You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Backbone.Model File Upload v0.5.3
// by Joe Vu -
// For all details and documentation:
// Contributors:
// lutherism - Alex Jansen -
// bildja - Dima Bildin -
// Minjung - Alejandro -
(function(root, factory) {
// AMD
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone'], function(_, $, Backbone){
factory(root, Backbone, _, $);
// NodeJS/CommonJS
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
var _ = require('underscore'), $ = require('jquery-cdb-v3'), Backbone = require('backbone-cdb-v3');
factory(root, _, $, Backbone);
// Browser global
} else {
factory(root, root.Backbone, root._, root.$);
}(this, function(root, Backbone, _, $) {
'use strict';
// Clone the original Backbone.Model.prototype as superClass
var _superClass = _.clone( Backbone.Model.prototype );
// Extending out
var BackboneModelFileUpload = Backbone.Model.extend({
// ! Default file attribute - can be overwritten
fileAttribute: 'file',
// @ Save - overwritten
save: function(key, val, options) {
// Variables
var attrs, attributes = this.attributes;
// Signature parsing - taken directly from original
// and it states: 'Handle both "key", value and {key: value} -style arguments.'
if (key == null || typeof key === 'object') {
attrs = key;
options = val;
} else {
(attrs = {})[key] = val;
// Validate & wait options - taken directly from original
options = _.extend({validate: true}, options);
if (attrs && !options.wait) {
if (!this.set(attrs, options)) return false;
} else {
if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false;
// Merge data temporarily for formdata
var mergedAttrs = _.extend({}, attributes, attrs);
if (attrs && options.wait) {
this.attributes = mergedAttrs;
// Check for "formData" flag and check for if file exist.
if ( options.formData === true
|| options.formData !== false
&& mergedAttrs[ this.fileAttribute ]
&& mergedAttrs[ this.fileAttribute ] instanceof File
|| mergedAttrs[ this.fileAttribute ] instanceof FileList
|| mergedAttrs[ this.fileAttribute ] instanceof Blob ) {
// Flatten Attributes reapplying File Object
var formAttrs = _.clone( mergedAttrs ),
fileAttr = mergedAttrs[ this.fileAttribute ];
formAttrs = Backbone.Model.prototype._flatten( formAttrs );
formAttrs[ this.fileAttribute ] = fileAttr;
// Converting Attributes to Form Data
var formData = new FormData();
_.each( formAttrs, function( value, key ){
if (value instanceof FileList) {
_.each(value, function(file) {
formData.append( key, file );
formData.append( key, value );
// Set options for AJAX call = formData;
options.processData = false;
options.contentType = false;
// Apply custom XHR for processing status & listen to "progress"
var that = this;
options.xhr = function() {
var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', that._progressHandler.bind(that), false);
return xhr;
// Resume back to original state
if (attrs && options.wait) this.attributes = attributes;
// Continue to call the existing "save" method
return, attrs, options);
// _ FlattenObject gist by "penguinboy". Thank You!
_flatten: function( obj ) {
var output = {};
for (var i in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') {
var flatObject = this._flatten(obj[i]);
for (var x in flatObject) {
if (!flatObject.hasOwnProperty(x)) continue;
output[i + '.' + x] = flatObject[x];
} else {
output[i] = obj[i];
return output;
// _ Get the Progress of the uploading file
_progressHandler: function( event ) {
if (event.lengthComputable) {
var percentComplete = event.loaded /;
this.trigger( 'progress', percentComplete );
// Export out to override Backbone Model
Backbone.Model = BackboneModelFileUpload;