var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var TableModel = require('./table-model'); var DEFAULT_FETCH_OPTIONS = { type: 'table', order: 'updated_at', page: 1, per_page: 20, exclude_shared: false, exclude_raster: true, tags: '', q: '' }; /** * A collection that holds Table models */ module.exports = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: function (d, opts) { var configModel = opts.collection._configModel; return new TableModel(d, { configModel: configModel, parse: true }); }, modelId: function (attrs) { return; }, initialize: function (models, opts) { if (!opts.configModel) throw new Error('configModel is required'); this._configModel = opts.configModel; this._stats = {}; }, url: function () { var version = this._configModel.urlVersion('visualization'); var baseUrl = this._configModel.get('base_url'); return baseUrl + '/api/' + version + '/viz'; }, // Overrides the default fetch, to use the internal methods to construct parmas fetch: function (opts) { opts = opts || { data: { // If reaches this code path it's because there were no opts given, i.e. should do a 'full fetch' // Since there is no current way to really do a full fetch let's just set a really high number to get all… // TODO this is obviously bad for organization users, how can we do this differently per_page: 1000 } }; = _.extend({}, DEFAULT_FETCH_OPTIONS,; return, opts); }, getTotalStat: function (attribute) { return this._stats[attribute] || 0; }, getDefaultParam: function (param) { return DEFAULT_FETCH_OPTIONS[param]; }, parse: function (res) { this._stats = _.omit(res, 'visualizations'); var visualizations = res.visualizations; if (visualizations.length && visualizations[0].table) { return this._getVisualizationTableParams(visualizations); } else { return this._getVisualizationParams(visualizations); } }, _getVisualizationTableParams: function (visualizations) { return, function (viz) { var table = viz.table; return { id:, geometry_types: table.geometry_types, name:, privacy: table.privacy, rows_counted: table.row_count, table_size: table.size, table_type: viz.type }; }, this); }, _getVisualizationParams: function (visualizations) { return, function (viz) { return { id:, name:, privacy: viz.privacy, table_type: viz.type }; }, this); } });