var Backbone = require('backbone'); var AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection = require('builder/data/analysis-definition-nodes-collection'); var LayerDefinitionModel = require('builder/data/layer-definition-model'); var ConfigModel = require('builder/data/config-model'); var UserModel = require('builder/data/user-model'); var WidgetDefinitionsCollection = require('builder/data/widget-definitions-collection'); describe('data/widget-definitions-collection', function () { beforeEach(function () { var configModel = new ConfigModel({ base_url: '/u/pepe' }); var userModel = new UserModel({}, { configModel: configModel }); this.layerDefinitionModel = new LayerDefinitionModel({ id: 'l-1', type: 'CartoDB', table_name: 'foobar' }, { configModel: configModel }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection = new Backbone.Collection(this.layerDefinitionModel); this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection = new AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection(null, { configModel: configModel, userModel: userModel }); this.collection = new WidgetDefinitionsCollection(null, { configModel: configModel, mapId: 'm-123', layerDefinitionsCollection: this.layerDefinitionsCollection, analysisDefinitionNodesCollection: this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection }); this.originalAjax = Backbone.ajax; Backbone.ajax = function () { return { always: function (cb) { cb(); } }; }; }); afterEach(function () { Backbone.ajax = this.originalAjax; }); describe('when a model is created', function () { beforeEach(function () { var histogram = { type: 'histogram', title: 'histogram', layer_id: 'l-1', source: { id: 'a0' }, options: { column: 'col' } }; this.collection.create(histogram); }); }); describe('autoStyle', function () { beforeEach(function () { var histogram = { type: 'histogram', title: 'histogram', layer_id: 'l-1', source: { id: 'a0' }, options: { column: 'col' } }; var category = { type: 'category', title: 'category', layer_id: 'l-1', source: { id: 'a0' }, options: { column: 'col2' } }; this.collection.create(histogram); this.collection.create(category); }); it('should update widgets autostyle when layer\'s style changes', function () { var styleModel = new Backbone.Model({ type: 'simple', fill: { color: { fixed: '#fabada' } } }); styleModel.canApplyAutoStyle = function () { return false; }; this.layerDefinitionModel.styleModel = styleModel; var histogram =; var category =; histogram.set({auto_style_allowed: true}); category.set({auto_style_allowed: true}); this.layerDefinitionModel.set({style_properties: 'foo'}); expect(histogram.get('auto_style_allowed')).toBeFalsy(); expect(category.get('auto_style_allowed')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('.getColumnType', function () { it('should return the column type if schemaModel is fetched', function () { var querySchemaModel = new Backbone.Model({ status: 'fetched' }); querySchemaModel.columnsCollection = new Backbone.Collection([ { name: 'cartodb_id', type: 'number' } ]); var node = { querySchemaModel: querySchemaModel }; spyOn(this.collection._analysisDefinitionNodesCollection, 'get').and.returnValue(node); var type = this.collection.getColumnType('cartodb_id', 'a0'); expect(type).toEqual('number'); }); }); describe('.url', function () { it('should return the url to update widgets', function () { expect(this.collection.url()).toEqual('/u/pepe/api/v3/maps/m-123/widgets'); }); }); describe('.parse', function () { it('should return an empty array if there are not widgets', function () { expect(this.collection.parse({})).toEqual([]); }); it('should parse the response from the server', function () { var widgets = [{ id: 'widget', order: 0 }]; expect(this.collection.parse({widgets: widgets})).toEqual(widgets); }); }); describe('.save', function () { it('should call the bakcbone method to update', function () { spyOn(Backbone, 'sync');; expect(Backbone.sync.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual('update'); }); }); describe('.addWidget', function () { var callback; var successResponse = { response: 'success' }; var errorResponse = { response: 'error' }; beforeEach(function () { this.collection.create = function (options, callbacks) { if (callback === 'success') {, successResponse); } else { callbacks[callback].call(this, 'error', errorResponse); } }; }); it('should return a success response if it has been created successfully', function (done) { var widgetModel = new Backbone.Model(); callback = 'success'; this.collection.addWidget(widgetModel, {}) .then(function (response) { expect(response).toEqual(successResponse); done(); }); }); it('should return an error response if the it could not be created', function (done) { var widgetModel = new Backbone.Model(); callback = 'error'; this.collection.addWidget(widgetModel, {}) .catch(function (response) { expect(response).toEqual(errorResponse); done(); }); }); }); describe('.updateWidgetsOrder', function () { it('should change set the widgets in increasing order', function () { spyOn(this.collection, 'save').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.collection, 'saveAsync').and.callThrough(); this.collection.updateWidgetsOrder(); this.collection.each(function (model, index) { expect(model.order).toEqual(index); }); expect(; expect(this.collection.saveAsync).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('.saveAsync', function () { var callback; var successResponse = { response: 'success' }; var errorResponse = { response: 'error' }; var syncFn = function (method, collection, callbacks) { if (callback === 'success') {, successResponse); } else if (callback === 'error') {, 'error', errorResponse); } }; beforeEach(function () { spyOn(Backbone, 'sync').and.callFake(syncFn); }); it('should trigger a loading event when called', function () { var testModel = new Backbone.Model(); spyOn(this.collection, 'trigger'); this.collection.saveAsync(testModel); expect(this.collection.trigger).toHaveBeenCalledWith('loading', testModel); }); it('should trigger "errorAdd" if the save function has not worked', function (done) { var testModel = new Backbone.Model(); callback = 'error'; spyOn(this.collection, 'trigger'); this.collection.saveAsync(testModel); setTimeout(function () { expect(this.collection.trigger).toHaveBeenCalledWith('errorAdd', 'error'); done(); }.bind(this)); }); it('should trigger "successAdd" if the save function has worked', function (done) { var testModel = new Backbone.Model(); callback = 'success'; spyOn(this.collection, 'trigger'); this.collection.saveAsync(testModel); setTimeout(function () { expect(this.collection.trigger).toHaveBeenCalledWith('successAdd', testModel); done(); }.bind(this)); }); it('should return a resolved promise if the save function works', function (done) { callback = 'success'; this.collection.saveAsync() .then(function (response) { expect(response).toEqual(successResponse); done(); }); }); it('should return a rejected promise if the save function does not work', function (done) { callback = 'error'; this.collection.saveAsync() .catch(function (response) { expect(response).toEqual(errorResponse); done(); }); }); }); });