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# A sample Guardfile
# More info at
guard 'minitest', test_folders: 'services' do
# with Minitest::Spec
watch(%r|^services/(.*)([^/]+)\.rb|) { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}#{m[2]}_spec.rb" }
# watch(%r|^spec/spec_helper\.rb|) { "spec" }
# with Minitest::Unit
# watch(%r|^test/(.*)\/?test_(.*)\.rb|)
# watch(%r|^lib/(.*)([^/]+)\.rb|) { |m| "test/#{m[1]}test_#{m[2]}.rb" }
# watch(%r|^test/test_helper\.rb|) { "test" }
# Rails 3.2
# watch(%r|^app/controllers/(.*)\.rb|) { |m| "test/controllers/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
# watch(%r|^app/helpers/(.*)\.rb|) { |m| "test/helpers/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
# watch(%r|^app/models/(.*)\.rb|) { |m| "test/unit/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
# Rails
# watch(%r|^app/controllers/(.*)\.rb|) { |m| "test/functional/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
# watch(%r|^app/helpers/(.*)\.rb|) { |m| "test/helpers/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
# watch(%r|^app/models/(.*)\.rb|) { |m| "test/unit/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }