const _ = require('underscore'); const Backbone = require('backbone'); const SQL = require('internal-carto.js').SQL; const WKT = require('dashboard/common/wkt'); const checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); const REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'configModel' ]; const RESERVED_COLUMNS = 'the_geom the_geom_webmercator cartodb_id created_at updated_at'.split(' '); module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ _GEOMETRY_TYPES: { 'point': 'st_point', 'multipoint': 'st_multipoint', 'linestring': 'st_linestring', 'multilinestring': 'st_multilinestring', 'polygon': 'st_polygon', 'multipolygon': 'st_multipolygon' }, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { checkAndBuildOpts(opts, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); }, url: function (method) { var version = this._configModel.urlVersion('record', method); var table = this.table || this.collection.table; if (!table) { console.error('row has no table assigned'); } var base = '/api/' + version + '/tables/' + table.get('name') + '/records/'; if (this.isNew()) { return base; } return base +; }, fetch: function (opts) { opts = opts || {}; var username = (this.options && this.options.user_data) ? this.options.user_data.username : (window.user_data ? window.user_data.username : window.user_name); var api_key = (this.options && this.options.user_data) ? this.options.user_data.api_key : (window.user_data ? window.user_data.api_key : window.api_key); var table = this.table || this.collection.table; var sqlApi = new SQL({ user: username, version: 'v2', api_key: api_key, sql_api_template: this._configModel.getSqlApiBaseUrl(), extra_params: ['skipfields'] }); // this.trigger('loading') var sql = null; var columns = table.columnNames(); if (opts.no_geom) { columns = _.without(columns, 'the_geom', 'the_geom_webmercator'); } else { columns = _.without(columns, 'the_geom'); } sql = 'SELECT ' + columns.join(',') + ' '; if (table.containsColumn('the_geom') && !opts.no_geom) { sql += ',ST_AsGeoJSON(the_geom, 8) as the_geom '; } sql += ' from (' + + ') _table_sql WHERE cartodb_id = ' + this.get('cartodb_id'); // Added opts to sql execute function to apply // parameters ( like cache ) to the ajax request if (opts.no_geom) { opts.skipfields = 'the_geom,the_geom_webmercator'; } else { opts.skipfields = 'the_geom_webmercator'; } sqlApi.execute(sql, {}, opts).done(function (data) { if (this.parse(data.rows[0])) { this.set(data.rows[0]);//, {silent: silent}); this.trigger('sync'); } }); }, toJSON: function () { var attr = _.clone(this.attributes); // remove read-only attributes delete attr['updated_at']; delete attr['created_at']; delete attr['the_geom_webmercator']; if (!this.isGeometryGeoJSON()) { delete attr['the_geom']; } return attr; }, isGeomLoaded: function () { var geojson = this.get('the_geom'); var column_types_WKT = WKT.types; return (geojson !== 'GeoJSON' && geojson !== -1 && !_.contains(column_types_WKT, geojson)); }, hasGeometry: function () { var the_geom = this.get('the_geom'); return !!(the_geom != null && the_geom != undefined && the_geom != ''); // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq }, /** * Checks if the_geom contains a valid geoJson */ isGeometryGeoJSON: function () { var the_geom = this.get('the_geom'); if (the_geom && typeof the_geom === 'object') { return !!the_geom.coordinates; } else if (typeof the_geom !== 'string') { return false; } // if the geom contains GeoJSON, the row has a valid geometry, but is not loaded yet if (the_geom === 'GeoJSON') { return true; } try { var g = JSON.parse(the_geom); return !!g.coordinates; } catch (e) { return false; } }, getFeatureType: function () { if (this.isGeomLoaded()) { // Problem geometry type from a WKB format // Not possible for the moment try { var geojson = JSON.parse(this.get('the_geom')); return geojson.type.toLowerCase(); } catch (e) {'Not possible to parse geometry type'); } } return null; }, getGeomType: function () { try { return this._GEOMETRY_TYPES[this.getFeatureType()]; } catch (e) {'Not possible to parse geometry type'); } } }, { RESERVED_COLUMNS, isReservedColumn: function (c) { return _(RESERVED_COLUMNS).indexOf(c) !== -1; } });