cdb.admin.overlays.Search = cdb.core.View.extend({ events: { }, initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, "_close"); this._setupModels(); this._addSearchControl(); }, _killEvent: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); e && e.stopPropagation(); }, // Setup the internal and custom model _setupModels: function() { this.model = this.options.model; this.vis = this.options.vis; this.canvas = this.options.canvas; this.model.on("change:display", this._onChangeDisplay, this); this.model.on("change:y", this._onChangeY, this); this.model.on("change:x", this._onChangeX, this); this.model.on("destroy", function() { this.$el.remove(); }, this); }, _onChangeX: function() { var x = this.model.get("x"); var self = this; this.$el.animate({ right: x }, { duration: 150, complete: function() { self.trigger("change_x", this); }}); //if (this.model); }, _onChangeY: function() { var y = this.model.get("y"); this.$el.animate({ top: y }, 150); //if (this.model); }, _onChangeDisplay: function() { var display = this.model.get("display"); if (display) {; } else { this.hide(); } }, _addSearchControl: function() { this.searchControl = new cdb.admin.SearchControl({ model:, vis: this.options.vis, canvas: this.options.canvas, mapView: this.options.mapView, template: cdb.templates.getTemplate("table/views/search_control"), infowindowTemplate: cdb.templates.getTemplate("table/views/search_infowindow"), infowindowOffset: [93, 140] }); }, _onMouseDown: function() { }, _onMouseEnterText: function() { }, _onMouseLeaveText: function() { }, _onMouseEnter: function() { }, _onMouseLeave: function() { }, show: function() { var self = this; this.$el.fadeIn(250, function() { self.trigger("change_x", this); }); }, hide: function(callback) { var self = this; callback && callback(); this.$el.fadeOut(250, function() { self.trigger("change_x", this); }); }, _close: function(e) { this._killEvent(e); var self = this; this.hide(function() { self.trigger("remove", self); }); }, _toggleDisplay: function() { this.model.get("display") ? this.$ : this.$el.hide(); }, _position: function() { // Always position the top according to model var attrs = { top: this.model.get("y") }; if (!this.options.relative_position) { attrs.right = this.model.get("x"); } this.$el.css(attrs); }, render: function() { var self = this; this.$el = this.searchControl.render().$el; this._toggleDisplay(); this._position(); return this; } });