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<% content_for :title do %><%= @signup_source %> signup issue<% end %>
<div class="CDB-Text <%= @organization.present? ? 'Sessions' : 'Sessions-navy' %>" style="<%= @organization.present? ? background : '' %>">
<div class="Sessions-content">
<div class="Sessions-inner">
<div class="u-inner">
<div class="Sessions-center Sessions--centered">
<div class="Sessions-logoContainer">
<picture class="Navbar-brand">
<% if @organization.present? %>
<%= image_tag("layout/carto-logo-darkblue.svg", :alt => "CARTO") %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag("layout/carto-logo.svg", :alt => "CARTO") %>
<% end %>
<% if @signup_errors %>
<div class="js-info">
<h1 class="Sessions-title u-tspace-m">Signup issues</h1>
<p class="Sessions-description">
<ul class="SessionErrors">
<% @signup_errors.keys.each do |key| %>
<li class="SessionErrors-item">
<%= key %> <%= @signup_errors[key].first %></li>
<% end %>
<p class="Sessions-description Sessions-description--small">Please, <% if @organization.owner %><a href="mailto:<%= %>"><% end %>
contact the administrator of <%= %><% if @organization.owner %></a><% end %> to begin your signup process.</p>
<% else %>
<div class="js-info">
<h1 class="Sessions-title u-tspace-m">Service temporarily unavailable</h1>
<p class="Sessions-description">Please, contact the administrator of <%= %>
<% if @organization.owner %> (<a href="mailto:<%= %>"><%= %></a>) <% end %>
to begin your signup process.</p>
<% end %>