var Backbone = require('backbone'); var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var template = require('./input-number-value-content-view.tpl'); module.exports = CoreView.extend({ events: { 'click .js-back': '_onClickBack', 'click .js-bins': '_onClickBins', 'click .js-quantification': '_onClickQuantification' }, render: function () { this.clearSubViews(); this._removeForm(); this.$el.empty(); this.$el.append(template({ bins: this.model.get('bins'), attribute: this.model.get('attribute'), quantification: this.model.get('quantification') })); this._initForm(); return this; }, _calculateRangeFromFixed: function (fixed, percent) { percent = percent || 30; var span = this.options.max - this.options.min; var delta = fixed / span; return [ Math.floor(Math.max(this.options.min, fixed - percent * delta)), Math.floor(Math.min(this.options.max, fixed + percent * delta)) ]; }, _initForm: function () { var self = this; if (this._formView) { this._formView.remove(); } // when range min === max means we come from a fixed value, probably // calculate the range values based on this var range = this.model.get('range'); var min, max; min = max = this.model.get('fixed'); if (range) { min = +range[0]; max = +range[1]; } if (min === max) { var r = this._calculateRangeFromFixed(min); // set the range so changes are propagated min = r[0]; max = r[1]; this.model.set('range', r); } this._formModel = new Backbone.Model({ min: min, max: max }); this._formModel.schema = { min: { type: 'Number', validators: ['required', { type: 'interval', min: self.options.min, max: self.options.max }] }, max: { type: 'Number', validators: ['required', { type: 'interval', min: self.options.min, max: self.options.max }] } }; this._formModel.bind('change', function (input) { this.model.set('range', [(+input.get('min')), (+input.get('max'))]); }, this); this._formView = new Backbone.Form({ className: 'Editor-boxList', model: this._formModel }); this._formView.bind('change', function () { this.commit(); }); this.$('.js-content').append(this._formView.render().$el); }, _removeForm: function () { // Backbone.Form removes the view with the following method this._formView && this._formView.remove(); }, _onClickBack: function (e) { this.killEvent(e); this.trigger('back', this); }, _onClickQuantification: function (e) { this.killEvent(e); this.trigger('selectQuantification', this); }, _onClickBins: function (e) { this.killEvent(e); this.trigger('selectBins', this); }, clean: function () { this._removeForm();; } });