describe('api.layers', function() { describe('loadLayer leaflet', function() { loadLayerSpecs(function() { return$('
')[0]).setView([0, 0], 3); }); }); describe('loadLayer gmaps', function() { loadLayerSpecs(function() { return new google.maps.Map($('
')[0],{ zoom: 3, center: new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); }); }); describe('loadLayer unknow', function() { it("should return an error for unknow map types", function(done) { var map = {}; var err = false; cartodb.createLayer(map, { kind: 'plain', options: {} }, function(l) { layer = l; }).error(function() { err = true; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(err).toEqual(true); done(); }, 1000); }) }); // // shared specs for each map // function loadLayerSpecs(mapFn) { describe("(shared)", function() { var map; beforeEach(function() { map = mapFn(); cartodb.torque = torque; }); afterEach(function() { delete cartodb.torque; }); it("should fecth layer when user and pass are specified", function() { spyOn(cdb.core.Loader, 'get'); cartodb.createLayer(map, { user: 'development', table: 'clubbing', host: 'localhost.lan:3000', protocol: 'http' }); expect(cdb.core.Loader.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should fecth layer when a url is specified", function() { spyOn(cdb.core.Loader, 'get'); cartodb.createLayer(map, ''); expect(cdb.core.Loader.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should not fecth layer when kind and options are specified", function() { spyOn(cdb.core.Loader, 'get'); cartodb.createLayer(map, { kind: 'plain', options: {} }); expect(cdb.core.Loader.get).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should create a layer", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { kind: 'plain', options: {} }, function(l) { layer = l; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(layer.type).toEqual('plain'); done(); }, 100); }); it("should create a layer with type", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { kind: 'cartodb', options: { tile_style: 'test', table_name: 'table', user_name: 'test'} }, function(l) { layer = l; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer.type).toEqual('cartodb'); done(); }, 100); }); it("should create a layer with options", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { kind: 'cartodb', options: {tile_style: 'test', table_name: 'table', user_name: 'test'} }, {query: 'select test'}, function(l) { layer = l; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer.options.query).toEqual('select test'); done(); }, 100); }); it("should use https when https == true", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { kind: 'cartodb', options: {tile_style: 'test', table_name: 'table', user_name: 'test'} }, {https: true}, function(l) { layer = l; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer._host().indexOf('https')).toEqual(0); done(); }, 100); }); it("should not use https when https == false", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { kind: 'cartodb', options: {tile_style: 'test', table_name: 'table', user_name: 'test'} }, {https: false}, function(l) { layer = l; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer._host().indexOf('https')).toEqual(-1); done(); }, 100); }); it("should not substitute mapnik tokens", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { kind: 'cartodb', options: {tile_style: 'test', table_name: 'table', user_name: 'test'} }, {query: 'select !bbox!'}, function(l) { layer = l }) setTimeout(function() { expect(layer.getQuery()).toEqual('select !bbox!'); done(); }, 100); }); it("should manage errors", function(done) { var s = sinon.spy(); cartodb.createLayer(map, { options: {} }).on('error', s); setTimeout(function() { expect(s.called).toEqual(true); done(); }, 10); }); it("should call callback if the last argument is a function", function(done) { var layer; var s = sinon.spy(); var s2 = sinon.spy(); cartodb.createLayer(map, { kind: 'plain', options: {} }, s); cartodb.createLayer(map, layer={ kind: 'plain', options: {} }, { rambo: 'thebest'} ,s2); setTimeout(function() { expect(s.called).toEqual(true); expect(layer.options.rambo).toEqual('thebest'); expect(s2.called).toEqual(true); done(); }, 10); }); it("should load vis.json", function(done) { var layer; var s = sinon.spy(); cartodb.createLayer(map, { updated_at: 'jaja', layers: [ { type: 'tiled', options: {} }, { type: 'layergroup', options: { layer_definition: { layers: [] }, extra_params: { cache_buster: 'cb' } } } ] }, s).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(s.called).toEqual(true); expect(layer.model.attributes.extra_params.cache_buster).toEqual('cb'); done(); }, 10); }); it("should load specified layer", function(done) { var layer; var s = sinon.spy(); cartodb.createLayer(map, { updated_at: 'jaja', layers: [ null, {kind: 'cartodb', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'test'}, infowindow: null }, {kind: 'torque', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'Map{ -torque-frame-count: 10; }#test { marker-width: 10; }'}, infowindow: null } ] }, { layerIndex: 2 }, s).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(s.called).toEqual(true); // check it's a torque layer and not a cartodb one expect(layer.model.get('type')).toEqual('torque'); done(); }, 500); }); it("should load the `namedmap` layer by default", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { updated_at: 'jaja', layers: [ { type: 'tiled', options: {} }, { type: 'tiled', options: {} }, { type: 'namedmap', user_name: 'dev', options: { named_map: { name: 'testing', params: { color: 'red' } } } } ] }).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer).toBeDefined(); expect(layer.options.type).toEqual('namedmap'); done(); }, 0); }); it("should load the `layergroup` layer by default", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { updated_at: 'jaja', layers: [ { type: 'tiled', options: {} }, { type: 'tiled', options: {} }, { type: 'layergroup', options: { layer_definition: { layers: [] } } } ] }).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer).toBeDefined(); expect(layer.options.type).toEqual('layergroup'); done(); }, 0); }); it("should load the `torque` layer by default", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { updated_at: 'jaja', layers: [ { type: 'tiled', options: {} }, { type: 'tiled', options: {} }, { type: 'torque', options: { 'torque-steps': 3 } } ] }).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer).toBeDefined(); expect(layer.type).toEqual('torque'); done(); }, 0); }); it("should add a torque layer", function(done) { var layer; var s = sinon.spy(); cartodb.createLayer(map, { updated_at: 'jaja', layers: [ null, {kind: 'cartodb', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'test'}, infowindow: null }, {kind: 'torque', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'Map { -torque-frame-count: 10;} #test { marker-width: 10; }'}, infowindow: null } ] }, { layerIndex: 2 }, s).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }).addTo(map) var wait = 500; if (!map.getContainer) wait = 2500; setTimeout(function() { if (map.getContainer) expect($(map.getContainer()).find('.cartodb-timeslider').length).toBe(1) if (map.getDiv) expect($(map.getDiv()).find('.cartodb-timeslider').length).toBe(1) done() }, wait); }); it("should ask for https data when https is on at torque layer", function(done) { var layer; var s = sinon.spy(); cartodb.createLayer(map, { updated_at: 'jaja', layers: [ null, {kind: 'cartodb', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'test'}, infowindow: null }, {kind: 'torque', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'Map { -torque-frame-count: 10;} #test { marker-width: 10; }'}, infowindow: null } ] }, { layerIndex: 2, https: true }, s).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }).addTo(map) var wait = 500; if (!map.getContainer) wait = 2500; setTimeout(function() { expect(layer.provider.options.tiler_protocol).toBe("https"); done() }, wait); }); it("should not add a torque layer timeslider if steps are not greater than 1", function(done) { var layer; var s = sinon.spy(); cartodb.createLayer(map, { updated_at: 'jaja', layers: [ null, {kind: 'cartodb', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'test'}, infowindow: null }, {kind: 'torque', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'Map { -torque-frame-count: 1;} #test { marker-width: 10; }'}, infowindow: null } ] }, { layerIndex: 2 }, s).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }).addTo(map) var wait = 500; if (!map.getContainer) wait = 2500; setTimeout(function() { if (map.getContainer) expect($(map.getContainer()).find('.cartodb-timeslider').length).toBe(0) if (map.getDiv) expect($(map.getDiv()).find('.cartodb-timeslider').length).toBe(0) done() }, wait); }); it("should add cartodb logo with torque layer although it is not defined", function(done) { var layer; var s = sinon.spy(); cartodb.createLayer(map, { updated_at: 'jaja', layers: [ null, {kind: 'cartodb', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'test'}, infowindow: null }, {kind: 'torque', options: { user_name: 'test', table_name: 'test', tile_style: 'Map{ -torque-frame-count: 10;}#test { marker-width: 10; }'}, infowindow: null } ] }, { layerIndex: 2 }, s).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }).addTo(map) var wait = 500; if (!map.getContainer) wait = 2500; setTimeout(function() { expect(layer.options.cartodb_logo).toEqual(undefined); if (map.getContainer) expect($(map.getContainer()).find('.cartodb-logo').length).toBe(1) if (map.getDiv) expect($(map.getDiv()).find('.cartodb-logo').length).toBe(1) done(); }, wait); }); it("should create a named map", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { type: 'namedmap', user_name: 'dev', options: { named_map: { name: 'testing', params: { color: 'red' } } } }).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(layer.toJSON()).toEqual({ color: 'red' }); done(); }, 100); }); it("should use access_token", function(done) { cartodb.createLayer(map, { type: 'namedmap', user_name: 'dev', options: { named_map: { name: 'testing', params: { color: 'red' } } } }, { https: true, auth_token: 'at_rambo' }).done(function(layer) { spyOn(layer, 'createMap').and.returnValue({ layergroupid: 'test', metadata: { layers: [] } }) layer.getTiles(function(tiles) { expect(tiles.tiles[0].indexOf("auth_token=at_rambo")).not.toEqual(-1); }); done(); }); }); it("should create a layer from the list of sublayers", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { type: 'cartodb', sublayers: [{ sql: 'select * from table', cartocss: 'test', interactivity: 'testi' }] }).done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(layer.toJSON()).toEqual({ version: '1.3.0', stat_tag: 'API', layers: [{ type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: 'select * from table', cartocss: 'test', cartocss_version: '2.1.0', interactivity: ['testi'] } }] }); done(); }, 100); }); it("should return a promise that responds to addTo", function(done) { var layer; cartodb.createLayer(map, { type: 'cartodb', sublayers: [{ sql: 'select * from table', cartocss: 'test', interactivity: 'testi' }] }) .addTo(map) .done(function(lyr) { layer = lyr; }); setTimeout(function() { expect(layer).not.toEqual(undefined); if(map.overlayMapTypes) { expect(layer).toBe(map.overlayMapTypes.getAt(0)); } else { expect(layer).toBe(map._layers[L.stamp(layer)]); } done(); }, 100); }); it("should have several 'addTo' with zIndex set", function(done) { var layer0, layer1; cartodb.createLayer(map, { type: 'cartodb', sublayers: [{ sql: 'select * from table', cartocss: 'test', interactivity: 'testi' }] }) .addTo(map,0) .done(function(lyr) { layer0 = lyr; }); cartodb.createLayer(map, { type: 'cartodb', sublayers: [{ sql: 'select * from table2', cartocss: 'test2', interactivity: 'testii' }] }) .addTo(map,1) .done(function(lyr) { layer1 = lyr; }); setTimeout(function() { //Test only for Leaflet if(map.overlayMapTypes === undefined) { expect(layer0).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(layer0.options.zIndex).toEqual(0); expect(layer1).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(layer1.options.zIndex).toEqual(1); } done(); }, 100); }); }); } });