var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var $ = require('jquery'); var navigateThroughRouter = require('builder/helpers/navigate-through-router'); var template = require('./pagination.tpl'); /** * Responsible for pagination. * * Expected to be created with a pagination model, see the model for available params, here we create w/ the minimum: * new PaginationView({ * model: new PaginationModel({ * // Compulsory: * urlTo: function(page) { return '/?page='+ page }, // Optional, to router clicks on tags through router.navigate by default * routerModel: new Router(...) * }) * }); */ module.exports = CoreView.extend({ className: 'Pagination', events: { 'click .js-listItem': '_paginate' }, initialize: function (opts) { this._routerModel = opts.routerModel; // Optional if (this.router && !this.model.hasUrl()) { throw new Error('since router is set the model must have a url method set too'); } this.template = opts.template || template; this.model.bind('change', this.render, this); }, render: function () { if (this.model.shouldBeVisible()) { this.$el.html( this.template({ m: this.model, pagesCount: this.model.pagesCount(), currentPage: this.model.get('current_page') }) ); this.$el.addClass(this.className); this.delegateEvents(); } else { this.$el.html(''); } return this; }, _paginate: function (ev) { if (this._routerModel) { navigateThroughRouter.apply(this, arguments); } else if (!this.model.hasUrl()) { this.killEvent(ev); } var page = $('page'); this.model.set('current_page', page); } });