var Backbone = require('backbone'); var ConfigModel = require('builder/data/config-model'); var UserModel = require('builder/data/user-model'); var LayerDefinitionsCollection = require('builder/data/layer-definitions-collection'); var LayerDefinitionModel = require('builder/data/layer-definition-model'); var AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection = require('builder/data/analysis-definition-nodes-collection'); describe('data/layer-definition-model', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.configModel = new ConfigModel({ base_url: '/u/pepe' }); this.userModel = new UserModel({}, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection = new AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection(null, { configModel: this.configModel, userModel: this.userModel }); this.collection = new LayerDefinitionsCollection(null, { configModel: this.configModel, userModel: this.userModel, analysisDefinitionNodesCollection: this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection, mapId: 'm123', stateDefinitionModel: {} }); this.model = new LayerDefinitionModel({ id: 'abc-123', kind: 'carto', options: { type: 'CartoDB', color: '#FABADA', table_name: 'foo', query: 'SELECT * FROM foo', tile_style: 'asdasd', visible: true } }, { parse: true, configModel: this.configModel, collection: this.collection }); }); it('should set autoStyle as false if it is not defined', function () { expect(this.model.get('autoStyle')).toBe(false); }); it('should transform some attrs to be compatible with cartodb.js', function () { expect(this.model.get('cartocss')).toEqual('asdasd'); expect(this.model.get('tile_style')).toBeUndefined(); expect(this.model.get('sql')).toContain('SELECT'); expect(this.model.get('query')).toBeUndefined(); }); describe('.save', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.model.styleModel, 'resetPropertiesFromAutoStyle'); this.model.sync = function () {}; }); describe('if autostyle is enabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model.set('autoStyle', '8888-7777-6666-1111');; }); it('should "remove" the autoStyle attribute when model is saved', function () { expect(this.model.get('autoStyle')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should reset styleModel styles from autostyle properties', function () { expect(this.model.styleModel.resetPropertiesFromAutoStyle).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should preserve auto style if attribute is true', function () { var savedAttrs; this.model.sync = function (method, model, opts) { savedAttrs = model.attributes; };{ hello: true }, { shouldPreserveAutoStyle: true }); expect(savedAttrs.autoStyle).toBeFalsy(); expect(savedAttrs.hello).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('if autostyle is NOT enabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { delete this.model.attributes.autoStyle;; }); it('should not reset styleModel styles if autostyle is not applied', function () { expect(this.model.styleModel.resetPropertiesFromAutoStyle).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.model.get('autoStyle')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); describe('.toJSON', function () { it('should return the original data', function () { expect(this.model.toJSON()).toEqual({ id: 'abc-123', kind: 'carto', options: { type: 'CartoDB', visible: true, color: '#FABADA', table_name: 'foo', query: 'SELECT * FROM foo', tile_style: 'asdasd', style_properties: jasmine.any(Object), cartocss_history: jasmine.any(Array), sql_history: jasmine.any(Array) } }); }); it('should not include autoStyle info', function () { this.model.set('autoStyle', '8888-7777-6666-1111'); var json = this.model.toJSON(); expect(json).not.toContain({ autoStyle: '8888-7777-6666-1111' }); }); }); describe('styleModel', function () { it('should create style model if table name attribute exists', function () { expect(this.model.styleModel).toBeDefined(); }); it('should not add style model if table name doesn\'t exist', function () { var mdl = new LayerDefinitionModel({ id: 'other', options: { type: 'tiled', tile_style: 'asdasd' } }, { parse: true, configModel: this.configModel }); expect(mdl.styleModel).toBeUndefined(); }); describe('.toJSON', function () { it('should provide style model definition', function () { spyOn(this.model.styleModel, 'isAutogenerated').and.returnValue(false); var data = this.model.toJSON(); expect(data.options.style_properties).toBeDefined(); }); it('should not provide style definition if autogenerated option is true', function () { spyOn(this.model.styleModel, 'isAutogenerated').and.returnValue(true); var data = this.model.toJSON(); expect(data.options.style_properties).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); }); describe('.isOwnerOfAnalysisNode', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.nodeModel = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'b3', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM somewhere' } }); }); it('should return true if given layer definition model is considered owning it', function () { expect(this.model.isOwnerOfAnalysisNode(this.nodeModel)).toBe(false); this.model.set('letter', 'b'); expect(this.model.isOwnerOfAnalysisNode(this.nodeModel)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('for a layer with an analysis source', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model = new LayerDefinitionModel({ id: 'abc-123', kind: 'carto', options: { type: 'CartoDB', color: '#FABADA', table_name: 'foo_table', source: 'a1' } }, { parse: true, configModel: this.configModel }); }); it('should have a source set', function () { expect(this.model.get('source')).toEqual('a1'); }); describe('.toJSON', function () { it('should return the original data', function () { expect(this.model.toJSON()).toEqual({ id: 'abc-123', kind: 'carto', options: { type: 'CartoDB', color: '#FABADA', table_name: 'foo_table', source: 'a1', style_properties: jasmine.any(Object), cartocss_history: jasmine.any(Array), sql_history: jasmine.any(Array) } }); }); }); }); describe('for a layer with an infowindow', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.configModel = new ConfigModel({ base_url: '/u/pepe' }); this.model = new LayerDefinitionModel({ id: 'abc-123', kind: 'carto', options: { type: 'CartoDB', color: '#FABADA', table_name: 'foo_table', source: 'a1', style_properties: jasmine.any(Object), cartocss_history: jasmine.any(Array), sql_history: jasmine.any(Array) }, infowindow: { template_name: 'infowindow_light', latlng: [0, 0], offset: [28, 0], maxHeight: 180, autoPan: true, template: '', content: '', visibility: false, alternative_names: {}, fields: [ { name: 'description', title: true, position: 0 }, { name: 'name', title: true, position: 1 } ], width: 226, headerColor: { color: { fixed: '#35AAE5;', opacity: 1 } } } }, { parse: true, configModel: this.configModel }); this.infowindowModel = this.model.infowindowModel; }); it('should have an infowindow model', function () { expect(this.infowindowModel).toBeDefined(); expect(this.infowindowModel.get('fields').length).toEqual(2); }); describe('infowindow/tooltip reset', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model.tooltipModel = new Backbone.Model(); this.model.tooltipModel.unsetTemplate = function () {}; this.model.infowindowModel = new Backbone.Model(); this.model.infowindowModel.unsetTemplate = function () {}; spyOn(this.model.tooltipModel, 'unsetTemplate'); spyOn(this.model.infowindowModel, 'unsetTemplate'); this.styleModel = this.model.styleModel; }); it('should reset infowindow/tooltip template and fields if style model type is aggregated', function () { this.styleModel.set('type', 'heatmap'); expect(this.model.infowindowModel.unsetTemplate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.model.tooltipModel.unsetTemplate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); this.styleModel.set('type', 'squares'); expect(this.model.infowindowModel.unsetTemplate).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.model.tooltipModel.unsetTemplate).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should reset infowindow/tooltip template and fields if style model has animated enabled', function () { this.styleModel.set('type', 'simple'); expect(this.model.infowindowModel.unsetTemplate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.model.tooltipModel.unsetTemplate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); this.styleModel.set('type', 'animation'); expect(this.model.infowindowModel.unsetTemplate).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.model.tooltipModel.unsetTemplate).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should not save the model if infowindow changes', function () { spyOn(this.model, 'save'); this.infowindowModel.set('template_name', 'infowindow_dark'); expect(; }); describe('.toJSON', function () { it('should modify infowindow attribute', function () { this.infowindowModel.setTemplate('testing'); var data = this.model.toJSON(); expect(data.infowindow.template_name).toEqual('testing'); }); it('should return the original data', function () { expect(this.model.toJSON()).toEqual({ id: 'abc-123', kind: 'carto', options: { type: 'CartoDB', color: '#FABADA', table_name: 'foo_table', source: 'a1', style_properties: jasmine.any(Object), cartocss_history: jasmine.any(Array), sql_history: jasmine.any(Array) }, infowindow: { template_name: 'infowindow_light', latlng: [0, 0], offset: [28, 0], maxHeight: 180, autoPan: true, template: '', content: '', visibility: false, alternative_names: {}, fields: [ { name: 'description', title: true, position: 0 }, { name: 'name', title: true, position: 1 } ], width: 226, headerColor: { color: { fixed: '#35AAE5;', opacity: 1 } } } }); }); it('should not provide infowindow data if model is empty', function () { this.infowindowModel.clear(); expect(this.model.toJSON()).toEqual({ id: 'abc-123', kind: 'carto', options: { type: 'CartoDB', color: '#FABADA', table_name: 'foo_table', source: 'a1', style_properties: jasmine.any(Object), cartocss_history: jasmine.any(Array), sql_history: jasmine.any(Array) } }); }); }); }); describe('.getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.a1 = {}; spyOn(this.model, 'findAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel').and.returnValue(this.a1); this.model.set('source', 'a1'); this.model.getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel(); }); it('should return the current analysis model of layer', function () { expect(this.model.findAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel).toHaveBeenCalledWith('a1'); expect(this.model.getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel()).toBe(this.a1); }); }); describe('.findAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.b1 = {id: 'b1'}; spyOn(this.collection, 'findAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel'); this.model.findAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel('b1'); }); it('should return the node for given id', function () { this.collection.findAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel.and.returnValue(this.b1); expect(this.model.findAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel('b1')).toBe(this.b1); }); it('should return nothing given an id of a non-existing node', function () { expect(this.model.findAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel('x1')).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('.toggleVisible', function () { it('should toggle the visible attr', function () { this.model.toggleVisible(); expect(this.model.get('visible')).toBe(false); this.model.toggleVisible(); expect(this.model.get('visible')).toBe(true); this.model.toggleVisible(); expect(this.model.get('visible')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('.toggleCollapse', function () { it('should toggle the collapse attr', function () { this.model.toggleCollapse(); expect(this.model.get('collapsed')).toBe(true); this.model.toggleCollapse(); expect(this.model.get('collapsed')).toBe(false); this.model.toggleCollapse(); expect(this.model.get('collapsed')).toBe(true); }); }); describe('.getNumberOfAnalyses', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model.set('letter', 'a'); }); it("should return 0 if layer doesn't have a source node", function () { expect(this.model.getNumberOfAnalyses()).toEqual(0); }); it('should return 0 if layer has an analysis node as source node', function () { this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM foo', table_name: 'foo' } }); expect(this.model.getNumberOfAnalyses()).toEqual(0); }); it('should return the number of analyses owned by the layer', function () { this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add([{ id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM foo' } }, { id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'a0' }, { id: 'a2', type: 'buffer', radio: 600, distance: 'meters', source: 'a1' }, { id: 'b0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM bar' } }, { id: 'b1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'b0' }]); this.model.set('source', 'a2'); expect(this.model.getNumberOfAnalyses()).toEqual(2); }); }); describe('.containsNode', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add([{ id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM foo' } }, { id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'a0' }, { id: 'b1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'a0' }]); this.model.set('source', 'a1'); }); it('should return true if layer contains given node', function () { expect(this.model.containsNode(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a1'))).toBe(true); expect(this.model.containsNode(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a0'))).toBe(true); expect(this.model.containsNode(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b1'))).toBe(false); expect(this.model.containsNode(false)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('.canBeDeletedByUser', function () { it('should return true as long as it is not the only data layer and not all the other layers depend on it', function () { expect(this.model.canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(false); spyOn(this.collection, 'getNumberOfDataLayers').and.returnValue(3); expect(this.model.canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('.getAllDependentLayers', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model.set('letter', 'a'); this.model.set('source', 'a0'); this.collection.add([{ id: '323', kind: 'carto', letter: 'b', options: { table_name: 'alice', source: 'a1' } }, { id: '454', kind: 'carto', letter: 'e', options: { table_name: 'robin', source: 'b1' } }]); this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add([{ id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM foo' } }, { id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'a0' }, { id: 'b1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'a1' }, { id: 'e1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'b1' }]); }); it('should return two layers depending on it', function () { /* ************************************ */ /* Expected layers schema result: */ /* _________ _________ _________ */ /* | A | | B* | | E* | */ /* | - a0 | | - a1 | | - b1 | */ /* | - a1 | | - b1 | | - e1 | */ /* _________ _________ _________ */ /* ************************************ */ expect(this.model.getAllDependentLayers()).toBe(2); }); it('should return three layers depending on it', function () { /* ************************************************* */ /* Expected layers schema result: */ /* _________ _________ _________ _________ */ /* | A | | B* | | E* | | F* | */ /* | - a0 | | - a1 | | - b1 | | - e1 | */ /* | - a1 | | - b1 | | - e1 | | - f1 | */ /* _________ _________ _________ _________ */ /* ************************************************* */ this.collection.add({ id: '111', kind: 'carto', letter: 'f', options: { table_name: 'punki', source: 'e1' } }); this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'f1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'b1' }); expect(this.model.getAllDependentLayers()).toBe(3); }); it('should return five layers depending on it', function () { /* **************************************************************************** */ /* Expected layers schema result: */ /* _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ */ /* | A | | B* | | E* | | F* | | G* | | H* | */ /* | - a0 | | - a1 | | - b1 | | - e1 | | - f2 | | - g2 | */ /* | - a1 | | - b1 | | - e1 | | - f1 | | - g1 | | - h1 | */ /* | | | | | | | - f2 | | - g2 | | | */ /* _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ */ /* ************************************************************************** */ this.collection.add([{ id: '111', kind: 'carto', letter: 'f', options: { table_name: 'punki', source: 'e1' } }, { id: '765', kind: 'carto', letter: 'g', options: { table_name: 'alice', source: 'f2' } }, { id: '888', kind: 'carto', letter: 'h', options: { table_name: 'robin', source: 'g2' } }]); this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add([{ id: 'f1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'b1' }, { id: 'f2', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'f1' }, { id: 'g1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'f2' }, { id: 'g2', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'g1' }, { id: 'h1', type: 'buffer', radio: 300, distance: 'meters', source: 'g2' }]); expect(this.model.getAllDependentLayers()).toBe(5); }); }); describe('.isEmpty', function () { it('should rise an exeption if this function is called', function (done) { try { this.model.isEmpty(); } catch (error) { expect(error).toBeDefined(); done(); } }); }); describe('.isEmptyAsync', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.nodeModel = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a1', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM somewhere' } }); this.model.set('source', 'a1'); }); it('should return the promise given by isEmptyAsync method from queryRowsCollection', function (done) { var response = false; spyOn(this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection, 'isEmptyAsync'); this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isEmptyAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(response)); this.model.isEmptyAsync() .then(function (isEmpty) { expect(isEmpty).toEqual(response); done(); }); }); }); describe('.isDone', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.nodeModel = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a1', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM somewhere' } }); this.model.set('source', 'a1'); spyOn(this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection, 'isDone'); spyOn(this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel, 'isDone'); spyOn(this.nodeModel.querySchemaModel, 'isDone'); }); it('should be false if queryRowsCollection is not done', function () { this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isDone.and.returnValue(false); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.isDone.and.returnValue(true); this.nodeModel.querySchemaModel.isDone.and.returnValue(true); expect(this.model.isDone()).toEqual(false); }); it('should be false if queryGeometryModel is not done', function () { this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isDone.and.returnValue(true); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.isDone.and.returnValue(false); this.nodeModel.querySchemaModel.isDone.and.returnValue(true); expect(this.model.isDone()).toEqual(false); }); it('should be false if querySchemaModel is not done', function () { this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isDone.and.returnValue(true); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.isDone.and.returnValue(true); this.nodeModel.querySchemaModel.isDone.and.returnValue(false); expect(this.model.isDone()).toEqual(false); }); it('should be true if queryRowsCollection, queryGeometryModel and querySchemaModel are done', function () { this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isDone.and.returnValue(true); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.isDone.and.returnValue(true); this.nodeModel.querySchemaModel.isDone.and.returnValue(true); expect(this.model.isDone()).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('.canBeGeoreferenced', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.nodeModel = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a1', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM somewhere' } }); this.model.set('source', 'a1'); spyOn(this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection, 'isEmptyAsync'); spyOn(this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel, 'hasValueAsync'); spyOn(this.model, 'getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel').and.returnValue(this.nodeModel); spyOn(this.nodeModel, 'isCustomQueryApplied'); }); it('should be true if there is data, no geocoding analysis applied, no custom query or doesn\'t have geom', function (done) { this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isEmptyAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(false); this.model.canBeGeoreferenced() .then(function (canBeGeoreferenced) { expect(canBeGeoreferenced).toEqual(true); done(); }); }); it('should be false if there is no data', function (done) { this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isEmptyAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(true)); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(false); this.model.canBeGeoreferenced() .then(function (canBeGeoreferenced) { expect(canBeGeoreferenced).toEqual(false); done(); }); }); it('should be false if there is a geocoding analysis applied', function (done) { this.nodeModel.set('type', 'geocoding'); this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isEmptyAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(true)); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(false); this.model.canBeGeoreferenced() .then(function (canBeGeoreferenced) { expect(canBeGeoreferenced).toEqual(false); done(); }); }); it('should be false if there is a custom query applied', function (done) { this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isEmptyAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(true)); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(true); this.model.canBeGeoreferenced() .then(function (canBeGeoreferenced) { expect(canBeGeoreferenced).toEqual(false); done(); }); }); it('should be false if there is geom value', function (done) { this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isEmptyAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(true)); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(true)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(true); this.model.canBeGeoreferenced() .then(function (canBeGeoreferenced) { expect(canBeGeoreferenced).toEqual(false); done(); }); }); }); describe('.fetchQueryRowsIfRequired', function () { var fetchSpy; beforeEach(function () { this.nodeModel = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a1', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM somewhere' } }); this.model.set('source', 'a1'); this.nodeModel.set('type', 'random'); spyOn(this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel, 'hasValueAsync'); spyOn(this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection, 'isUnavailable'); spyOn(this.nodeModel, 'isCustomQueryApplied'); spyOn(this.model, 'getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel').and.returnValue(this.nodeModel); fetchSpy = spyOn(this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection, 'fetch'); }); it('should fetch if everything is ok', function (done) { this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(false); this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isUnavailable.and.returnValue(true); this.model.fetchQueryRowsIfRequired(); setTimeout(function () { expect(fetchSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }, 0); }); it('should not fetch if it has geocoding', function (done) { this.nodeModel.set('type', 'geocoding'); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(false); this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isUnavailable.and.returnValue(true); this.model.fetchQueryRowsIfRequired(); setTimeout(function () { expect(fetchSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }, 0); }); it('should not fetch if queryGeometryModel has value', function (done) { this.nodeModel.set('type', 'fake'); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(true)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(false); this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isUnavailable.and.returnValue(true); this.model.fetchQueryRowsIfRequired(); setTimeout(function () { expect(fetchSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }, 0); }); it('should not fetch if there is a custom query applied', function (done) { this.nodeModel.set('type', 'fake'); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(true); this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isUnavailable.and.returnValue(true); this.model.fetchQueryRowsIfRequired(); setTimeout(function () { expect(fetchSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }, 0); }); it('should not fetch if it is available', function (done) { this.nodeModel.set('type', 'fake'); this.nodeModel.queryGeometryModel.hasValueAsync.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); this.nodeModel.isCustomQueryApplied.and.returnValue(false); this.nodeModel.queryRowsCollection.isUnavailable.and.returnValue(false); this.model.fetchQueryRowsIfRequired(); setTimeout(function () { expect(fetchSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }, 0); }); }); });