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# Jesus Vazquez
# secondTry
# This is a hack for those specs that failed in the parallel execution.
# Here we can check if they failed because they can't run in parallel
# or because the PR code is wrong
# Requisites
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
# Start
failedSpecs=$(cat parallel_tests/specfailed.log | wc -l)
if [ "$failedSpecs" -eq "0" ];
exit 0;
specs=$(cat parallel_tests/specfailed.log | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')
TRASH_MESSAGES="Varnish purge error: \[Errno 111\] Connection refused\|_CDB_LinkGhostTables() called with username=\|terminating connection due to administrator command\|Error trying to connect to Invalidation Service to link Ghost Tables: No module named redis\|pg_restore:\|pg_dump:\|is already a member of\|Skipping Ghost Tables linking"
## uncomment the following if you want to debug failures in parallel execution
## Print parallel logs if some of them failed
#if [ -s parallel_tests/specfailed.log ]; then
# echo "*****************************************************************************************************"
# echo "Logs of tests that ran in parallel"
# echo "*****************************************************************************************************"
# cat parallel_tests/6*.log | grep -v "$TRASH_MESSAGES"
# echo "*****************************************************************************************************"
echo "Giving a second try to the next specs"
cat parallel_tests/specfailed.log
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rspec $specs > tmp_file 2>&1
cat tmp_file | grep -v "$TRASH_MESSAGES"
if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then
truncate -s 0 parallel_tests/specfailed.log # Here is where the hack takes place. If im the second try we dont have errors then we're OK
exit 0; # The reporter script will output the failed specs