/** * Common header for vis view ( table | derived ) * * - It needs a visualization model, config and user data. * * var header = new cdb.admin.Header({ * el: this.$('header'), * model: visusalization_model, * user: user_model, * config: config, * geocoder: geocoder * }); * */ cdb.admin.Header = cdb.core.View.extend({ _TEXTS: { saving: _t('Saving...'), saved: _t('Saved'), error: _t('Something went wrong, try again later'), metadata: { edit: _t('Edit metadata...'), view: _t('View metadata...') }, visualization: { loader: _t('Changing to visualization'), created: _t('Visualization created') }, share: { publish: _t('PUBLISH'), visualize: _t('VISUALIZE') }, share_privacy: { ok_next: _t('Share it now!') }, rename: { readonly: _t('It is not possible to rename
the dataset in <%- mode %> mode'), owner: _t('It is not possible to rename
the dataset if you are not the owner') } }, _MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH: 200, events: { 'click a.title': '_changeTitle', 'click .metadata a': '_changeMetadata', 'click a.options': '_openOptionsMenu', 'click a.share': '_shareVisualization', 'click a.privacy': '_showPrivacyDialog', 'click header nav a': '_onTabClick' }, initialize: function(options) { _.bindAll(this, '_changeTitle', '_setPrivacy'); this.$body = $('body'); this.dataLayer = null; this.globalError = this.options.globalError; this._initBinds(); // Display all the visualization info this.setInfo(); }, // Set new dataLayer from the current layerView setActiveLayer: function(layerView) { // Clean before bindings if (this.dataLayer) { this.dataLayer.unbind('applySQLView applyFilter errorSQLView clearSQLView', this.setEditableInfo, this); this.dataLayer.table.unbind('change:isSync', this.setEditableInfo, this); this.dataLayer.table.unbind('change:permission', this.setInfo, this); } // Set new datalayer this.dataLayer = layerView.model; // Apply bindings if model is not a visualization if (!this.model.isVisualization()) { this.dataLayer.bind('applySQLView applyFilter errorSQLView clearSQLView', this.setEditableInfo, this); this.dataLayer.table.bind('change:isSync', this.setEditableInfo, this); this.dataLayer.table.bind('change:permission', this.setInfo, this); this.setEditableInfo(); } }, _initBinds: function() { this.model.bind('change:name', this._setName, this); this.model.bind('change:type', this.setInfo, this); this.model.bind('change:privacy', this._setPrivacy, this); this.model.bind('change:permission', this._setSharedCount, this); }, _openOptionsMenu: function(e) { this.killEvent(e); var self = this; var $target = $(e.target); // Options menu this.options_menu = new cdb.admin.HeaderOptionsMenu({ target: $(e.target), model: this.model, // master_vis dataLayer: this.dataLayer, user: this.options.user, private_tables: this.options.user.get("actions").private_tables, geocoder: this.options.geocoder, backgroundPollingModel: this.options.backgroundPollingModel, globalError: this.options.globalError, template_base: 'table/header/views/options_menu' }).bind("onDropdownShown",function(ev) { cdb.god.unbind("closeDialogs", self.options_menu.hide, self.options_menu); cdb.god.trigger("closeDialogs"); cdb.god.bind("closeDialogs", self.options_menu.hide, self.options_menu); }).bind('onDropdownHidden', function() { this.clean(); $target.unbind('click'); cdb.god.unbind(null, null, self.options_menu); }); this.$body.append(this.options_menu.render().el); this.options_menu.open(e); }, /** * Share visualization function, it could show * the name dialog to create a new visualization * or directly the share dialog :). */ _shareVisualization: function(e) { this.killEvent(e); var view; if (this.model.isVisualization()) { view = new cdb.editor.PublishView({ clean_on_hide: true, enter_to_confirm: true, user: this.options.user, model: this.model // vis }); } else { view = new cdb.editor.CreateVisFirstView({ clean_on_hide: true, enter_to_confirm: true, model: this.model, router: window.table_router, title: 'A map is required to publish', explanation: 'A map is a shareable mix of layers, styles and queries. You can view all your maps in your dashboard.' }); } view.appendToBody(); }, _showPrivacyDialog: function(e) { if (e) this.killEvent(e); if (this.model.isOwnedByUser(this.options.user)) { var dialog = new cdb.editor.ChangePrivacyView({ vis: this.model, //vis user: this.options.user, enter_to_confirm: true, clean_on_hide: true }); dialog.appendToBody(); } }, /** * Set visualization info */ setInfo: function() { this._setName(); this._setSyncInfo(); this._setVisualization(); this._setMetadata(); }, /** * Set editable visualization info */ setEditableInfo: function() { this._setName(); this._setSyncInfo(); this._setMetadata(); }, _setPrivacy: function() { var $share = this.$('a.privacy'); // Update shared count if it is neccessary this._setSharedCount(); var privacy = this.model.get("privacy").toLowerCase(); if (privacy == "public") { $share .removeClass("private") .removeClass("link_protected") .removeClass("password_protected") .removeClass("organization") .addClass("public"); } else if (privacy == "link"){ $share .removeClass("public") .removeClass("private") .removeClass("password_protected") .removeClass("organization") .addClass("link_protected"); } else if (privacy == "private"){ $share .removeClass("public") .removeClass("link_protected") .removeClass("password_protected") .removeClass("organization") .addClass("private"); } else if (privacy == "password"){ $share .removeClass("private") .removeClass("link_protected") .removeClass("public") .removeClass("organization") .addClass("password_protected"); } else if (privacy == "organization"){ $share .removeClass("private") .removeClass("link_protected") .removeClass("public") .removeClass("password_protected") .addClass("organization"); } // User is owner of this visualization (table or derived)? var isOwner = this.model.permission.isOwner(this.options.user); $share.find('i')[ isOwner ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass' ]('disabled'); }, _setSharedCount: function() { var isOwner = this.model.permission.isOwner(this.options.user); var $share = this.$('a.privacy i'); $share.empty(); if (isOwner) { var $count = $('').addClass('shared_users'); if (this.model.permission.acl.size() > 0) { // Get total shared users or if the whole organization has access var shared_users = 0; var users_perm = this.model.permission.getUsersWithAnyPermission(); if (this.model.permission.isSharedWithOrganization()) { shared_users = 'ORG'; } else { shared_users = users_perm.length; } $count.text( (shared_users !== 0) ? shared_users : '' ); $share.append($count); } } }, /** * Change metadata link text */ _setMetadata: function() { var isOwner = this.model.permission.isOwner(this.options.user); var $metadata = this.$('.metadata a'); var text = this._TEXTS.metadata.edit; var href = "#/edit-metadata"; if (!isOwner) { text = this._TEXTS.metadata.view; href = "#/view-metadata"; } $metadata .attr('href', href) .text(text); }, /** * Set layer sync info if it is needed */ _setSyncInfo: function() { this.sync_info && this.sync_info.clean(); if (!this.model.isVisualization() && this.isSyncTable()) { this.$el.addClass('synced'); this.sync_info = new cdb.admin.SyncInfo({ dataLayer: this.dataLayer, user: this.options.user }); this.$('.sync_status').append(this.sync_info.render().el); this.addView(this.sync_info); } else { this.$el.removeClass('synced'); } }, /** * Set name of the visualization */ _setName: function() { var $title = this.$('h1 a.title'); $title [(this.isVisEditable() && !this.isSyncTable()) ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass' ]('disabled') .text(this.model.get('name')) document.title = this.model.get('name') + " | 快点"; }, /** * Set visualization type and change share button */ _setVisualization: function() { // Change visualization type var $back = this.$('a.back'); var $share = this.$('a.share'); var is_visualization = this.model.isVisualization(); if (is_visualization) { $share.find("span").text(this._TEXTS.share.publish); this._setPrivacy(); var route = cdb.config.prefixUrl() + "/dashboard/maps"; $back.attr("href", route ); } else { $share.find("span").text(this._TEXTS.share.visualize); this._setPrivacy(); var route = cdb.config.prefixUrl() + "/dashboard/datasets"; $back.attr("href", route ); } }, /** * Change visualization metadata */ _changeMetadata: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var dlg = new cdb.editor.EditVisMetadataView({ maxLength: this._MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH, vis: this.model, dataLayer: this.dataLayer && this.dataLayer.table, user: this.options.user, clean_on_hide: true, enter_to_confirm: false, onShowPrivacy: this._showPrivacyDialog.bind(this), onDone: this._onChangeMetadata.bind(this) }); dlg.appendToBody(); }, _onChangeMetadata: function(nameChanged) { // Check if attr saved is name to change url when // visualization is table type if (nameChanged && !this.model.isVisualization()) { window.table_router.navigate(this._generateTableUrl(), {trigger: false}); window.table_router.addToHistory(); } }, /** * Change visualization title */ _changeTitle: function(e) { this.killEvent(e); var self = this; var isOwner = this.model.permission.isOwner(this.options.user); if (this.isVisEditable()) { this.title_dialog && this.title_dialog.clean(); cdb.god.trigger("closeDialogs"); var title_dialog = this.title_dialog = new cdb.admin.EditTextDialog({ initial_value: this.model.get('name'), template_name: 'table/views/edit_name', clean_on_hide: true, modal_class: 'edit_name_dialog', onResponse: setTitle }); cdb.god.bind("closeDialogs", title_dialog.hide, title_dialog); // Set position and show var pos = $(e.target).offset(); pos.left -= $(window).scrollLeft() pos.top -= $(window).scrollTop() var w = Math.max($(e.target).width() + 100, 280); title_dialog.showAt(pos.left - 20, pos.top - 10, w); } else { var $el = $(e.target); $el .bind('mouseleave', destroyTipsy) .tipsy({ fade: true, trigger: 'manual', html: true, title: function() { var mode = self.isSyncTable() ? 'sync' : 'read-only'; return _.template(self._TEXTS.rename[ !isOwner ? 'owner' : 'readonly' ])({ mode: mode }) } }) .tipsy('show') } function destroyTipsy() { var $el = $(this); var tipsy = $el.data('tipsy'); if (tipsy) { $el .tipsy('hide') .unbind('mouseleave', destroyTipsy); } } function setTitle(val) { if (val !== self.model.get('name') && val != '') { // Sanitize description (html and events) var title = cdb.Utils.stripHTML(val,''); if (self.model.isVisualization()) { self._onSetAttributes({ name: title }); } else { // close any prev modal if existing if (self.change_confirmation) { self.change_confirmation.clean(); } self.change_confirmation = cdb.editor.ViewFactory.createDialogByTemplate('common/dialogs/confirm_rename_dataset'); // If user confirms, app set the new name self.change_confirmation.ok = function() { self._onSetAttributes({ name: title }); if (_.isFunction(this.close)) { this.close(); } }; self.change_confirmation .appendToBody() .open(); } } } }, /** * Wait function before set new visualization attributes */ _onSetAttributes: function(d) { var old_data = this.model.toJSON(); var new_data = d; this.model.set(d, { silent: true }); // Check if there is any difference if (this.model.hasChanged()) { var self = this; this.globalError.showError(this._TEXTS.saving, 'load', -1); this.model.save({},{ wait: true, success: function(m) { // Check if attr saved is name to change url if (new_data.name !== old_data.name && !self.model.isVisualization()) { window.table_router.navigate(self._generateTableUrl(), {trigger: false}); window.table_router.addToHistory(); } self.globalError.showError(self._TEXTS.saved, 'info', 3000); }, error: function(msg, resp) { var err = resp && JSON.parse(resp.responseText).errors[0]; self.globalError.showError(err, 'error', 3000); self.model.set(old_data, { silent: true }); self.setInfo(); } }); } }, /** * Check if visualization/table is editable * (Checking if it is visualization and/or data layer is in sql view) */ isVisEditable: function() { if (this.model.isVisualization()) { return true; } else { var table = this.dataLayer && this.dataLayer.table; if (!table) { return false; } else if (table && (table.isReadOnly() || !table.permission.isOwner(this.options.user))) { return false; } else { return true; } } }, isSyncTable: function() { if (this.dataLayer && this.dataLayer.table) { return this.dataLayer.table.isSync(); } return false; }, _generateTableUrl: function(e) { // Let's create the url ourselves // var url = ''; // Check visualization type and get table or viz id if (this.model.isVisualization()) { url += '/viz/' + this.model.get('id'); } else { var isOwner = this.model.permission.isOwner(this.options.user); var table = new cdb.admin.CartoDBTableMetadata(this.model.get('table')); // Qualify table urls if user is not the owner if (!isOwner) { var owner_username = this.model.permission.owner.get('username'); url += '/tables/' + owner_username + '.' + table.getUnqualifiedName(); } else { url += '/tables/' + table.getUnqualifiedName(); } } // Get scenario parameter from event or current url (table or map) var current = e ? $(e.target).attr('href') : window.location.pathname; if (current.search('/map') != -1) { url += '/map' } else { url += '/table' } return url; }, _onTabClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); window.table_router.navigate(this._generateTableUrl(e), {trigger: true}); } });