var _ = require('underscore'); var ConfigModel = require('builder/data/config-model'); var TableModel = require('builder/data/table-model'); var PermissionModel = require('builder/data/permission-model'); var UserModel = require('builder/data/user-model'); describe('data/table-model', function () { var configModel; beforeEach(function () { configModel = new ConfigModel({ base_url: '/u/pepe' }); this.userModel = new UserModel({ username: 'pericooo' }, { configModel: configModel }); this.model = new TableModel({ id: 'abc-123', name: 'foobar_table' }, { parse: true, configModel: configModel }); }); it('should have a custom URL to get data', function () { expect(this.model.url()).toEqual('/u/pepe/api/v1/tables/foobar_table'); }); it('should provide means for a custom URL for columns collection', function () { expect(this.model.columnsCollection.url()).toEqual('/u/pepe/api/v1/tables/foobar_table/columns'); }); describe('getGeometryType', function () { it('should return the geometries those are present in the table', function () { this.model.set('geometry_types', ['ST_MULTIPOINT']); expect(this.model.getGeometryType()).toEqual(['point']); this.model.set('geometry_types', ['ST_POINT']); expect(this.model.getGeometryType()).toEqual(['point']); this.model.set('geometry_types', ['ST_MULTIPOLYGON']); expect(this.model.getGeometryType()).toEqual(['polygon']); this.model.set('geometry_types', ['ST_POLYGON']); expect(this.model.getGeometryType()).toEqual(['polygon']); this.model.set('geometry_types', ['ST_LINESTRING']); expect(this.model.getGeometryType()).toEqual(['line']); this.model.set('geometry_types', ['ST_MULTILINESTRING']); expect(this.model.getGeometryType()).toEqual(['line']); }); it('shouldn\'t return the same geometry several times', function () { this.model.set('geometry_types', ['ST_MULTIPOINT', 'ST_POINT', 'ST_POLYGON']); expect(this.model.getGeometryType()).toEqual(['point', 'polygon']); }); }); describe('.parse', function () { it('should take table_visualization attributes from response if they exist, not removing or overwritting geometry_types', function () { var parseAttrs = this.model.parse({ id: 'bad', geometry_types: ['ST_POLYGON'], table_visualization: { id: 'good', geometry_types: ['pepito'] } }); expect('good'); expect(parseAttrs.geometry_types).toEqual(['ST_POLYGON']); parseAttrs = this.model.parse({ id: 'new_good', geometry_types: ['ST_POINT'], table_visualization: {} }); expect('new_good'); expect(parseAttrs.geometry_types).toEqual(['ST_POINT']); }); describe('synchronization', function () { it('should create synchronization model if sync data is provided and model is not created', function () { var syncTableModel = createTableModel({ synchronization: {} }, true); expect(syncTableModel._syncModel).toBeDefined(); expect(syncTableModel.attributes.synchronization).toBeDefined(); }); it('should update synchronization model if sync data is provided and that model is already created', function () { var syncTableModel = createTableModel({ synchronization: {} }, true); expect(syncTableModel._syncModel.get('id')).toBeUndefined(); syncTableModel.parse({ synchronization: { id: '3' } }); expect(syncTableModel._syncModel.get('id')).toBe('3'); }); }); describe('permission', function () { it('should create permission model if permission attribute is provided', function () { var permissionTableModel = createTableModel({ permission: {} }, true); expect(permissionTableModel._permissionModel).toBeDefined(); expect(permissionTableModel.attributes.permission).toBeDefined(); }); it('should update permission model if permission attribute is provided and that model is already created', function () { var permissionTableModel = createTableModel({ permission: {} }, true); expect(permissionTableModel._permissionModel.get('id')).toBeUndefined(); permissionTableModel.parse({ permission: { id: 'perm' } }); expect(permissionTableModel._permissionModel.get('id')).toBe('perm'); }); }); }); describe('.isSync', function () { it('should be truthy if there is a synchronization model and it has id', function () { var syncTableModel = createTableModel({ synchronization: { id: 'ha' } }, true); expect(syncTableModel.isSync()).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should be falsy if there isn\'t a synchronization model or if it doesn\'t have an id', function () { var nonSyncTableModel = createTableModel({ synchronization: {} }, true); expect(nonSyncTableModel.isSync()).toBeFalsy(); var nonSyncTableModel2 = createTableModel({}, true); expect(nonSyncTableModel2.isSync()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('getOwnerName', function () { it('should take the owner name from the table name if it is included', function () { this.model.set('name', 'perico.foobar_table'); expect(this.model.getOwnerName()).toBe('perico'); }); it('should take the owner name from the permission if it is available and it is not included in the table name', function () { this.model._permissionModel = new PermissionModel({}, { configModel: configModel, _userModel: this.userModel }); this.model.set('name', 'foobar_table'); expect(this.model.getOwnerName()).toBe('pericooo'); }); }); describe('.hasWriteAccess', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model._permissionModel = new PermissionModel({}, { configModel: configModel }); this.permModel = this.model._permissionModel; spyOn(this.permModel, 'hasWriteAccess'); }); it('should have write access if userModel has that permission', function () { this.permModel.hasWriteAccess.and.returnValue(true); expect(this.model.hasWriteAccess(this.userModel)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should not have write access if userModel doesn\'t have that permission', function () { this.permModel.hasWriteAccess.and.returnValue(false); expect(this.model.hasWriteAccess(this.userModel)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should not have write access if userModel is not defined', function () { expect(this.model.hasWriteAccess()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('.isReadOnly', function () { it('should be true if it is synced', function () { var syncTableModel = createTableModel({ synchronization: {} }, true); expect(syncTableModel.isReadOnly(this.userModel)).toBe(true); }); it('should be true if user doesn\'t have write permissions', function () { var permissionTableModel = createTableModel({ permission: {} }, true); spyOn(permissionTableModel, 'hasWriteAccess').and.returnValue(false); expect(permissionTableModel.isReadOnly(this.userModel)).toBe(true); }); it('should be false if user does have write permissions', function () { var permissionTableModel = createTableModel({ permission: {} }, true); spyOn(permissionTableModel, 'hasWriteAccess').and.returnValue(true); expect(permissionTableModel.isReadOnly(this.userModel)).toBe(false); }); }); function createTableModel (attrs, parseModel) { return new TableModel( _.extend( { id: 'har', name: 'table' }, attrs || {} ), { parse: parseModel, configModel: configModel } ); } });