var _ = require('jquery'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var ConfigModel = require('builder/data/config-model'); var AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection = require('builder/data/analysis-definition-nodes-collection'); var QueryGeometryModel = require('builder/data/query-geometry-model'); var UserModel = require('builder/data/user-model'); var LayerDefinitionsCollection = require('builder/data/layer-definitions-collection'); var layerColors = require('builder/data/layer-colors'); describe('data/layer-definitions-collection', function () { var collection; var configModel; var userModel; var analysisDefinitionNodesCollection; var createCollectionFn = function (options) { configModel = new ConfigModel({ user_name: 'pepe', base_url: '/u/pepe' }); userModel = new UserModel({}, { configModel: configModel }); analysisDefinitionNodesCollection = new AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection(null, { configModel: configModel, userModel: userModel }); var defaultOptions = { configModel: configModel, userModel: userModel, analysisDefinitionNodesCollection: analysisDefinitionNodesCollection, mapId: 'm-123', stateDefinitionModel: {} }; return new LayerDefinitionsCollection(null, _.extend(defaultOptions, options)); }; beforeEach(function () { collection = createCollectionFn({}); }); describe('.add', function () { it('should not have created source nodes for layers that have non-sources', function () { collection.add({ id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'alice', source: 'a1' } }); expect(analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).not.toContain('a0'); }); it('should create source if it matches expected source node id', function () { collection.add({ id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'alice', source: 'a0' } }); expect(analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toContain('a0'); }); }); it('should create the layer with the next letter representation available but only for data layers', function () { // Adds A-D, like if the collection was created from scratch var layersData = [ {kind: 'tiled', order: 0}, // a basemap {kind: 'carto', order: 1, options: {letter: 'b'}}, {kind: 'carto', order: 2}, {kind: 'carto', order: 3, options: {letter: 'a'}}, {kind: 'torque', order: 4} ]; collection.resetByLayersData(layersData); expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([undefined, 'b', 'c', 'a', 'd']); // Remove C collection.remove(collection.findWhere({letter: 'c'})); expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([undefined, 'b', 'a', 'd']); // Add new as C collection.add({kind: 'carto', order: 4}); expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([undefined, 'b', 'a', 'd', 'c']); // Add new as E, F, G collection.add([ {kind: 'carto', order: 5}, {kind: 'carto', order: 6}, {kind: 'carto', order: 7} ]); expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([undefined, 'b', 'a', 'd', 'c', 'e', 'f', 'g']); // Add a new tiled (labels-on-top) layer collection.add({kind: 'tiled', order: 8}); expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([undefined, 'b', 'a', 'd', 'c', 'e', 'f', 'g', undefined]); // Remove all existing and add a new, should reset letters collection.reset([ {kind: 'tiled'}, {kind: 'carto'} ]); expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([undefined, 'a']); }); it('should create the layer with the color that corresponds to the letter', function () { var layersData = [ { kind: 'tiled', order: 0 }, // a basemap { kind: 'carto', order: 1 }, { kind: 'carto', order: 2 }, { kind: 'torque', order: 3 } ]; collection.resetByLayersData(layersData); expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([ undefined, 'a', 'b', 'c' ]); expect(collection.pluck('color')).toEqual([ undefined, layerColors.COLORS[0], layerColors.COLORS[1], layerColors.COLORS[2] ]); collection.remove(; expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]); expect(collection.pluck('color')).toEqual([ layerColors.COLORS[0], layerColors.COLORS[1], layerColors.COLORS[2] ]); collection.add({ kind: 'carto' }); expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]); expect(collection.pluck('color')).toEqual([ layerColors.COLORS[0], layerColors.COLORS[1], layerColors.COLORS[2], layerColors.COLORS[3] ]); // Remove all existing and add a couple of new layers collection.reset([ { kind: 'carto' }, { kind: 'carto' } ]); expect(collection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([ 'a', 'b' ]); expect(collection.pluck('color')).toEqual([layerColors.COLORS[0], layerColors.COLORS[1]]); }); it('should sanitize labels layer when create layers collection', function () { var layersData = [ { kind: 'tiled', order: 0 }, // a basemap { kind: 'carto', order: 1 }, { kind: 'tiled', order: 2 }, { kind: 'carto', order: 3 }, { kind: 'tiled', order: 4 } ]; collection.resetByLayersData(layersData); expect(collection.length).toEqual(layersData.length - 1); expect(collection.filter(function (layer) { return layer.get('type') === 'Tiled'; }).length).toEqual(2); }); it('should create a layer with the owner of the table in the query', function () { var layer1 = collection.add({ kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'table_name', user_name: 'paco' } }); var sourceNode1 = analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get(layer1.get('source')); expect(layer1.get('sql').toLowerCase()).toBe('select * from paco.table_name'); expect(sourceNode1.get('query').toLowerCase()).toBe('select * from paco.table_name'); var layer2 = collection.add({ kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: '000cd294-b124-4f82-b569-0f7fe41d2db8', user_name: 'paco' } }); var sourceNode2 = analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get(layer2.get('source')); expect(layer2.get('sql').toLowerCase()).toBe('select * from paco."000cd294-b124-4f82-b569-0f7fe41d2db8"'); expect(sourceNode2.get('query').toLowerCase()).toBe('select * from paco."000cd294-b124-4f82-b569-0f7fe41d2db8"'); var layer3 = collection.add({ kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'table_name', user_name: 'pepe' } }); var sourceNode3 = analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get(layer3.get('source')); expect(layer3.get('sql').toLowerCase()).toBe('select * from table_name'); expect(sourceNode3.get('query').toLowerCase()).toBe('select * from table_name'); var layer4 = collection.add({ kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'paco.table_name', user_name: '' } }); var sourceNode4 = analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get(layer4.get('source')); expect(layer4.get('sql').toLowerCase()).toBe('select * from paco.table_name'); expect(sourceNode4.get('query').toLowerCase()).toBe('select * from paco.table_name'); }); describe('.save', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(Backbone, 'sync'); var layer1 = new Backbone.Model({ id: 'layer1', type: 'Tiled' }); var layer2 = new Backbone.Model({ id: 'layer2', type: 'CartoDB' }); var layer3 = new Backbone.Model({ id: 'layer3', type: 'CartoDB' }); collection.reset([ layer3, layer1, layer2 ]); }); it('should order and save the entire collection when all analysis definitions have been created', function () { var options = {};; expect(collection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['layer3', 'layer1', 'layer2']); expect(Backbone.sync).toHaveBeenCalledWith('update', collection, options); }); }); describe('.getNumberOfDataLayers', function () { it('should return the number of CartoDB and Torque layers', function () { expect(collection.getNumberOfDataLayers()).toEqual(0); collection.reset([ { kind: 'tiled' }, { kind: 'carto' }, { kind: 'torque' }, { kind: 'background' } ]); expect(collection.getNumberOfDataLayers()).toEqual(2); }); }); describe('.findPrimaryParentLayerToAnalysisNode', function () { beforeEach(function () { var b1 = analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars id: 'b1', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 3, source: { id: 'a2', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 2, source: { id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 1, source: { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM foobar' } } } } } } } }); collection.add([ { id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { source: 'a2' } }, { id: 'B', kind: 'carto', options: { source: 'b1' } } ]); }); it('should return a parent layer if given node is a direct node below a node in another layer', function () { var a2 = analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a2'); expect(collection.findPrimaryParentLayerToAnalysisNode(a2).id).toEqual('B'); }); it('should not return anything if found layer should be excluded', function () { var a2 = analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a2'); var opts = {exclude: collection.get('B')}; expect(collection.findPrimaryParentLayerToAnalysisNode(a2, opts)).toBeUndefined(); opts = {exclude: [collection.get('B')]}; expect(collection.findPrimaryParentLayerToAnalysisNode(a2, opts)).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should not return anything if given node has no parent layer immediate above it', function () { var a1 = analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a1'); expect(collection.findPrimaryParentLayerToAnalysisNode(a1)).toBeUndefined(); var b1 = analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b1'); expect(collection.findPrimaryParentLayerToAnalysisNode(b1)).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('layers position methods', function () { beforeEach(function () { collection.reset([ { kind: 'tiled' }, { kind: 'carto' }, { kind: 'carto' }, { kind: 'torque' }, { kind: 'tiled' } ]); }); it('.isDataLayerOnTop', function () { expect(collection.isDataLayerOnTop(; expect(collection.isDataLayerOnTop(; expect(collection.isDataLayerOnTop(; // Removing "labels on top" layer collection.remove(collection.last()); expect(collection.isDataLayerOnTop(; expect(collection.isDataLayerOnTop(; expect(collection.isDataLayerOnTop(; // Removing torque layer collection.remove(collection.last()); expect(collection.isDataLayerOnTop(; expect(collection.isDataLayerOnTop(; }); it('.getTopDataLayerIndex', function () { expect(collection.getTopDataLayerIndex()).toBe(3); // Removing "labels on top" layer collection.remove(collection.last()); expect(collection.getTopDataLayerIndex()).toBe(3); // Removing torque layer collection.remove(collection.last()); expect(collection.getTopDataLayerIndex()).toBe(2); }); }); describe('.setBaseLayer', function () { var changingBaseLayerCallback; var baseLayerChangedCallback; var baseLayerFailedCallback; beforeEach(function () { spyOn(Backbone, 'sync').and.returnValue({ always: function () {} }); spyOn(Backbone.Model.prototype, 'save').and.callThrough(); spyOn(Backbone.Model.prototype, 'destroy').and.callThrough(); changingBaseLayerCallback = jasmine.createSpy('changingBaseLayer'); baseLayerChangedCallback = jasmine.createSpy('baseLayerChanged'); baseLayerFailedCallback = jasmine.createSpy('baseLayerFailed'); collection.on('changingBaseLayer', changingBaseLayerCallback); collection.on('baseLayerChanged', baseLayerChangedCallback); collection.on('baseLayerFailed', baseLayerFailedCallback); }); describe('when trying to set the same baseLayer', function () { beforeEach(function () { collection.reset([ { kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Positron', category: 'CartoDB' } } ]); }); it('should trigger events', function () { var changingBaseLayerCallback = jasmine.createSpy('changingBaseLayer'); var baseLayerChangedCallback = jasmine.createSpy('baseLayerChanged'); collection.on('changingBaseLayer', changingBaseLayerCallback); collection.on('baseLayerChanged', baseLayerChangedCallback); collection.setBaseLayer({ type: 'Tiled', name: 'Positron', category: 'CartoDB' }); expect(collection.size()).toEqual(1); expect(changingBaseLayerCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(baseLayerChangedCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should unset previous base layer attributes that are not present in the new layer (eg: urlTemplate)', function () { Backbone.sync.and.callFake(function (method, model, options) { options && options.success({ id: 'LAYER_ID', kind: 'gmapsbase', order: 0, options: { type: 'GMapsBase', baseType: 'BASE_TYPE' } }); return { always: function () {} }; }); collection.reset([ { id: 'LAYER_ID', kind: 'tiled', options: { type: 'Tiled', urlTemplate: 'URL_TEMPLATE' } } ]); var baseLayer =; expect(baseLayer.attributes).toEqual({ id: 'LAYER_ID', type: 'Tiled', urlTemplate: 'URL_TEMPLATE' }); collection.setBaseLayer({ type: 'GMapsBase', category: 'GMaps', baseType: 'hybrid' }); // Ensure a request to update the object is made expect(Backbone.sync).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'update', jasmine.objectContaining({ id: 'LAYER_ID' }), jasmine.objectContaining({ silent: true, wait: true }) ); // Attributes no longer contains the urlTemplate attr, which only applies to Tiled layers expect(baseLayer.attributes).toEqual({ id: 'LAYER_ID', type: 'GMapsBase', autoStyle: false, order: 0, category: 'GMaps', baseType: 'BASE_TYPE' }); }); describe("when the current baseLayer doesn't have labels", function () { beforeEach(function () { collection.reset([ { id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Positron', category: 'CartoDB' } } ]); }); describe("when the new baseLayer doesnt't have labels", function () { beforeEach(function () { collection.setBaseLayer({ type: 'Tiled', name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB' }); }); it('should trigger a "changingBaseLayer event', function () { expect(changingBaseLayerCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('should save the existing base layer', function () { expect(; }); describe('when the base layer is saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(0)[2].success({ id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB' } }); }); it('should update the base layer', function () { expect(collection.first().toJSON()).toEqual({ id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB', type: 'Tiled' }, order: 0 }); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerChanged" event', function () { expect(baseLayerChangedCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('when the base layer is NOT saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(0)[2].error(); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerFailed" event', function () { expect(baseLayerFailedCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('when the new baseLayer has labels', function () { beforeEach(function () { collection.setBaseLayer({ type: 'Tiled', name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB', labels: { urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } }); }); it('should trigger a "changingBaseLayer event', function () { expect(changingBaseLayerCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('should save the existing baseLayer', function () { expect(; }); describe('when the base layer is saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(0)[2].success({ id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB', labels: { urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } } }); }); it('should update the base layer', function () { expect(collection.first().toJSON()).toEqual({ id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB', type: 'Tiled', labels: { urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } }, order: 0 }); }); describe('when the labels layer is saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(1)[2].success({ kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter Labels', category: 'CartoDB', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' }, order: 1 }); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerChanged" event', function () { expect(baseLayerChangedCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('should create the labels layer', function () { expect(collection.last().toJSON()).toEqual({ kind: 'tiled', options: { type: 'Tiled', name: 'Dark matter Labels', category: 'CartoDB', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' }, order: 1 }); }); it('should add the layer to the collection', function () { expect(collection.size()).toEqual(2); }); }); describe('when the labels layer is NOT saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(1)[2].error(); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerFailed" event', function () { expect(baseLayerFailedCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('should NOT add the layer to the collection', function () { expect(collection.size()).toEqual(1); }); }); }); describe('when the base layer is NOT saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(0)[2].error(); }); it('should NOT create the labels layer', function () { expect(; expect(collection.size()).toEqual(1); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerFailed" event', function () { expect(baseLayerFailedCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); }); }); }); describe('when the current baseLayer has labels', function () { beforeEach(function () { collection.reset([ { id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Positron', category: 'CartoDB', type: 'Tiled' }, order: 0 }, { id: '2', kind: 'tiled', options: { type: 'Tiled', name: 'Positrong Labels', category: 'CartoDB', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' }, order: 1 } ]); }); describe("when the new baseLayer doesnt't have labels", function () { beforeEach(function () { collection.setBaseLayer({ type: 'Tiled', name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB' }); }); it('should trigger a "changingBaseLayer event', function () { expect(changingBaseLayerCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('should save the existing baseLayer', function () { expect(; }); describe('when the base layer is saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(0)[2].success({ id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB' } }); }); it('should update the base layer', function () { expect(collection.first().toJSON()).toEqual({ id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB', type: 'Tiled' }, order: 0 }); }); it('should remove the labels layer', function () { expect(Backbone.Model.prototype.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('when the labels layer is destroyed', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(1)[2].success(); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerChanged" event', function () { expect(baseLayerChangedCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('should remove the layer from the collection', function () { expect(collection.size()).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('when the labels layer is NOT destroyed', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(1)[2].error(); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerFailed" event', function () { expect(baseLayerFailedCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('should NOT remove the layer from the collection', function () { expect(collection.size()).toEqual(2); }); }); }); describe('when the base layer is NOT saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(0)[2].error(); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerFailed" event', function () { expect(baseLayerFailedCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('when the new baseLayer has labels', function () { beforeEach(function () { collection.setBaseLayer({ type: 'Tiled', name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB', labels: { urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } }); }); it('should trigger a "changingBaseLayer event', function () { expect(changingBaseLayerCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('should save the existing baseLayer', function () { expect(; }); describe('when the base layer is saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(0)[2].success({ id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB', labels: { urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } } }); }); it('should update the base layer', function () { expect(collection.first().toJSON()).toEqual({ id: '1', kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter', category: 'CartoDB', type: 'Tiled', labels: { urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } }, order: 0 }); }); describe('when the labels layer is saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(1)[2].success({ kind: 'tiled', options: { name: 'Dark matter Labels', category: 'CartoDB', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' }, order: 1 }); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerChanged" event', function () { expect(baseLayerChangedCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('should update the labels layer', function () { expect(collection.last().toJSON()).toEqual({ id: '2', kind: 'tiled', options: { type: 'Tiled', name: 'Dark matter Labels', category: 'CartoDB', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' }, order: 1 }); }); }); describe('when the labels layer is NOT saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(1)[2].error(); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerFailed" event', function () { expect(baseLayerFailedCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); }); }); describe('when the base layer is NOT saved', function () { beforeEach(function () { Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(0)[2].error(); }); it('should NOT update the labels layer', function () { expect(collection.last().get('urlTemplate')).toEqual('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'); }); it('should trigger a "baseLayerFailed" event', function () { expect(baseLayerFailedCallback.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); }); }); }); }); describe('.isThereAnyGeometryData', function () { beforeEach(function () { collection.add({ id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'alice', source: 'a1' } }); analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'b1', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 3, source: { id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', params: {} } } }); }); it('should be true if there is a layer with geometry data', function (done) { spyOn(QueryGeometryModel.prototype, 'hasValueAsync').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(true)); collection.isThereAnyGeometryData() .then(function (response) { expect(response).toEqual(true); done(); }); }); it('should be false if there is no layer with geometry data', function (done) { spyOn(QueryGeometryModel.prototype, 'hasValueAsync').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); collection.isThereAnyGeometryData() .then(function (response) { expect(response).toEqual(false); done(); }); }); }); });