var $ = require('jquery'); var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var template = require('./source-layer-analysis-view.tpl'); var TipsyTooltipView = require('builder/components/tipsy-tooltip-view'); var moment = require('moment'); /** * View for a analysis source (i.e. SQL query). * * this.model is expected to be a analysis-definition-node-model and belong to the given layer-definition-model */ module.exports = CoreView.extend({ tagName: 'li', className: 'Editor-ListAnalysis-item Editor-ListAnalysis-layer js-base is-base u-flex u-justifySpace', events: { 'mouseenter': '_onMouseEnter', 'mouseleave': '_onMouseLeave' }, initialize: function (opts) { if (!opts.layerDefinitionModel) throw new Error('layerDefinitionModel is required'); if (!opts.analysisNode) throw new Error('analysisNode is required'); this._layerDefinitionModel = opts.layerDefinitionModel; this._analysisNode = opts.analysisNode; this._tableNodeModel = this._analysisNode.getTableModel(); this._stateModel = new Backbone.Model({ highlighted: false }); this._initBinds(); }, options: { showId: true }, render: function () { this.clearSubViews(); var isSync = this._tableNodeModel && this._tableNodeModel.isSync(); var syncData = {}; if (isSync) { var syncModel = this._tableNodeModel.getSyncModel(); var runAt = syncModel.get('run_at'); syncData = { ranAt: moment(syncModel.get('ran_at') || new Date()).fromNow(), runAt: moment(runAt).fromNow(), state: syncModel.get('state'), errorCode: syncModel.get('error_code'), errorMessage: syncModel.get('error_message') }; // Due to the time we need to polling, we have to display to the user // that the sync will be in a moment if (!runAt || (new Date(runAt) <= new Date())) { syncData.runAt = _t(''); } } var isCustomQueryApplied = this._analysisNode.isCustomQueryApplied(); this.$el.html(template(_.extend({ id: this.options.showId ? : '', tableName: this.model.get('table_name'), customQueryApplied: isCustomQueryApplied, isSync: isSync, bgColor: this._analysisNode.getColor() }, syncData))); var sourceTooltip = new TipsyTooltipView({ el: this.$el, gravity: 'w', title: function () { return _t('data-source'); } }); this.addView(sourceTooltip); if (isSync) { var syncTooltipTitle = (syncData.errorCode || syncData.errorMessage) ? _t('dataset.sync.error-code', { errorCode: syncData.errorCode }) + ':' + syncData.errorMessage : $(this).data('tooltip'); var syncTooltip = new TipsyTooltipView({ el: this.$('.js-sync'), gravity: 's', offset: 0, title: syncTooltipTitle }); this.addView(syncTooltip); } if (isCustomQueryApplied) { var sqlTooltip = new TipsyTooltipView({ el: this.$('.js-sql'), gravity: 'w', title: function () { return _t('sql-applied'); }, mouseEnterAction: function () { sourceTooltip.hideTipsy(); }, mouseLeaveAction: function () { sourceTooltip.showTipsy(); } }); this.addView(sqlTooltip); } return this; }, _initBinds: function () { this.listenTo(this._stateModel, 'change:highlighted', this._toggleHover); this.listenTo(this._tableNodeModel, 'change:synchronization', this.render); }, _onMouseEnter: function () { this._stateModel.set('highlighted', true); }, _onMouseLeave: function () { this._stateModel.set('highlighted', false); }, _toggleHover: function () { var $layer = this.$el.closest('.js-layer'); var $title = $layer.find('.js-Editor-ListLayer-titleText'); var highlighted = this._stateModel.get('highlighted'); $layer.toggleClass('is-hover', highlighted); $title.toggleClass('is-hover', highlighted); } });