var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var CartoColor = require('cartocolor'); var syncAbort = require('./backbone/sync-abort'); var checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); var REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'configModel', 'mapId' ]; var ATTRS_AT_TOP_LEVEL = ['id', 'layer_id', 'source', 'title', 'type', 'order']; var STYLE_PROPERTIES = ['widget_style_definition', 'auto_style_definition', 'auto_style_allowed', 'widget_color_changed']; var DEFAULT_WIDGET_COLOR = '#9DE0AD'; var TIME_SERIES_WIDGET_COLOR = '#F2CC8F'; var DEFAULT_WIDGET_STYLE = { color: { fixed: DEFAULT_WIDGET_COLOR, opacity: 1 } }; var DEFAULT_RAMP_SIZE = 256; var getDefaultCategoriesByRange = function (range) { var widgetDomain = []; for (var i = 0, l = range.length; i < l; i++) { widgetDomain.push(_t('form-components.editors.fill.quantification.methods.category') + ' #' + (i + 1)); } return widgetDomain; }; /** * Widget definition Model */ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { sync_on_bbox_change: true, auto_style_allowed: true, widget_style_definition: DEFAULT_WIDGET_STYLE, widget_color_changed: false }, /** * @override {Backbone.prototype.sync} abort ongoing request if there is any */ sync: syncAbort, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { checkAndBuildOpts(opts, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); }, urlRoot: function () { // Since widget are stored under layers the collection can't figure out the URL by itself, // thus each widget sets its own urlRoot var baseUrl = this._configModel.get('base_url'); var layerId = this.get('layer_id'); return baseUrl + '/api/v3/maps/' + this._mapId + '/layers/' + layerId + '/widgets'; }, /** * The API response format is a little bit different, and may * @param {Object} API response * @return {Object} attrs to be set on model */ parse: function (response) { var attrs = _.defaults( _.pick(response, ATTRS_AT_TOP_LEVEL), response.options ); if (!_.isEmpty( { var style = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; if (style.auto_style) { var autoStyle = style.auto_style; var autoStyleDefinition = autoStyle.definition; if (autoStyleDefinition && autoStyleDefinition.color && autoStyleDefinition.color.quantification === 'category') { autoStyle.definition.color.domain = getDefaultCategoriesByRange(autoStyleDefinition.color.range); } attrs.auto_style_definition = autoStyle.definition; attrs.auto_style_allowed = autoStyle.allowed; } attrs.widget_style_definition =; attrs.widget_color_changed =; } attrs.source = attrs.source &&; // Fetch column type var columnTypeInSource; if (attrs.column && attrs.source) { columnTypeInSource = this.collection.getColumnType(attrs.column, attrs.source); } if (columnTypeInSource && columnTypeInSource !== attrs.column_type) { attrs.column_type = columnTypeInSource; } return attrs; }, /** * @override Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON * Formats the JSON to match the server-side API */ toJSON: function () { var attributes = _.pick(this.attributes, ATTRS_AT_TOP_LEVEL); attributes.source = {id: this.get('source')}; attributes.options = _.omit(this.attributes, ATTRS_AT_TOP_LEVEL, STYLE_PROPERTIES); if (this.get('widget_style_definition')) { = { widget_style: { definition: this.get('widget_style_definition'), widget_color_changed: this.get('widget_color_changed') } }; = { custom: !!this.get('auto_style_definition'), allowed: this.get('auto_style_allowed') }; if (this.get('auto_style_definition')) { var autoStyleDefinition = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.get('auto_style_definition'))); autoStyleDefinition.color = _.omit(autoStyleDefinition.color, 'domain', 'bins'); = autoStyleDefinition; } } return attributes; }, changeType: function (type) { var resetableAttrs = this.collection.resetableAttrsForTypeMap(type); _.each(resetableAttrs, function (attr) { this.unset(attr, { silent: true }); }, this); var attrsForNewType = _.defaults({ type: type }, this.collection.attrsForThisType(type, this)); // Unset now irrelevant attributes due to the type change _ .chain(this.attributes) .keys() .difference( ['sync_on_bbox_change'].concat(ATTRS_AT_TOP_LEVEL, STYLE_PROPERTIES), _.keys(attrsForNewType) ) .each(function (key) { this.unset(key, { silent: true }); }, this); this.set(attrsForNewType); }, containsNode: function (otherNodeDefModel) { if (!otherNodeDefModel) return false; var sourceId = this.get('source'); var nodeDefModel = otherNodeDefModel.collection.get(sourceId); return !!(sourceId === || nodeDefModel && nodeDefModel.containsNode(otherNodeDefModel)); } }, { getDefaultWidgetStyle: function (type) { var widgetColor = type === 'time-series' ? TIME_SERIES_WIDGET_COLOR : DEFAULT_WIDGET_COLOR; var defaultWidgetStyle = DEFAULT_WIDGET_STYLE; defaultWidgetStyle.color.fixed = widgetColor; return defaultWidgetStyle; }, getDefaultAutoStyle: function (type, columnName) { var defaultWidgetCategories = 10; var defaultWidgetRampSize = 7; var widgetRamp = _.first( _.compact(, function (ramp) { return _.clone(ramp[defaultWidgetRampSize]); }, this) ) ); var widgetCategories = _.clone(CartoColor.Prism[defaultWidgetCategories]); var widgetRange = type === 'category' ? widgetCategories : widgetRamp; var widgetQuantification = type === 'category' ? 'category' : 'quantiles'; var attrs = { color: { attribute: columnName, quantification: widgetQuantification, range: widgetRange } }; if (type === 'category') { attrs.color.domain = getDefaultCategoriesByRange(widgetCategories); } else { attrs.color.bins = type === 'time-series' ? DEFAULT_RAMP_SIZE : defaultWidgetRampSize; } return attrs; } });