const Backbone = require('backbone'); const $ = require('jquery'); const OrganizationModel = require('dashboard/data/organization-model'); const OrganizationUsersCollection = require('dashboard/data/organization-users-collection'); const configModel = require('fixtures/dashboard/config-model.fixture'); describe('dashboard/data/organization-users-collection', function () { beforeEach(function () { = new OrganizationModel({ id: 'hello-org-id' }, { configModel }); this.orgUsers = new OrganizationUsersCollection( null, { organization:, currentUserId: 'current-user-id', configModel } ); this.originalSync = this.orgUsers.sync; this.orgUsers.sync = function (a, b, opts) {}; }); it('should include sync abort', function () { expect(this.orgUsers.sync).not.toBeUndefined(); }); it('should parse results properly', function () { this.orgUsers.sync = function (a, b, opts) { opts.success && opts.success({ users: [ generateUser() ], total_user_entries: 1, total_entries: 1 }); }; this.orgUsers.fetch(); expect(this.orgUsers.length).toBe(1); expect(this.orgUsers.total_user_entries).toBe(1); expect(this.orgUsers.total_entries).toBe(1); }); it('should exclude current user from results', function () { this.orgUsers.sync = function (a, b, opts) { opts.success && opts.success({ users: [ generateUser('current-user-id'), generateUser() ], total_user_entries: 2, total_entries: 2 }); }; this.orgUsers.fetch(); expect(this.orgUsers.length).toBe(1); expect(this.orgUsers.total_user_entries).toBe(1); expect(this.orgUsers.total_entries).toBe(1); }); describe('when fetch is given data options', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(Backbone, 'sync').and.returnValue($.Deferred()); this.orgUsers.sync = this.originalSync; this.orgUsers.fetch({ data: { page: 1, per_page: 77 } }); }); it('should set them on the fetch URL', function () { expect(Backbone.sync).toHaveBeenCalled(); var opts = Backbone.sync.calls.argsFor(0)[2]; expect(opts).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ data: { page: 1, per_page: 77 } }) ); }); }); describe('.totalCount', function () { it('should not be set initially', function () { expect(this.orgUsers.totalCount()).toBeUndefined(); }); describe('when data is fetched', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.orgUsers.sync = function (a, b, opts) { opts.success && opts.success({ users: [ generateUser() ], total_user_entries: 77, total_entries: 1 }); }; this.orgUsers.fetch(); }); it('should have the total count set', function () { expect(this.orgUsers.totalCount()).toEqual(77); }); }); }); function generateUser (id) { return { id: id || 'hello-id', username: 'user' + id, avatar_url: 'hi', base_url: 'base-url' + id }; } });