFIG, config));
module.exports = {
cartodbui: {
src: js_files.all.concat([
'<%= editor_assets_dir %>/javascripts/templates_mustache.js',
'<%= editor_assets_dir %>/javascripts/templates.js',
options: {
browser: 'phantomjs',
headless: true,
keepRunner: true, // do not delete the runner (added to gitignore anyway), makes sure the runner is up-to-date
outfile: '_SpecRunner.html',
host: 'http://localhost:8088',
summary: true,
display: 'none',
specs: js_files.specs,
helpers: [''].concat(js_files._spec_helpers)
// '--remote-debugger-port': 9000
dashboard: {
options: getJasmineConfig({
outfile: '_SpecRunner_dashboard.html',
specs: [
builder: {
options: getJasmineConfig({
outfile: '_SpecRunner_builder.html',
specs: [