51 lines
2.7 KiB
51 lines
2.7 KiB
<% if (option !== "loading") { %>
<div class="CreateDialog-footerShadow"></div>
<div class="CreateDialog-footerLine"></div>
<div class="CreateDialog-footerInner u-flex u-alignCenter u-justifySpace">
<% if (option === 'listing') { %>
<% if (listingState === "datasets") { %>
<% if (isLibrary && !isMapType) { %>
<div class="CDB-Text CDB-Size-medium u-altTextColor u-flex u-alignCenter">
<i class="CDB-IconFont CDB-IconFont-info CreateDialog-footerInfoIcon HighlightIcon HighlightIcon--warning"></i> Once you click over one of these items it will be imported to your account.
<% } else { %>
<div class="CDB-Text CDB-Size-medium u-altTextColor u-flex u-alignCenter">
<% if (selectedDatasetsCount < maxSelectedDatasets) { %>
<%- selectedDatasetsCount %> dataset<%- selectedDatasetsCount !== 1 ? 's' : '' %> selected
<% } else { %>
You have reached the max layers for a new map (<%- maxSelectedDatasets %> max)
<% } %>
<div class="CreateDialog-footerActions">
<% if (selectedDatasetsCount === maxSelectedDatasets && userCanUpgrade) { %>
<a class="Button Button--main CreateDialog-footerActionsButton is-separated js-upgrade" href="<%- upgradeUrl %>"><span>upgrade</span></a>
<% } %>
<button class="CDB-Button CDB-Button--primary CreateDialog-footerActionsButton js-create_map track-onboarding--createMap <%- selectedDatasetsCount === 0 ? 'is-disabled' : '' %>">
<span class="CDB-Button-Text CDB-Text is-semibold CDB-Size-small u-upperCase">create map</span>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if (listingState === "import" || listingState === "upload") { %>
<% if (importState === 'scratch') { %>
<% if (isMapType) { %>
<div class="CreateDialog-footerInfo">
<i class="CDB-IconFont CDB-IconFont-info CreateDialog-footerInfoIcon HighlightIcon HighlightIcon--warning"></i>New on CARTO? Start with one of <a href="#/templates" class="js-templates">our templates</a>.
<% } %>
<% } else { %>
<div class="js-footer-info CreateDialog-footerInfo"></div>
<div class="CreateDialog-footerActions js-footerActions">
<button class="CDB-Button CDB-Button--primary CreateDialog-footerActionsButton <% if (!isUploadValid) { %>is-disabled<% } %> js-connect">
<span class="CDB-Button-Text CDB-Text is-semibold CDB-Size-small u-upperCase">connect dataset</span>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>