var cdb = require('cartodb.js-v3'); var _ = require('underscore-cdb-v3'); var BaseDialog = require('../views/base_dialog/view'); var ViewFactory = require('../view_factory'); var randomQuote = require('../view_helpers/random_quote'); var ErrorDetailsView = require('../views/error_details_view'); /** * Dialog to manage duplication process of a cdb.admin.Visualization object. */ module.exports = BaseDialog.extend({ initialize: function() { this.elder('initialize'); if (!this.model) throw new Error('model is required (cdb.admin.Visualization)'); if (!this.options.user) throw new Error('user is required'); this.elder('initialize'); this._initViews(); this._initBinds(); this._duplicateMap(); }, render_content: function() { return this._panes.getActivePane().render().el; }, _initViews: function() { this._panes = new cdb.ui.common.TabPane({ el: this.el }); this.addView(this._panes); this._panes.addTab('loading', ViewFactory.createByTemplate('common/templates/loading', { title: 'Duplicating your map', quote: randomQuote() }) );'loading'); }, _initBinds: function() { this._panes.bind('tabEnabled', this.render, this); }, _duplicateMap: function(newName) { var self = this; var newName = this.model.get('name') + ' copy'; this.model.copy({ name: newName }, { success: function(newVis) { self._redirectTo(newVis.viewUrl(self.options.user).edit().toString()); }, error: self._showError.bind(self) }); }, _showError: function(model) { var view; try { var err = _.clone(model.attributes); view = new ErrorDetailsView({ err: _.extend(err, model.attributes.get_error_text), user: this.options.user }); } catch(err) { view = ViewFactory.createByTemplate('common/templates/fail', { msg: "Sorry, something went wrong, but we're not sure why." }); } this._panes.addTab('fail', view.render());'fail'); }, _redirectTo: function(url) { window.location = url; } });