You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

162 lines
4.6 KiB

var files = {
dashboard: {
page: 'dashboard',
stylesheets: [
scripts: [
profile: {
page: 'profile',
stylesheets: [
scripts: [
// public_map: {
// stylesheets: [
// '/stylesheets/cartodb.css',
// '/stylesheets/common.css',
// '/stylesheets/public_map.css',
// '/stylesheets/password_protected.css'
// ],
// scripts: [
// '/javascripts/cdb.js',
// '/javascripts/models.js',
// '/javascripts/carto_node.js',
// '/javascripts/templates_mustache.js',
// '/javascripts/public_like.js',
// '/javascripts/public_map_templates_static.js',
// '/javascripts/public_map_deps_static.js',
// '/javascripts/public_map_static.js'
// ],
// images: [
// '/images/layout/carto_logo.svg'
// ],
// visualization: {
// params: {
// show_permission: true,
// show_liked: true,
// show_stats: true,
// fetch_user: true,
// fetch_related_canonical_visualizations: false
// }
// },
// vendor: {
// hubspot_form: true
// }
// },
// embed_map: {
// stylesheets: [
// '/stylesheets/cartodb.css',
// '/stylesheets/embed_map.css',
// '/stylesheets/password_protected.css'
// ],
// scripts: [
// '/javascripts/cdb.js',
// '/javascripts/models.js',
// '/javascripts/carto_node.js',
// '/javascripts/public_like.js',
// '/javascripts/embed_map_templates_static.js',
// '/javascripts/embed_map_static.js'
// ],
// images: [
// '/images/layout/carto_logo.svg'
// ],
// visualization: {
// params: {
// show_permission: true,
// show_liked: true,
// show_stats: true,
// fetch_user: true,
// fetch_related_canonical_visualizations: false
// }
// }
// },
account: {
page: 'account',
stylesheets: [
scripts: [
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var gearEntryPoints = {};
path.join(__dirname, '../../../gears'),
path.join(__dirname, '../../../private_gears')
].forEach((gearsDir) => {
if (fs.existsSync(gearsDir)) {
fs.readdirSync(gearsDir).forEach((gearName) => {
// Find HtmlWebpackPlugin extensions and overrides
let gearWebpackFilesPath = path.join(gearsDir, gearName, 'webpack/static-pages/webpack_files.js');
if (fs.existsSync(gearWebpackFilesPath)) {
let gearWebpackFiles = require(gearWebpackFilesPath);
if (gearWebpackFiles.htmlFiles) {`> Found HtmlWebpackPlugin extension for gear ${gearName} in ${gearWebpackFilesPath}`);
Object.entries(gearWebpackFiles.htmlFiles).forEach(([entryName, config]) => {
if (!files[entryName]) {`> ┕╸ Added entryName "${entryName}"`);
files[entryName] = {};
} else {`> ┕╸ Extended entryName "${entryName}"`);
Object.entries(config).forEach(([confName, val]) => {
if (files[entryName][confName] instanceof Array && val instanceof Array) {
} else {
files[entryName][confName] = val;
// Find entry point overrides
if (gearWebpackFiles.entryPoints) {`> Found entry points for gear ${gearName} in ${gearWebpackFilesPath}`);
Object.entries(gearWebpackFiles.entryPoints).forEach(([entryName, entryPath]) => {
entryPath = path.resolve(gearsDir, gearName, 'lib/build/files/', entryPath);
gearEntryPoints[entryName] = entryPath;`> ┕╸ Added entry "${entryName}" at ${entryPath}`);
module.exports = {
'htmlFiles': files,
'gearEntryPoints': gearEntryPoints