var cdb = require('cartodb.js-v3'); cdb.admin = require('cdb.admin'); var _ = require('underscore-cdb-v3'); var $ = require('jquery-cdb-v3'); /** * Old form spinner * */ module.exports = cdb.core.View.extend({ className: 'form-view form_spinner', defaults: { max: 999999999999, min: -999999999999, inc: 1, width: 25, pattern: /^-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$/, debounce_time: 200 }, events: { 'click .plus': '_plus', 'click .minus': '_minus', 'keypress input.value': '_checkInputPress', 'keydown input.value': '_checkInputPress', 'keyup input.value': '_checkInputUp', 'change .value': '_checkValueChange' }, initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, '_fireChange', '_checkNumber'); =; this.model.bind('change', this.render, this); // Check pattern, if it is empty or not valid, // delete the option before extending defaults if (!this.options.pattern || typeof this.options.pattern !== "object" || (typeof this.options.pattern === "object" && !this.options.pattern.test) ) { delete this.options.pattern; } _.defaults(this.options, this.defaults); if(this.options.debounce_time > 0) { this._fireChange = _.debounce(this._fireChange, this.options.debounce_time); } }, render: function(prop) { var value = this.options.initValue || this.model.get(; if (prop && _.isNumber(prop)) { value = prop; } this.$el.html('+-'); this.$('.value').val(value); if (this.options.disabled) { this.undelegateEvents(); this.$el .addClass('disabled') .find('a').bind('click', this.killEvent); } return this; }, _fireChange: function() { this.model.change(); }, _changeValue: function(a) { this.model.set(a, { silent: true }); this._fireChange(); }, inc: function(c) { var a = {}; var v = a[] = this.model.get( + c; v = a[] = Math.min(this.options.max, v.toFixed? v.toFixed(1): 1*v); a[] = Math.max(this.options.min, v); this._changeValue(a); // don't wait to be notified by model, render as fast as the user changes the value this.render(a[]); }, _plus: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault();; return false; }, _minus: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault();; return false; }, _checkNumber: function(number) { return this.options.pattern.test(number); }, _checkInputPress: function(ev) { var newChar = String.fromCharCode(ev.charCode); if(newChar == '-' || newChar == '.' || 1*newChar !== NaN) { return true; } else { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return false; } }, _checkInputUp: function(ev) { this.value? null : this.value = this.model.get(; var number = $(; // If it is an ENTER -> saves! if (ev.keyCode === 13) { this._saveValue(ev); return false; } // If not, check the key if (!this._checkNumber(number) && number != '-' && number != '') { this.$el.find("input.value").val(this.value); // ev.stopPropagation(); // ev.preventDefault(); } else { if(number != '-' && number != '') { this.value = $(; } } return true; }, _checkValueChange: function(ev) { var number = $(; number = (number == '' || number == '-')? 0 : 1*number if (!this._checkNumber(number)) { this.$el.find("input.value").val(this.value); } else { this._saveValue(ev); this.value = $(; } return true; }, _saveValue: function(ev) { var a = {}; var val = this.$el.find("input.value").val() var baseNumber = (this.options.min < 0 && this.options.max > 0)? 0: this.options.min; var number = (val == '' || val == '-') ? baseNumber : 1*val; this.$el.find("input.value").val(number); a[] = number; this.model.set(a); cdb.god.trigger("closeDialogs"); } });