var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var QueryRowModel = require('./query-row-model'); var TYPES_POINT = 'point'; var TYPES_LINE = 'line'; var TYPES_POLYGON = 'polygon'; var GEOJSON_TO_FEATURE_TYPE = { Point: TYPES_POINT, MultiPoint: TYPES_POINT, LineString: TYPES_LINE, MultiLineString: TYPES_LINE, Polygon: TYPES_POLYGON, MultiPolygon: TYPES_POLYGON }; var convertGeoJSONTypeToFeatureType = function (the_geom) { var geoJSON = null; try { geoJSON = JSON.parse(the_geom); } catch (err) { // if the geom is not a valid json value } var geometryType = geoJSON && geoJSON.type; var featureType = GEOJSON_TO_FEATURE_TYPE[geometryType]; if (!featureType) { throw new Error("unsupported geometry type: '" + geometryType + "'"); } return featureType; }; var BLACKLISTED_COLUMNS = ['cartodb_id', 'created_at', 'the_geom_webmercator', 'updated_at']; var FeatureDefinitionModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ initialize: function (attrs, options) { if (!options.configModel) throw new Error('configModel is required'); if (!options.layerDefinitionModel) throw new Error('layerDefinitionModel is required'); if (!options.userModel) throw new Error('userModel is required'); this._configModel = options.configModel; this._layerDefinitionModel = options.layerDefinitionModel; this._userModel = options.userModel; this._featureType = options.featureType; this._firstNode = this._getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel(); this._changesHistory = []; if (this._firstNode.isSourceType()) { this._tableNodeModel = this._firstNode.getTableModel(); } this._onChange = _.debounce(this._onChange.bind(this), 500); if (this.isNew()) { // Bind change event in order to "store" all changed columns after creation this._bindChangeEvent(); } }, isNew: function () { return !this.has('cartodb_id'); }, isPoint: function () { return this._isType(TYPES_POINT); }, isPolygon: function () { return this._isType(TYPES_POLYGON); }, isLine: function () { return this._isType(TYPES_LINE); }, _isType: function (type) { return this._getType() === type; }, isEditable: function () { var analysisDefinitionModel = this._getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel(); return !analysisDefinitionModel.isReadOnly(); }, _getPermissionModel: function () { return this._tableNodeModel && this._tableNodeModel.getPermissionModel(); }, isReadOnly: function () { return this._tableNodeModel && this._tableNodeModel.isReadOnly(this._userModel); }, hasAnalyses: function () { return this._layerDefinitionModel.hasAnalyses(); }, isCustomQueryApplied: function () { var analysisDefinitionModel = this._getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel(); return analysisDefinitionModel.isCustomQueryApplied(); }, _getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel: function () { return this._layerDefinitionModel.getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel(); }, isEqual: function (featureDefinition) { return this.get('cartodb_id') === featureDefinition.get('cartodb_id') && this.getLayerId() === featureDefinition.getLayerId(); }, getLayerId: function () { return; }, getLayerDefinition: function () { return this._layerDefinitionModel; }, _cleanChangesHistory: function () { this._changesHistory = []; }, _bindChangeEvent: function () { this.on('change', this._onChange, this); }, _unbindChangeEvent: function () {'change', this._onChange, this); }, _onChange: function () { _.each(this.changed, function (value, key) { if (!_.contains(this._changesHistory, key)) { this._changesHistory.push(key); } }, this); }, hasBeenChangedAfterLastSaved: function (key) { return _.contains(this._changesHistory, key); }, getFeatureType: function () { if (this.isPoint()) { return 'point'; } if (this.isLine()) { return 'line'; } if (this.isPolygon()) { return 'polygon'; } }, fetch: function (options) { options = options || {}; this._unbindChangeEvent(); this._getQueryRowModel().fetch({ success: function (data) { this.set(data.toJSON()); // Bind change event in order to "store" all changed columns after starting edition this._bindChangeEvent(); options.success && options.success(); }.bind(this) }); }, save: function (options) { options = options || {}; var columns = this._layerDefinitionModel.getColumnNamesFromSchema(); var attrs = _.pick(this.toJSON(), _.difference(columns, BLACKLISTED_COLUMNS)); this._getQueryRowModel().save(attrs, { success: function (queryRowModel) { if (this.isNew()) { this.set('cartodb_id', queryRowModel.get('cartodb_id')); } this.trigger('save', this, options); options.success && options.success(); this._cleanChangesHistory(); }.bind(this), error: function () { options.error && options.error(); } }); }, destroy: function (options) { options = options || {}; this._getQueryRowModel().destroy({ success: function () { this.trigger('remove', this, options); options.success && options.success(); }.bind(this), error: function () { options.error && options.error(); } }); }, _getQueryRowModel: function () { var attrs = {}; if (this.has('cartodb_id')) { attrs.cartodb_id = this.get('cartodb_id'); } this._queryRowModel = this._queryRowModel || new QueryRowModel(attrs, { tableName: this._layerDefinitionModel.getTableName(), configModel: this._configModel, permissionModel: this._getPermissionModel(), userModel: this._userModel }); return this._queryRowModel; }, _getType: function () { var the_geom = this.get('the_geom'); var type = the_geom && convertGeoJSONTypeToFeatureType(the_geom) || this._featureType; return type; } }); module.exports = FeatureDefinitionModel;